Kiriya Gongenteii - Aizuwakamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kiriya Gongenteii

住所 :

2-34 Uwamachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 965-0034
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

2-34 Uwamachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0034, Japan
克己 on Google

新蕎麦を取り寄せで頂きました。 この手打ち、中太、二八蕎麦は弾むような歯応えで喉越し良く、二八蕎麦に有りがちな嫌な粉味が無く、スッキリした後味のお蕎麦でした。 つけ汁も好みの味で、新蕎麦の美味しさを充分引き出してくれます。
I ordered new soba noodles. This handmade, medium-thick, and 28 buckwheat noodles had a bouncy texture and a pleasant throat, and had a refreshing aftertaste without the unpleasant powdery taste that 28 buckwheat noodles tend to have. The soup is also your favorite taste, and it brings out the deliciousness of the new soba.
May-METAL on Google

こだわり三昧、天ぷらそば(温)、会津地鶏燻製たまご めっちゃおいしいおそばでした。 3種類のおそばを食べくらべられて楽しかったです!
Specialties, tempura soba (warm), smoked Aizu chicken egg It was a very delicious soba. It was fun to eat and compare 3 kinds of soba!
Seven Merry on Google

I visited as a bike touring lunch based on word of mouth. The parking lot is near the traffic light in front of the store, and although it is a little far away, the signboard is easy to understand. There seems to be plenty of room for parking cars. There is no doubt that the taste of soba is delicious, probably because I chose "Tenzaru" instead of the recommended "Soba Zanmai", but I didn't know the individuality of Aizu soba. If I have a chance, next time I would like to eat soba noodles that can be compared and feel the difference.
菊地新治 on Google

会津に行ったら必ずと言うほど、ここでお昼を食べます。 もう4度目くらいの訪問でしたが、相変わらず蕎麦が美味しい! 頼んだのは一番人気の「そば三昧」。3種類の蕎麦を楽しめるので、毎回これを頼みますが、間違いないです! 囲炉裏のある店内の雰囲気も好きで、癒やされますよ。
I almost always have lunch here when I go to Aizu. It was my 4th visit, but the soba is still delicious! I ordered the most popular "Soba Zanmai". I can enjoy 3 kinds of soba, so I ask for this every time, but there is no doubt! I also like the atmosphere inside the store, which has a hearth, so you can be healed.
ひいけさなみ on Google

鴨ざる蕎麦を頼みました! 蕎麦の味がとても美味しかったです! 単品で天ぷらも注文しました✨✨ 蕎麦茶がセルフでたくさん飲めちゃうのがとても嬉しかったです!とても芳ばしくてまた飲みたいです!
I ordered duck colander soba! The taste of soba was very delicious! I also ordered tempura as a single item ✨ ✨ I was very happy to be able to drink a lot of buckwheat tea on my own! It's very delicious and I want to drink it again!
IDUMI on Google

大変お蕎麦が美味しかったです。最初の一箸をそのまま食べると、蕎麦の香りと味が美味! トイレがとてもきれいで気配りを感じました。 唯一残念だったのが外のドブ臭さ。これはお店のせいではなく、市の衛生管理のせいですよね。ドアが開閉するたびに匂いがしました。
The soba was very delicious. If you eat the first chopsticks as it is, the aroma and taste of soba will be delicious! The toilet was very clean and I felt attentive. The only disappointment was the sewage outside. This isn't the store's fault, but the city's hygiene. I smelled every time the door opened and closed.
N SATO on Google

駅からは少し離れた飲み屋街 徒歩1分の駐車場も満杯の人気店。お昼時のためか2組待ち。駅からは少々離れるが、やはり美味い蕎麦を食べたいお客さんで活気がある。おかみさんなのか?元気で愛想の良い接客。メニューも豊富だが、会津定番の饅頭の天ぷらもあり、 蕎麦も地元産にこだわっているようか、お値段もそれなり(笑)しかし、やはり蕎麦の味は確か。短めの蕎麦は、まさに十割の味に風味と、90歳のオヤジも大満足。朝鮮人参の天ぷらも初めていただきました。
A bar town a little away from the station A popular store with a full parking lot, which is a 1-minute walk away. Waiting for 2 groups probably because of lunch time. It's a little far from the station, but it's still lively with customers who want to eat delicious soba. Is it a mother? Energetic and friendly customer service. The menu is abundant, but there is also Aizu's classic bun tempura, It seems that the soba is also made locally, and the price is reasonable (laughs), but the taste of soba is certain. The short soba has a 100% taste and flavor, and the 90-year-old father is also very satisfied. I also had ginseng tempura for the first time.
D M on Google

Great soba noodles, definitely by American standards. Friendly staff and service. Excellent meal.

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