靴修理・合鍵 なかじま

3.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 靴修理・合鍵 なかじま

住所 :

Kitamikunigaokacho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877777
Webサイト : https://nakajima-kutu.com/
街 : Osaka

Kitamikunigaokacho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0021 Osaka,Japan
結城孝彦 on Google

products 328 on Google

A long time ago, when I went to ask for a motorcycle key, I was paid in advance with the word "I can't do it" without looking at the actual item properly.
T. MAEさん on Google

靴の事は、なかじまさんに任せておけば安心です。修理方法の的確な説明や、買い換えた方が良いか修理した方が良いか等、適切なアドバイスもして頂けます。 いつも、ありがとうございます!
It is safe to leave the shoes to Mr. Nakajima. You can also give us appropriate advice such as an accurate explanation of the repair method and whether it is better to buy a new one or repair it. I am always grateful for your help!
KK HH on Google

新品の靴にゴムソールを貼ってもらったが、とても下手。ゴムを貼ったあとにソール側面を削りガタガタになってた。 大切な靴はオススメしません。
I was asked to put a rubber sole on new shoes, but I am not good at it. After pasting the rubber, I scraped the side of the sole and became rattling. I do not recommend important shoes.
H.M on Google

I requested the repair of the riding boots from a distance, but I was satisfied with the finish because they exchanged carefully online. Thank you very much.
白石優 on Google

バレンシアガのスニーカーのソールゴム張りを依頼しました。見積のやりとりや、作業の速さ、クオリティ、全て満足です。 機会があればまたお願いしようと思います。
I asked for Balenciaga sneakers to be covered with rubber soles. I am satisfied with the exchange of quotations, the speed of work, and the quality. If I have a chance, I will ask again.

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