Kitasuna 5 Chome Danchi - UR housing - Koto City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitasuna 5 Chome Danchi / UR housing

住所 :

Parking lot, 5 Chome-20 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan

Postal code : 136-0073

Parking lot, 5 Chome-20 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan
tha pooh Winne on Google

商店が寂れている。 真ん中が森のようになっていて夜はこわいかも。
The store is lonely. The center is like a forest and it may be scary at night.
石澤寛子 on Google

Elevators only stop in even numbers ... There are convenience stores and food shops in the housing complex, which is very convenient.
樹里 on Google

Children, parents of children? It's a playground and a hangout. Observe good manners because you are playing on the roads that people pass through.
バズ on Google

海外の方が遅くまで公園で親子で遊んでいる場所! マナー守って欲しくて看板つけたのかもしれませんが、守ってる方を見たことがありません。
A place where parents and children are playing in the park until late! I may have put up a sign because I wanted to keep the manners, but I have never seen anyone who keeps it.
大友祐一 on Google

前々から気になっていたお店です。家からバイクで30分かかりますがリピート確定のザ。町中華です。 何食べても美味しいです(^^)友人が食べていた中華丼少しもらったんですが旨い旨い旨い旨い。 皆さん中華丼是非!!! 塩チャーシュー麺も春巻きもチャーハンも旨い!!!!!! テラス(笑)席で異国情緒たっぷり(^^) あと、水がやたら美味しい(笑)
It's a shop I've always been interested in. It takes 30 minutes by bike from home, but the repeat is confirmed. It is Chinese food in town. It's delicious no matter what you eat (^^) I got a little Chinese bowl that my friend was eating, but it's delicious. Everyone, please come to Chukadon !!! Salted char siu noodles, spring rolls and fried rice are delicious !!!!!! Plenty of exoticism on the terrace (laughs) seats (^^) Also, the water is really delicious (laughs)
aoiumi7377 on Google

昭和52年にできたURの団地。団地ができる以前は東芝の工場だった。 この団地ができた当初は今の豊洲のタワマンのように収入のある夫婦、いわゆるパワーカップルが好んで住んでいた。おまけに人気があって誰でも入れるわけではなく、高い抽選倍率をくぐらなければいけなかった。 あれから40年あまり、今では抽選もなくなり、5丁目団地も正社員なら普通の人でも何とか入れるレベルにまで下がった。外国人も多く、アジア人から白人、黒人、ラテン系、インド人に至るまでいろいろな人種の人が住んでいる。最近は特にインド人の割合が多くなった。
UR housing complex built in 1977. Before the housing complex was built, it was a Toshiba factory. At the beginning of this housing complex, a couple with income, so-called power couples, like the current Tawaman in Toyosu, lived favorably. As a bonus, it was so popular that not everyone could enter it, and I had to go through a high lottery rate. About 40 years after that, the lottery has disappeared, and the 5-chome housing complex has fallen to a level where even ordinary people can manage to enter. There are many foreigners, and people of various races live, from Asians to whites, blacks, Latins, and Indians. Recently, the percentage of Indians has increased.
ME EM on Google

I want to shift this awesome place.
A N on Google

Residential complex within a green belt..

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