株式会社ウィルオブ・ワーク 横浜支店(旧 セントメディア )

1.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ウィルオブ・ワーク 横浜支店(旧 セントメディア )

住所 :

Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://willof.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
03 Late on Google

担当者変わってほしいーーー!! 前の担当者がいい人すぎて……泣きそう
I want the person in charge to change! !! The previous person in charge is too good ... I'm about to cry
ああ on Google

A person at the same dispatch destination complained that their salary was cheaper than that of their own dispatching company. Though I laughed hard, I thought it was good for me not to use such a dispatch company.
M on Google

仕事が決まったので登録を消してくださいと何回も連絡したのに案内メールが来続けた。 毎回「削除しておきます」と言うだけ。 4回目にとうとうこちらも頭にきて強めに伝えるとやっと連絡が止まった。 個人情報の管理がひどい。
I've been asked to cancel my registration because I've decided on a job, but I've been receiving guidance emails even though I've contacted him many times. Just say "I'll delete it" every time. At last, when I finally came to my mind and told him strongly, I finally stopped contacting him. The management of personal information is terrible.
加藤大智 on Google

立て替えた、交通費や宿泊費を揉み消そうとする管理職の人がいます。 とりあえず、上の人はまともな人が少ないので入社はオススメしません。最悪です。
There is a manager who tries to eliminate transportation costs and accommodation expenses. For the time being, I don't recommend joining the company because there are few decent people. It's the worst.
Hina M on Google

就業規則を、労働基準監督署や労働相談センターが仲介しないと遵守してくれない会社。病いで、止む終えずしかし就業規則に則った休職の申請をしたら、退職したとして社会保険と厚生年金喪失証明書を送って来た。 労基に相談したおかげで退職はミスだと撤回され各保険も復活。 よくある事例なのかと思ったが、公共機関が社名チェックをしたので違うと分かった次第。
Companies that do not comply with the rules of employment unless they are mediated by the Labor Standards Inspection Office or the Labor Consultation Center. He was sick, had a permanent job, but applied for leave in accordance with the rules of employment. He sent social insurance and a certificate of loss of pension for retirement. Thanks to the labor union, retirement was withdrawn as a mistake and each insurance was reinstated. I thought it was a common case, but as soon as I knew it was different because a public organization checked the company name.
白木正乃 on Google

As a premise, my opinion from that person as a person involved in the relevant places here. I am changing to a different job than the job application that the worker applied for without permission. When there is a mistake in posting a job or an insurance-related mistake, when there is a mistake in the dispatch destination, negotiations that do not stand on the side of the worker are carried out, and a story different from the previous one is given and the worker is burdened I was about to. I also claim to be certified as an excellent dispatching business operator, but it is just a haribote appeal because it is not a standard that the dispatching industry itself has decided. As is the case here, the normal idea is to apply for a job directly hired rather than dispatched.
あい on Google

Really suitable. There are some people in charge of poor response, and some people even neglect to investigate the situation once a month. The most angry site is the site that gives me the time to go to work. I reported the holidays and contacted the person in charge. What? What are you reporting for work and leave? It is troublesome twice and management is not done at all. I also write a time sheet, but how many times did you go to work after you finished working there? That's strange. Is it your job to manage that? In that case, you don't need to report attendance/leaving... Even if you are involved in a person's salary (money), you can leave it to yourself. You should try another dispatch.
iko L on Google

内部のフローのずさんさや意識の低さが酷い。 連絡が来るから待っててといわれたのにいつまでも連絡が来ない。 こちらから連絡して事情を説明しても謝罪もない。 あらかじめNGを提示している業務内容の仕事を普通に紹介してくる。 内勤の担当者が労基関係の知識が無さ過ぎて酷い。 同期が別の支店で有給休暇なんて使わせないと圧をかけられた。 給与も気を付けてみていないとたまに間違った計算をされている。 派遣先に送り込むだけで後は放置。 「コンプライアンス犯さないでください!」 「貸与品はなくさないでください!」 みたいな一方的なメールだけ飛んでくる(個別に落とし込みや確認など一切ない) 他の派遣会社が良いと言うわけではないけど結構酷い方だと思います。
The low flow and low awareness of the internal flow are terrible. I was told that I was waiting because I would like to hear from you, but I can not contact you forever. There is no apology for contacting us and explaining the circumstances. I will introduce the work of the work content that is presenting NG in advance. The person in charge of office work is too bad for the knowledge of labor relations. It was stressed that the same branch would not be used for paid leave at another branch. I have sometimes been miscalculating that I have not paid my attention. Just send it to the dispatch destination and leave it behind. "Do not commit compliance!" "Don't lose your loan!" Just one-sided mail that flies like (no drop-in or confirmation individually) It does not mean that other temporary agencies are good, but I think it's a pretty bad person.

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