鷲羽窯 陶芸体験工房

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鷲羽窯 陶芸体験工房

住所 :

Kojimaakasaki, Kurashiki, 〒711-0931 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Webサイト : http://www.wasyugama.com/
街 : Okayama

Kojimaakasaki, Kurashiki, 〒711-0931 Okayama,Japan
アットマークすすむ on Google

隣接のレストランを訪れた時に見学させて頂きました!! 素晴らしい備前焼が沢山展示販売されていました^^
I visited the restaurant next door! ! Many wonderful Bizen ware were on display and sold ^^
井上義弘 on Google

Attracted by Mr. Ogasa's personality, it is a fun classroom where not only pottery but also the community spreads.
難波孝作 on Google

誕生日の記念にお邪魔しました。初めての ろくろでしたがとても楽しかったです。素敵なお皿が出来ました。焼き上がりがスゴく楽しみです。 お庭も景色も綺麗です。今度はカフェにもお邪魔したいと思います。 紫陽花も根付くように試してみます♪ありがとうございました。
I went to commemorate my birthday. It was my first potter's wheel, but it was very fun. A nice dish is ready. I am looking forward to the baking. The garden and the scenery are beautiful. Next time I would like to visit the cafe. I will try to take root of hydrangea ♪ Thank you.
さぁ on Google

めっちゃ良かったです。陶芸も楽しかった? 感じのいい先生でした。
It was very good. The pottery was also fun It was a nice teacher.
きび on Google

当日の予約で快く体験をさせて頂きました。 鷲羽山で本格窯元がある事にもオドロキました。 念願の!初めての!電動ろくろを使用した作品作りは、難しくもあり、土の感触を感じながらの楽しい時間でした。丁寧で優しい先生の指導のお陰で気に入った作品が出来ました。 郵送された作品は、毎日のように使っています!是非また伺いたいです!
I was happy to experience it by making a reservation on the day. I was also surprised that there was a full-scale kiln in Washuzan. Long-sought! first! Making a work using an electric potter's wheel was difficult, and it was a fun time while feeling the feel of the soil. Thanks to the polite and gentle teacher's guidance, I made a work I like. I use the mailed works almost every day! I would love to visit you again!
雨宮祐一 on Google

車1台がやっと通れる坂道をナビ任せで上っていくと、手作りの案内板で【パーキング】の文字(英語)発見!なぜに英語?と思って確認したら、なるほど!と頷けた(^^;))) ちなみに、この案内板は鷲羽窯と、隣のかわいいレストランと一緒のものですね。 町中でランチした後で寄ったので、次回はこの店にランチにも来てみよう。 岡山の焼き物と言えば備前焼でしょう?と納得して来たわけだが、ここに備前焼の窯が?ってお得感いっぱいの気持ちでお邪魔しました。 ご自由にどうぞ!と書かれていたので、気軽に入っていくと、女性が声をかけてきた。 陶器の職人さんですね!丁寧に案内してもらい、またまたお得感いっぱいでした。 天井も床も板張りの展示室には、個性溢れる顔をした備前焼が、ところ狭しと並んでました。箸置きやペンダントの小物にはじまり、茶碗(飯碗)や湯呑みに皿の類も、さらに切り花を生ける花器(花瓶、一輪挿し)も全て、土のぬくもりを感じる素晴らしい作品でした。 お土産に一輪挿しを買いました! 辺りはまだ冬景色、春には木立に囲まれた工房は、また違う景色を見せてくれるのでしょう!ここでは、陶芸体験、陶芸教室も行われてますよ(ウェブページより) 楽しい時間をありがとうございました。
When I went up the slope where one car can finally pass, I found the word [Parking] (English) with a handmade information board! Why in english? I thought and confirmed, I see! And nodded (^^;))) By the way, this information board is the same as the Washu kiln and the cute restaurant next door. I stopped by after lunch in the town, so next time I'll come to this restaurant for lunch. Speaking of Okayama pottery, it's Bizen ware, right? I was convinced, but here is the Bizen ware kiln? It was a great deal for me to visit. As you want! As it was written, when I walked in, a woman called out. A pottery craftsman! I was kindly guided and it was a great deal again. Bizen ware with a unique face was lined up in a narrow space in the exhibition room with a ceiling and floor. Beginning with small items such as chopstick rests and pendants, rice bowls, cups and plates, and vase for cutting flowers (vase, vase) were all wonderful works that felt the warmth of the soil. I bought a vase for a souvenir! The surrounding area is still winter, and in the spring, the workshop surrounded by trees will give you a different view! Here you can also experience pottery and pottery classes (from the web page). Thank you for a good time.
Robin Hartmann on Google

Caring and friendly host. Great bizen work. Wonderfull area and a great pottery throwing experience. We will come again!
cmg on Google

Wasyugama consists of a "Bizen" gallery, workshop (studio) and accommodation (AirB&B) located in Kurashiki. Bizen, one of Japan's oldest forms of pottery, has been traced back to 1000th century. The accommodation is roomy, clean, comfortable and is surrounded by Japanese woodland. There are two rooms (a total of four beds, sheets, pillows, etc.), a kitchen (hot plate, refrigerator, microwave, cooking equipment, cutlery, etc.), a shower and toilet, washing machine and dryer. The Hütte restaurant is adjacent the Gallery and workshop, unfortunately it was closed during our brief visit (3 days). Highly recommended!

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