Kobac Okazaki Hane - Okazaki

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kobac Okazaki Hane

住所 :

Hanecho, Okazaki, 〒444-0813 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 444-0813
Webサイト : http://kobac-okazaki02.com/
街 : Aichi

Hanecho, Okazaki, 〒444-0813 Aichi,Japan
さぁちん on Google

普通にコバックですが、いろいろ整備やってもらった結果、他県より高めな印象でしたが 車王国愛知なので仕方ないかも 作業は早いのでさっさと済ませたい派にはオススメできます 店員さんはいずれも親切丁寧で感じよし なにかと融通も利き、店の立地も良い 個人的には店においてある無料マッサージ機が最高で、あれのためにだいぶ居心地が良い(人気アイテムなため空いてるかは運次第ですが) 私の場合で10年型落ち、走行140000kmくらいで、足回りちょろちょろ、あとバッテリーとかクーラーガスとかのいろいろ一式、数は多かったですが、タイミングベルトとかの太い交換はなしで13万でした、やや高いかなとも思いましたが満足はしてます
It's usually Kobac, but as a result of various maintenance, I got the impression that it was higher than other prefectures. It may be unavoidable because it is a car kingdom Aichi The work is quick, so I can recommend it to those who want to finish it quickly All the clerk are kind and polite and feel good Something flexible and the location of the store is good Personally, the free massage machine in the store is the best, and it's quite comfortable for that (it depends on luck because it's a popular item) In my case, it was 10 years old, it was about 140,000 km, and there were a lot of sets such as undercarriage, battery and cooler gas, but it was 130,000 without thick replacement of timing belt etc., a little expensive I thought it might be, but I'm satisfied
Syun XooX on Google

つい色々追加で頼んでしまうから お値打ちに車検ができない。
I'll ask you to add a lot Car inspection is not possible at a reasonable price.
moon love on Google

とにかく安い! 日帰り車検だと特に安いけど 1番高いコースにしてもディーラーで車検受けるよりかは安く受けられる。 やらなきゃいけないことだしとにかく費用を抑えたいならオススメ。 日帰り車検だと洗車のサービスもないのでちょっと残念。 オイル交換はこまめにしているので、次の車検までに4回のオイル交換できるパックがあるのもありがたいです。 とにかく安く抑えられているからか、 店舗のドリンクサービス等もないです。
Anyway, it ’s cheap! It ’s especially cheap when it comes to day inspections Even the highest course is cheaper than having a car inspection at a dealer. It's a must-do thing, but recommended if you want to keep costs down anyway. It's a little disappointing because there is no car wash service for day trip car inspection. Since oil change is done frequently, it is also appreciated that there is a pack that can change oil four times before the next vehicle inspection. Anyway, because it is kept cheap, There is no store drink service.
れおんまるこ(まお) on Google

飛び込みで訪問したのに明るく素早く対応してくれました(^^) まずは車検見積ですが、お値段も安くて、内容も自分なりに理解できました! 2021/07/17:実際に車検してもらい:お値段→税金関連、車検費用(点検項目数が普通と、多いの2種類)で、あとオイル交換や部品交換した費用 前回と同じ人でしたが、受付の方が明るくて丁寧!これは車検と別のとても良い評価ですね(^^)
Even though I visited by diving, he responded brightly and quickly (^^) First of all, it is a car inspection estimate, but the price is cheap and I could understand the contents in my own way! 2021/07/17: Actual vehicle inspection: Price → Tax related, vehicle inspection cost (two types, normal and many inspection items), and oil replacement and parts replacement cost He was the same person as last time, but the receptionist is brighter and more polite! This is a very good evaluation different from the car inspection (^^)
浄夜 on Google

新車なら安く車検できますし、店員さんも感じ悪くないのでオススメです。が、羽根店さんとの20年近いお付き合いで気づきましたが、技術力の低い整備士が増えました。近年は特に担当者の能力の差が激しいです。皆さん笑顔で感じは良いのですが。 どの担当者になるかで全ての運が決まります。できる担当者に途中交代する対応はしてくれず、完全担当者制です。これは会社の方針ということです。 よって中古車の車検予約を期日ギリギリですることは非常にリスク高いです。 岡崎羽根店さんでは3台の中古車を今まで複数同時予約割引で車検予約してきましたが、能力の低い若い整備士に2度連続で当たってしまい、車検当日に断られ、ディーラーに持っていくように言われたり、廃車を勧められた経験がここ2年で2回もありました。かなり怖いことを言われましたが、なんと別の整備工場で調べたところ2回とも完全な誤診でした。こういう案件は技術力の高い年配の人が確認するか交代するべき案件なのですが。 2回とも繁忙期だったので他社でも車検予約の取りづらい時期で本当に難儀しました。 一番の問題は、とりあえず車検だけでも通す対応をしてくれないことです。今回分かったことは車検項目にない部分の問題でも、車検を断られるということでした。 会社として、コンプライアンスでしているのは分かりますが、車検期日が数日にせまったこちらは投げ出されると大変なことになります。それなら車検終了期日まで1ヶ月以上の車しか受け付けないというルールにしないとクライアントが困ってしまいます。 今回も期日ギリギリの車を車検当日に断られ、本当に焦りましたが、「車検の速太郎」で簡単に対応してもらえました。価格もかえって安かったので、中古車オーナーの私は3台とも速太郎さんに乗り換えることにしました。以前、廃車を勧められた車も、誤診ということが分かり全然調子よく乗れています。 コバック羽根店の良いところは、いきなり高い請求をすることはなく、大体の見積もりを出し説明をしてくれて決済を求めてくれること、店員の感じも悪くないところです。 また、羽根店で一人だけ信頼できる整備士を知っています。(最近その整備士に全然当たりません)運良くその年配の担当者に当たればラッキーです。近所なので整備士指名制度が導入できればまた利用したいのですが。 車検費用もまあまあ安いので新車なら良いチョイスだと思います。
If it is a new car, you can inspect it cheaply, and the clerk does not feel bad, so it is recommended. However, after nearly 20 years of working with Mr. Hane, I noticed that the number of mechanics with low technical skills has increased. In recent years, there has been a big difference in the abilities of the people in charge. Everyone smiles and feels good. All luck is determined by which person in charge. It is a complete person-in-charge system, as it does not respond to the person in charge who can do it. This is a company policy. Therefore, it is very risky to make a car inspection reservation for a used car on the last minute. Okazaki Haneten has made reservations for three used cars at multiple simultaneous reservation discounts, but he was hit by a young mechanic with low ability twice in a row, refused on the day of the car inspection, and brought it to the dealer. In the last two years, I have had two experiences of being told to go and being advised to scrap a car. I was told that I was pretty scared, but when I checked it at another maintenance shop, it was a complete misdiagnosis both times. This kind of project should be confirmed or replaced by an elderly person with high technical skills. Both times were busy, so it was really difficult for other companies to make reservations for vehicle inspections. The biggest problem is that they will not be able to pass the vehicle inspection alone for the time being. What I learned this time was that even if there was a problem that was not included in the vehicle inspection items, the vehicle inspection could be refused. As a company, I understand that it is in compliance, but if the vehicle inspection date is set to a few days, it will be difficult if it is thrown out. In that case, if you do not make a rule that only cars for one month or more are accepted until the end date of vehicle inspection, the client will be in trouble. This time as well, I was really impatient because I was refused the car on the day of the vehicle inspection, but I was able to easily handle it with "Shintaro of the vehicle inspection". The price was rather cheap, so I decided to switch to Mr. Hayatarou for all three used car owners. A car that was previously recommended to be scrapped was found to be misdiagnosed and is riding in good condition. The good thing about the Kobac Hane store is that you don't suddenly make a high bill, you get a rough estimate, explain it, and ask for payment, and the clerk feels good. I also know only one reliable mechanic at the Hane store. (I haven't hit the mechanic at all lately) I'm lucky if I'm lucky enough to hit the senior person in charge. Since it is a neighborhood, I would like to use it again if a mechanic nomination system can be introduced. The car inspection fee is reasonably cheap, so I think it's a good choice for a new car.
まma on Google

オイル交換いつもここでヾ(*´ω`*)ノ 貼っては行けない場所にステッカー貼っちゃってたみたいでご親切に剥がしてくれました! 知らずに乗ってたとおもうと…?? スタッフのみなさんとてもお優しく親切です(✌'ω' ✌)
Oil change always here ヾ (* ´ω` *) ノ It seems that the sticker was stuck in a place where I couldn't put it, so he kindly peeled it off! I thought I was riding without knowing it ... ?? All the staff are very kind and kind (✌'ω' ✌)
黒蝶 on Google

店員や整備工の愛想は良いものの 車検代は安いけど、結局は"そこまで代えなきゃいけないの⁉️"と思う物まで交換させられて(代えなくていいですと断れない感じに持ってくるので)本当に安く済むのか疑問だな。 次回は他の所にしようと思う。 車に思い入れのない(交通手段としか思ってない)私はとにかく安く済めばいいだけなので。
Although the clerk and mechanic are friendly The scrutineering fee is cheap, but in the end, I'm wondering if it's really cheap because I was forced to exchange things that I thought "I have to change that much ⁉️" (because I can't refuse if I don't have to change it). Next time I will try to go elsewhere. I don't like cars (I think it's just a means of transportation), because I just have to make it cheaper.


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