
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蕎麦きりさいとう

住所 :

Komuro, Ina, Kitaadachi District, 〒362-0806 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://www.soba-kiri.com/
街 : Saitama

Komuro, Ina, Kitaadachi District, 〒362-0806 Saitama,Japan
Kりゅうちゃん on Google

店内は明るくきれいでお蕎麦も美味しいけど お手拭き無し 食後の布巾も無し
The inside of the shop is bright and clean, and the soba is delicious, but there is no hand towel and no cloth after meals.
松本光男 on Google

四角い井桁蕎麦ざるで上品に、小さな猪口で蕎麦をすする 更科ほど細くも白くも無いが、行儀の良さから更科っぽく感じる。約1時間を過ぎて通され、十割蕎麦を頼むも、本日は品切れと、せいろなど蕎麦が出るまでにまたしばし待つ。 メニューに『時間が掛かります』と書かれた卵4個使った卵焼き800円強が 一番最初に出て来て、たっぷり出汁の効いたジューシーな卵焼きを4人でひと切れづつ味わう。瞬間的に空いた皿を眺めつつ 本日の予定のづれ込みを考えつつしばし待つ。蕎麦が出て来てアラかわいい 食べ盛りの中学生は三口四口で食べ終え『卵焼き食べたい。』頼むも『他のお客さんのに取り掛かってるからその後になりますよ!』と言われ『あっ、じゃ結構です。』蕎麦湯は濃くて良いが 店外に行列がある時はまずより着くまい。おそらく2度とはより着くまい。
Soba is elegantly made with a square girder soba colander, and it is not as thin or white as Sarashina, but it feels like Sarashina because of its good manners. After about an hour, I asked for 100% buckwheat noodles, but today I'm out of stock and I'll wait for a while until the buckwheat noodles such as bamboo steamer come out. A little over 800 yen for omelet using 4 eggs with the word "It will take time" on the menu comes out first, and 4 people can taste the juicy omelet with plenty of soup stock. While looking at the empty plate momentarily, wait for a while while thinking about today's schedule. Soba came out and it was cute. The junior high school students who were in the middle of eating finished eating with three mouths and four mouths and said, "I want to eat omelet. "I asked, but he said," I'm working on another customer, so it will be after that! "," Oh, that's fine. 』\ Soba hot water may be thick, but when there is a line outside the store, it will not arrive first. Probably never will arrive again.
kanji nishida on Google

たまたま見かけたお店でしたが 大当たりでした 蕎麦も天ぷらも良かった おかわりの蕎麦もきちんと食べ具合を見計らって きちんと茹でたてを出して頂くタイミング 接客の女性(奥様でしょうか)の気遣いと物腰が 近頃稀に見る気持ちの良さでございました 穴子天が人気らしく この日の穴子がいつもより小さいのでと値引きもしてもらった たまたま来た客にはそんな事もわかりはしないのに 正直なご商売をされています 心もお腹も満足でした
It was a shop that I happened to see It was a big hit Both soba and tempura were good Make sure to eat the soba noodles as a refill. Timing to have freshly boiled properly The care and demeanor of the female customer service (maybe your wife) It was a pleasant feeling to see rarely these days. Conger eel seems to be popular I got a discount because the conger eel on this day was smaller than usual Even though the customers who happened to come do not know such things Have an honest business I was satisfied with my heart and stomach
昌洋 on Google

近くを通る度に気になっていた、こちらのお店に初めて伺いました。 お昼前に着いたのですが、もう駐車場が一杯で、自分が入店した後は少しお待ちのお客さんが出る程で、人気店なんだなと思いました。 メニューはランチのかやくご飯(五穀米)セットを選びました。 10分程待ってお腹が空いてきた頃、お料理が運ばれてきました。 蕎麦は細切りで、柔らかな食感で味も香りも良い感じでした。 自分としては少しつゆが濃い目で、量が少なめだな…と思いました。 (蕎麦湯をもっと頂きたかった) ランチで付いてきたのは、キュウリのおしんこと、油揚げともやしのおひたしと、デザートの胡麻豆腐?で、いづれも美味しく頂けました。 初めてなので目に付いたランチセットを頼みましたが、大半のお客さんが十割蕎麦と何かを頼んでおり、自分も次回はそちらを試してみたいと思いました。 店名のそばきり、が何のことなのかも謎だったので、いつか知りたいです。
I visited this shop for the first time, which I was curious about every time I passed nearby. I arrived before noon, but the parking lot was already full, and after I entered the store, there were a few customers waiting for me, so I thought it was a popular store. For the menu, I chose the lunch set of Kayaku rice (five-grain rice). When I was hungry after waiting for about 10 minutes, the food was delivered. The buckwheat was shredded and had a soft texture with a good taste and aroma. For me, the soup is a little dark and the amount is small. (I wanted more soba hot water) What came with lunch was cucumber oshin, fried tofu and bean sprouts, and dessert sesame tofu? And all of them were delicious. Since this was my first time, I ordered a lunch set that I noticed, but most of the customers asked for 100% soba and something, and I wanted to try it next time. It was a mystery what the store name was, so I would like to know someday.
tak mor (chack) on Google

隣町を以前通った時に見つけた美味しそうなお蕎麦屋さん。 いつも混んでいたので、少し時間をずらして行ってみました。 十割そばと穴子せいろを頼みました。 美味しかったですが、個人的にはもう少し蕎麦の風味を感じられる方が好みでした(十割蕎麦) 天ぷらはとてもサクサクと薄くしっかりとした衣で、穴子は本当にフワフワ!これは美味い!ぜひ食べてみて欲しいです。
A delicious soba restaurant I found when I passed through the neighboring town before. It was always crowded, so I went a little later. I ordered 100% buckwheat noodles and conger eel steamer. It was delicious, but I personally preferred to feel the flavor of soba a little more (100% soba). The tempura is very crispy, thin and firm, and the conger eel is really fluffy! This is delicious! I definitely want you to try it.
Mリン on Google

重い扉、分厚いテーブル、重い椅子と無垢の木で出来たしつらいです 休日だったためか13時ころにはオーダーストップでギリギリ間に合いました 名前を書いて待ちますが、座席に着いても少し待ちました 穴子天付きの盛り蕎麦を注文しました 肉厚の穴子天は塩で頂くとさっぱりしてます その骨の天ぷらはカリカリしていてとても美味しい!あと野菜天が3点付いてます 天つゆは少し薄いと感じました 蕎麦は腰があり、つゆはドロドロの蕎麦湯で延ばして美味しくいただけました ちょうど交差点に店舗があるので駐車場は店の前、横、裏にありますが、出し入れしづらいので注意が必要です
It's hard made of heavy doors, thick tables, heavy chairs and solid wood. Maybe because it was a holiday, I was just in time for the order stop around 13:00. I will write my name and wait, but I waited for a while when I got to my seat I ordered Morisoba with conger eel The thick conger eel tempura is refreshing when served with salt. The bone tempura is crispy and very delicious! There are also 3 vegetable heavens I felt that the tempura was a little thin The soba was chewy, and the soup was deliciously spread with muddy soba hot water. There is a store at the intersection, so there are parking lots in front of, next to, and behind the store, but be careful as it is difficult to get in and out.
峰岸信也 on Google

? It's said that it uses buckwheat noodles from Otoineppu, so I went there. There is a noodle making room in the store, and there is an electric millstone in front. There was soba and flavor, but the color was not black because it was mixed with udon flour. It's a great deal with five-grain rice, pickles, and sesame tofu. After all, the customer service of the clerk is good. It seems that you can change it to 100% soba with a plus, but I chose Otoineppu soba here.
高橋直樹 on Google

A soba restaurant with a fashionable appearance. The interior is also wood-grained and has a calm atmosphere. This time I ordered a conger eel bamboo steamer (1600 yen). The holes are thick and satisfying to eat, and they come with vegetable tempura. All are crispy and delicious. I didn't like the soba because it had a Sarashina-style thin noodles and the soy sauce had a strong soy sauce. I wonder if Momoya's soba soup is more delicious.

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