台湾料理 四季紅 久喜店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 台湾料理 四季紅 久喜店

住所 :

Kitanakasone, Kuki, 〒346-0036 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Kitanakasone, Kuki, 〒346-0036 Saitama,Japan
X on Google

Cospa is good and delicious
Saitama Ken on Google

Daily lunch is 600 yen. Daily ramen and fried rice set is 700 yen. Both have self-service coffee and are very cost effective. No matter which one you eat, it's delicious. A shop from the common people's point of view.
まなぶ on Google

The quantity is large and cospa is high. The taste is also usually delicious. As cooking comes out quickly at noon, it is saved.
ichicou High.B on Google

青菜炒めを食べたくて来店しましたが メニューはほんれんそうの炒めだったので そちらを注文しましたが 無いと言うことなので野菜炒めにしました なかなか美味しかったです 店員さんもテキパキとして 料理提供が早いので良いですよ。
I wanted to eat stir-fried green vegetables, but the menu was fried soy sauce, so I ordered that, but it wasn't there, so I fried the vegetables and it was quite delicious. It is good.
佐藤わぁちゃ on Google

880円 セットメニュー 量が多く 私は大変お腹一杯になりました。コスパがいいですね? 表示価格も税込価格で良心的です
880 yen Set menu The amount is large and I am very full. Cospa is good ? The list price is also conscientious with tax included price
yocchibo on Google

店内 灰皿を各テーブルに設置してあり、喫煙可にしてますが これは違反ではないですか? 飲食店経営なら改正健康増進法や受動喫煙条例をご存知のはずだか…。
There are ashtrays in the store on each table, and smoking is allowed. Is this a violation? If you are a restaurant manager, you should know the revised Health Promotion Law and the Passive Smoking Ordinance.
半額の超熟 on Google

There is a Taiwanese restaurant that you can easily eat near the Kiyohisa Industrial Area. White rice goes forward while eating the hot pot! If you ask for a set meal, a mini fruit punch will be attached to the dessert! For lunch, you can replace coffee, rice and soup, so cospa is good!
ネテルヒトー on Google

台湾料理を謳うあの中華料理店。 店舗の外観で騙されましたが 店舗内はあの壁飾りにあのメニュー。 コンビニ跡地に居抜きでよく入るアレ。 なので料理は予想通りの味。 ラーメンは業務用味の量産スープ。 ただ、予想外だったのは調理の質。 炒め物が料理本を見て初めて作ったようなレベル。 家庭料理と考えてもかなりレベルが低い程。 安く多く食べたいならオススメです。 と、書きたいところですが 安くて多ければ美味しくなくても平気な人にオススメ。 以下は愚痴ですが 今日日、分煙されてないのは酷い。 カウンターには一席に2枚。 テーブル卓には一卓に3枚のアルミ灰皿。 ヘビースモーカー専用店かな? あと接客は丁寧そうに見えて おしぼりやらスマホやらの上に 平気で料理のお盆を乗せる無神経さ。 …言いたくないが文化が違う。
That Chinese restaurant that sings Taiwanese food. I was deceived by the appearance of the store The inside of the store is that menu on that wall decoration. It's a place where you often go to the site of a convenience store without leaving. So the food tastes as expected. Ramen is a mass-produced soup with a commercial taste. However, what was unexpected was the quality of the cooking. The level that stir-fried food was made for the first time after seeing a cookbook. Even if you think of it as home cooking, the level is quite low. Recommended if you want to eat a lot cheaply. I want to write Recommended for people who don't mind if it's cheap and many, even if it's not delicious. The following is a bittersweet It's terrible that the smoke isn't separated today. Two at the counter per seat. There are 3 aluminum ashtrays on each table. Is it a store dedicated to heavy smokers? Also, the customer service looks polite On top of hand towels and smartphones The insensitivity to put a tray of food on it. ... I don't want to say it, but the culture is different.

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