Kohnan PRO Shin-Komaki Powers - Komaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohnan PRO Shin-Komaki Powers

住所 :

Mamahara Shinden, Komaki, 〒485-0016 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 485-0016
Webサイト : https://map.hc-kohnan.com/shop/482
街 : Aichi

Mamahara Shinden, Komaki, 〒485-0016 Aichi,Japan
なお on Google

コーナンが近くなった〰️と 出掛けましたが、スペースが中規模なので、残念ながら、私の必要な物は全く揃わず・・・ アイテムが少ないので、ホームセンターよりもましな、PROだと思って、出掛けて下さい。 結局、いつものコーナンPROへ移動 パートさんの知識、クオリティーが 他店とは違い、お姉さまでも、詳しくて解りやすい! 全ての商品購入完了!
With Kohnan getting closer 〰️ I went out, but unfortunately I didn't have everything I needed because the space was medium ... Since there are few items, please think that it is a PRO, which is better than a home improvement store, and go out. After all, I moved to the usual Kohnan PRO Part's knowledge and quality Unlike other stores, even older sisters are detailed and easy to understand! All product purchases completed!
yareyare 1205 on Google

The parking lot is always vacant, and I don't think there is any excess or deficiency unless the product lineup is "special craftsman". However, for some reason, it's a shop that mysteriously doesn't go. I always go to the company's Komaki store (next to Max Value) and Kai 〇〇, which are a little far away. Really mysterious.
天野衛 on Google

何時もお客が少ない、買うものがはっきりしていたら短時間で終わるので良いと思う。 植物は早めに割引するので狙い目ではないのかな。
I think it's good if there are always few customers and if you know what to buy, it will be finished in a short time. I think it's not the aim because the plants are discounted early.
MyuMyu on Google

ここの店員さんはいつでも皆さん対応がいいです。 レジの女性もどの人でも感じが良く、毎回かごにいっぱい買い 物するのですが必ず台まで運んでくれます。 品揃えも他の店にないものが置いてあります。
The clerk here is always happy to help. Every woman at the cash register feels good and buys a lot in the basket every time. I do things, but they always carry them to the table. There is also an assortment of items that other stores do not have.
T on Google

折り畳みベッドを購入した所、店員さんが車に載せるのをヘルプしましょうか?と自らおっしゃって頂き助かりました。 他のホームセンターだと無いようなサービスだと思いました。
Where you bought the folding bed, would you like to help the clerk put it in your car? Thank you for telling me. I thought it was a service that other home improvement stores wouldn't have.
水谷好恵 on Google

久しぶりに寄らせて貰いました。 仕事で使うシザーケース(美容師さんや看護師さんが使っている腰に着けるポーチ)が豊富にあります。 今度、ゆっくり寄らせて貰おうと思います。
I had you stop by for the first time in a long time. There are plenty of scissor cases (pouches used by beauticians and nurses that can be worn on the waist) used at work. Next time, I'd like you to come slowly.
吉田典生 on Google

価格、品揃えはまずまずかな? 目的をもってお買い物には便利 店員さんも親切でした。 LINEの友達登録で割引がありました。
Is the price and assortment reasonable? Convenient for shopping with a purpose The clerk was also kind. There was a discount when I registered as a friend on LINE.
いの on Google

プロ?通常店っぽい感じです。 棚の並び順、レイアウトがおかしいと感じました。どこに何があるのかわかりにくい。探しにくい。他店に比べて、通路も狭い。吊り看板が見難い。
Professional? It feels like a regular store. I felt that the order of the shelves and the layout were strange. It's hard to tell where and what is. Hard to find. The passage is narrower than other stores. The hanging sign is hard to see.

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