Kobakkunaraten - Nara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kobakkunaraten

住所 :

1 Chome-6-10 Kitanosho Nishimachi, Nara, 630-8452, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 630-8452
Webサイト : http://www.kobac-nara.jp/s/

1 Chome-6-10 Kitanosho Nishimachi, Nara, 630-8452, Japan
mucc 584 on Google

At the time of vehicle inspection, unlike the major companies, the flexibility is somewhat high.
sento503 on Google

車検から帰って来たらアンテナが折れてました。納得が行かないので、連絡すると元々折れていたの一点張り?泣き寝入りです。もう二度と利用しません。 車を2台所有しており、約10年間毎年預けていましたが、今回の事で、何をされていたのか全く信頼出来なくなりました。
The antenna was broken when I came back from the car inspection. As I am not convinced, when I contact you, I am single-pointed, who was originally broken, and weeping. I will not use it again. I owned two cars and kept it for about 10 years, but now I can not trust what I was doing at all.
kayo taka on Google

Not only vehicle inspection, but also normal maintenance, battery and oil change are possible. It's a conscientious amount, but there is no strange push. It is convenient to apply for vehicle inspection from the Internet.
Makoto on Google

何年も利用してきましたが、今回は私が身体を壊した為 店に行けず近所の車屋さんに取りに来て貰って車検をしました。今度はいつも親切で丁寧なコバックさんにお願いします、それぐらいのお店です。
I've been using it for many years, but this time I couldn't go to the store because I had broken my body, so I had a car dealer in the neighborhood pick me up and inspect it. This time, I always ask Mr. Kovac, who is kind and polite, that's about it.
しんじほにゃらら on Google

もう20年来、4台の車検でお世話になってます。 きっかけは20数年前、大阪で買ったBMWをどこで車検受けるか迷った時に、当時はまだ外車の車検や整備をどこでもやってない時代で「外車車検OK」の看板にひかれてお願いしました。 お金をかけずに安く車検を受ける方法や場所は有るけど、車の事を考えると、交換するものは交換しないと車の寿命に関わるので、適切な提案くれるここはパートナーとしては安心してお願いできる整備工場です。
For 20 years now, I have been indebted to four vehicle inspections. Twenty years ago, when I was wondering where to take the BMW I bought in Osaka, I was struck by the "Foreign car inspection OK" sign in an era when I hadn't done any foreign car inspection or maintenance. There are ways and places to get a cheap car inspection without spending money, but considering the car, if you do not replace the one you want to replace, it will affect the life of the car, so you can ask for an appropriate proposal here as a partner with confidence. It is a maintenance shop.
中村麻由美 on Google

Thank you for your help in the car inspection. It was a quick and polite response. I would like to ask you again next time.
54 まさ (‪まさ‬) on Google

We are indebted to you for the inspection, inspection and repair of the company's automobiles.
Ayrat Bashkort on Google

Excellent service. Loved it.

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