
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 粉浜商店街振興組合

住所 :

Kohama, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0001 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.kohama-shoutengai.com/
街 : Osaka

Kohama, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0001 Osaka,Japan
なななななな on Google

住吉大社から玉出駅に抜けるまでの道にお店がたくさんあります。(商店街をぬけた道のお店も含めの口コミです。) 好きなお店はたくさんあります。 文房具屋さん、お茶屋さん、おとうふ屋さん、練り物屋さん、居酒屋さん、和菓子屋さん、ほかにも。 でも、なかには、押し売りする惣菜屋さんや、損得でしか商品について語らないお店もあります。 常連さんじゃない若者には高圧的な態度のお肉屋さんもありました。 こちらに来られる方は、素敵なお店を見つけて、楽しんで欲しいなと思います。
There are many shops on the road from Sumiyoshi Taisha to Tamade Station. (It is a word of mouth including the shops on the road through the shopping street.) I have a lot of favorite shops. Stationery shop, tea shop, tofu shop, kneading shop, izakaya, Japanese sweets shop, and more. However, there are some side dish shops that sell for sale and shops that only talk about products for profit or loss. There was also a butcher with a high-pressure attitude among young people who were not regulars. If you can come here, I would like you to find a nice shop and enjoy it.
坂本静子 on Google

Shutters are conspicuous in the shopping district these days. This is the same as in the past, but there are many shops that are doing their best. A butcher shop, a fish shop, a tea shop, etc., recently opened a shop called Mr. Fujigo who sharpens knives. That said, it's only available for two days, Friday and Saturday, but please go and sharpen your knife once. I recommend it.
脇裕子 on Google

There are still many shops that have been around for about 50 years, and it seems that there are also shops such as fish stores, greengrocers, butchers, etc. that parents and children of the third generation also go to. You can experience a time-slip to the Showa generation, so please come and visit us.
on Google

住吉駅から粉浜駅まで 昔ながらの商店街で 楽しい商店街ですが、狭い道を自転車が走るのが 残念です。
From Sumiyoshi Station to Kohama Station It's a fun shopping street in the old-fashioned shopping street, but it's a pity that bicycles run on narrow roads.
hatayan K on Google

住吉大社の近くにあり、南海電車の沿線沿いにある商店街。 昭和っぽさがここかしこに漂う、懐かしくて活気を感じさせる場所です。
A shopping street near Sumiyoshi Taisha and along the Nankai train line. It is a nostalgic and lively place where the Showa era drifts here and there.
サザンステート on Google

粉浜から住吉大社まで続く昔懐かしい雰囲気のアーケードの商店街です。 地方都市の商店街はシャッター通りに変貌した壊滅状態の所が多いですが、ここは元気です。八百屋から飲食店まで百貨店以上に揃っています。 さらに大坂名物と言っても良いぐらい増加中の、接骨院もたくさんあります。営業時間も早朝から深夜まで、更には土日営業の店舗もあるので、接骨院への通院は便利です。 さらにこの商店街は住吉大社から大和川を超え、堺市の綾之町まで繋がっています。残念ながら一部は普通の道路になっていますが、古き良き時代の商店街を感じながらの散歩も面白いかもしょれません。
It is an arcade shopping street with a nostalgic atmosphere that extends from Kohama to Sumiyoshi Taisha. Many of the shopping streets in local cities have been transformed into Shutter Street, but it is fine here. There are more than department stores from greengrocers to restaurants. Furthermore, there are many bone-setting clinics, which are increasing in number and can be called Osaka's specialty. Business hours are open from early morning to late night, and there are even shops open on Saturdays and Sundays, so it is convenient to visit the osteopathic clinic. Furthermore, this shopping street is connected from Sumiyoshi Taisha to the Yamato River and Ayano-cho in Sakai City. Unfortunately, some of the roads are ordinary roads, but it may be interesting to take a walk while feeling the shopping streets of the good old days.
K K on Google

昔と比較すると店舗は減ってますが、生鮮食品や衣料品や生活用品などの店舗が充実してます。 端から端まで歩いてるだけでも楽しめますよ。 テイクアウトでは内山のコロッケ、キャベツハウスのお好み焼き・たこ焼き・焼きそば・回転焼きがオススメです。
Compared to the past, the number of stores has decreased, but there are more stores such as fresh food, clothing, and daily necessities. You can enjoy it just by walking from one end to the other. For takeout, we recommend Uchiyama's croquette, cabbage house okonomiyaki, takoyaki, yakisoba, and rotary grill.
o t on Google

つい先日通りを往復してみました。 昔ながらのお店に多かったのですが、食べ物を扱うお店なのに堂々とマスクをしていない(又は鼻マスク)店主や店員のお店が何軒もあり、またタバコを吸いながら食品を扱っている店員も見掛け、買う気が失せました。

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