お料理 とみやま

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お料理 とみやま

住所 :

Komachi, Kamakura, 〒248-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://www.tomiyama-kamakura-komachi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Komachi, Kamakura, 〒248-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
神あづ。 on Google

It was quietly in the back of the second floor of the building, but the sashimi platter and yuba bowl were all delicious, but the most notable one is the fried astringent chestnuts. It was so sweet that I had never eaten it before.
酔いどれ酎すけ on Google

小町通りの脇に入った、小道にひっそり佇むお店です。店内も料理も上品な雰囲気ですが、比較的リーズナブルに楽しめます。大きなお店ではないので、人数は4人までくらいがオススメです。お料理が大変美味しく、鎌倉ビールや日本酒も楽しめます。締めにジャコおにぎりがオススメです。 instagram/twitterで酎すけの酔いどれ放浪記連載しています。
It is a shop that stands quietly on a path, which is on the side of Komachi Street. The restaurant and food have an elegant atmosphere, but you can enjoy it at a relatively reasonable price. It's not a big shop, so we recommend up to 4 people. The food is very delicious and you can enjoy Kamakura beer and sake. Jaco rice balls are recommended for closing. Instagram / twitter is serialized in the wandering record of Yoidore Hourouki.
ジャッキー社長 on Google

鶴岡八幡宮近くの名物釜揚げシラス丼 鎌倉駅から徒歩3分、 日本料理の百名店 「お料理 とみやま」を訪問。 土曜の11時25分頃到着のところ待ち人無し。 すんなり入店できました。 名物の 釜揚げしらす丼御膳 1,380円を注文。 お椀、小鉢、デザートのセットです。 15分くらいかかって着丼。 しらす丼は半分岩のりで海の香りたっぷりです。 しらすと岩海苔の塩気でご飯が進みます。 大葉がサッパリと丼を食べさせてくれます。 醤油は要らないですね。 小鉢はおからと胡麻豆腐、 デザートの黒蜜プリン含めて 最後まで美味しく頂きました。
A famous pot-fried silas bowl near Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 3 minutes walk from Kamakura station 100 famous Japanese restaurants Visit "Cooking Tomiyama". There was no waiting person when I arrived at around 11:25 on Saturday. I was able to enter the store smoothly. Specialty I ordered a set of fried rice bowl for 1,380 yen. A set of bowl, small bowl and dessert. It took about 15 minutes to put on the bowl. Shirasu-don is half rock glue and has a lot of sea scent. When shirasu, the saltiness of Iwanori makes the rice go. The perilla leaves make you eat a refreshing bowl. You don't need soy sauce. Small bowl is okara and sesame tofu, Including dessert black honey pudding It was delicious until the end.
kuwaeru tada on Google

ビルの2階にある小料理屋さん。 席を予約して夜に伺い、おすすめの料理と日本酒を注文しました。 まず、ミョウガのおひたしが美味。食感も良く、箸が進みました。 胡麻豆腐は箸で持ち上げられる固さに作られています。生麩の食感に近いかも。 添えられた海苔の佃煮?の新鮮な海苔の香りがまた良かったです。 刺身はそれぞれひと仕事加えられていました。 太刀魚は炙られて香ばしく、鰹にはカラシが、鯨には生姜とネギが予め乗っていて、食べやすい。 全体的に盛り付けが丁寧で、嬉しくなります。 太刀魚の天ぷらとじゃこおにぎりも美味しくて大満足でした。 接客してもらった女性店員さんも感じが良く、楽しい時間が過ごせました。 この日は予約で満席だったようなので、混みそうな日は予約した方がいいのかもしれません。
A small restaurant on the 2nd floor of the building. I reserved a seat and visited at night to order recommended food and sake. First of all, the ginger is delicious. The texture was good and the chopsticks advanced. Sesame tofu is made to be firm enough to be lifted with chopsticks. It may be close to the texture of raw fu. Tsukudani of seaweed attached? The scent of fresh seaweed was also good. Each sashimi had one additional job. Hairtail is roasted and fragrant, with mustard on bonito and ginger and green onion on whale, making it easy to eat. Overall, the arrangement is polite and makes me happy. The cutlass fish tempura and jako rice balls were also delicious and I was very satisfied. The female clerk who served the customer also felt good and had a good time. It seems that the reservation was full on this day, so it may be better to make a reservation on a busy day.
gasa “ぶーすか2号” tomo on Google

delicious! !! Anyway, it ’s delicious! It is a hideaway shop in Kamakura. Although the number of seats is small, you can eat quietly and calmly. The persimmon with white sauce and sesame tofu were excellent. I don't want to tell you what I really mean ?
ちほ on Google

平日のお昼12時頃にお伺いしましたー! 建物二階にあがってドアを開けると 既にほぼ満席状態。 靴を脱いで上がる形式でしたが 入っていいのかな?とそわそわ厨房にいた お二人を見てお声掛けしようと思っていたら 気付いて頂いたけれど特に反応無しで…笑 きっと昼の混雑タイムでお忙しいんだと思います 完全に無言だったので… もしやちょっと入るなら入れ。帰るなら帰れ的な 怖いお店なのかなと少しドキドキしていましたが 空いているカウンター席に そろりそろりと座ってメニュー眺めてたら お水を出して頂けたので 受け入れてもらえた、と少し一安心。 今回はランチメニューで ★ねぎろと・かき揚げしらすの2食丼御膳 1480円 こちらを頂きましたー!! ランチメニューには 丼、お椀、小鉢、デザートなど 全6品セットになっていてとてもお得感たっぷり! 注文して約15分程ほどで出てきました。 とてもフォトジェニックで可愛い! 胡麻豆腐の上にカラフルに散りばめられていて可愛い。 胡麻豆腐はとにかくもっちりもちもちで 食べ応えあって美味しい! ねぎとろとしらす丼は本当に絶品!! とても細かく繊細なしらす。 ネギトロも味がまとまっているし 絶妙な柔らかさのバランスも抜群。 細かく刻まれているノリも 邪魔しすぎる事なく良いアクセント。 そして香り高い大葉との相性も抜群!! お味噌汁も美味しい丼が更に染み渡る様な美味しさで ほっこり。 更にデザートのインパクト!! 可愛い透明な卵の容器に入っているプリン。 ものすごく可愛いー!! そしてコクがあって濃厚で絶品!! お昼のお会計は現金のみとの事でした。 久々にすごい美味しいランチを食べたって感じでした。 大満足です!! ご馳走さまでしたー!!
I visited around 12:00 noon on weekdays! When you go up to the second floor of the building and open the door Already almost full. It was a form of taking off your shoes and going up Is it okay to enter? I was in the kitchen If you were thinking of looking at them and talking to them You noticed it, but there was no particular reaction ... lol I'm sure you're busy during the busy hours of the day It was completely silent ... If you want to enter a little, put it in. If you go home I was a little nervous as if it was a scary shop At the vacant counter seat If you sit down and look at the menu Because you gave me water I was a little relieved that it was accepted. This time on the lunch menu ★ Negiro and Kakiage Shirasu 2 meal bowl set 1480 yen I got this! !! On the lunch menu Bowls, bowls, small bowls, desserts, etc. It's a set of 6 items, so it's a great deal! I ordered it and it came out in about 15 minutes. Very photogenic and cute! It's cute because it's colorfully studded on top of sesame tofu. The sesame tofu is chewy and chewy. It's delicious to eat! The Negitoro and Shirasu bowl is truly exquisite! !! Very fine and delicate. Negitoro also has a good taste Excellent balance of exquisite softness. Finely chopped glue Good accent without getting in the way too much. And it goes great with the fragrant large leaves! !! The miso soup is so delicious that the delicious bowl is even more permeated. Unwind. Further impact of dessert! !! A pudding in a cute transparent egg container. It's so cute! !! And it is rich, rich and exquisite! !! It was said that the payment for lunch was only cash. I felt like I had a really delicious lunch after a long time. I'm very satisfied! !! Thank you for your treat! !!
Benjamin Gent on Google

Great find!
Kazu Tommy on Google

Tasty and good atmosphere. Visited with my family inc. 2 boys and they loved the Shirasu fish Donburi. Check wood fish tank at the entrance, Great Japanese crafts.

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