Kishiwada City Sakuradai Citizen's Center - Kishiwada

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kishiwada City Sakuradai Citizen's Center

住所 :

4-chome-17-1 Shimomatsucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0823, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 596-0823
Webサイト :

4-chome-17-1 Shimomatsucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0823, Japan
博子 on Google

I used the library, but the staff are kind and I like it.
田戸夢子 on Google

It's beautiful, quiet and I always use it. There is also a children's book corner, which is also recommended for families with children.
ガキガキ(おチビちゃん。) on Google

戸籍の相続の書類を取るのに、親切に教えてくれます。 今は原戸籍など難しくなっているので、親切に対応してくれるので、 市役所行くよりもいいと思います
He kindly teaches us to collect documents for family inheritance. Now that my family register is getting harder, I kindly deal with it, I think it's better than going to the city hall
おとぢろう on Google

何かとお世話になってます。 以前は農業会館(市民サービスセンター)があり、常盤青少年会館の移転と伴い新設されました。 駐車場が奥になり、周辺も整備されたので、以前より車の出入りがし易く便利になりました。 しかしながら、どうも未だに「桜台」がピンときません(笑)。 勿論、建物内に「常盤地区公民館」としての機能はあります。 立地が下松町の山手にある桜ヶ丘周辺だったり、光明地区と統合するのなら「桜台」に異論は無いけど、見たまんまの平地やし、後に光明地区に公民館が出来たので、せめて「常盤地区公民館」と建物に併記しようよ!と思う今日この頃です。
Thank you for everything. There used to be an agricultural center (citizen service center), which was newly built with the relocation of the Tokiwa Youth Center. Since the parking lot has become deeper and the surrounding area has been improved, it has become easier and easier for people to enter and leave the car. However, "Sakuradai" still doesn't hit me (laughs). Of course, there is a function as a "Tokiwa district public hall" in the building. If the location is around Sakuragaoka in the Yamate area of ​​Kudamatsu-cho, or if you want to integrate it with the Komei district, there is no objection to "Sakuradai", but since I saw Manman flat land and later a public hall in the Komei district, at least "Tokiwa" Let's write it together with "City Community Center"! I think today is around this time.
ママ4人 on Google

親子共々お世話になっています。 自粛中に子供達とたくさん本読んでいます
Both parents and children are indebted. I read a lot of books with my children while refraining from doing so
sayaka Ueda on Google

There is a feeling of cleanliness. There is a library and there is a mailbox to return books.
行光律夫 on Google

There is a 20-point book that is easy to read for the silver generation, which is helpful for the silver generation! Also in the main building ?
かよえも on Google

図書館の女の子が怠慢な態度でおじさんの怒りをかっていた。 市職員である事を教育すべきと感じた
The girl in the library was angry with her uncle in a lazy manner. I felt that I should educate myself as a city employee

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