KIREIMO - Niigata

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

J Bld., 4F 1 Chome-3-10 Bandai, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0088, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 950-0088
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

J Bld., 4F 1 Chome-3-10 Bandai, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0088, Japan
S Sumire on Google

I have a contract with unlimited commuting, and I use it many times, but all the staff are very polite, so I am satisfied every time! I was comparing and examining various companies when I went to hair removal, but I think it was good to make it beautiful, both in terms of effectiveness and staff (╹◡╹).
min yon on Google

The treatment was very polite and on time. The older sister in charge was kind and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. The inside of the store was clean and I was able to spend a very pleasant time. I would like again. Thank you very much.
木村香純 on Google

接客の対応がとても良いと思います。施術中も声をかけて頂いたり、美容に関する情報を教えて頂けます。とても助かってます。値段がもう少し安ければ、照射面が冷た過ぎなければもう少し楽なのにとは...腰周りの際は冷たさが尋常じゃないです。 始めはVIOは恥ずかしいなと思っていましたが、毛が細くなっていくのに感動しました。他の部位は6回目あたりから毛の量が少なくなったり、細くなったりします。箇所によって効果はまばらです。予約が少し取れにくいので、期間がよく空きます。
I think the customer service is very good. You can talk to us during the procedure and give us information about beauty. It is very helpful. If the price is a little cheaper, it would be a little easier if the irradiated surface wasn't too cold ... The coldness is unusual around the waist. At first I thought VIO was embarrassing, but I was impressed by the thinning of my hair. In other parts, the amount of hair decreases or becomes thinner from around the 6th time. The effect is sparse depending on the location. It's a little difficult to make a reservation, so the period is often open.
Ꮶana O on Google

スタッフの説明は丁寧で施術もスムーズに行われました。 痛みもなく、快適に施術を終えることができました。施術後にはドリンクサービスもあり、とても素敵な時間を過ごさせていただきました! 今後もずっとお願いしたいと思える脱毛サロンです。
The staff explained politely and the treatment was smooth. I was able to finish the procedure comfortably without any pain. There was also a drink service after the treatment, and I had a very nice time! It is a hair removal salon that I would like to ask for in the future.
みずき on Google

東京から引っ越してきて2回目の脱毛です スタッフさんはみんな優しく対応も丁寧でスピーディだと感じます。もちろん脱毛の効果も充分です。 駐車場料金も負担してもらえるのもありがたいです! 商品の営業もしつこくなく、あっさりしているのも魅力的です。 いつもお世話になっています。
This is my second hair loss since I moved from Tokyo I feel that all the staff are kind and polite and speedy. Of course, the effect of hair removal is also sufficient. I am grateful that you will also be responsible for the parking fee! It is also attractive that the sales of products are not persistent and that they are light. I am always indebted.
麗那山崎 on Google

新潟万代店に通ってます。 ?じゃないです! 本当に従業員の方の接客が丁寧すぎて毎回びっくりします、、昔は違う会社の脱毛に言ってたのですが、契約の時の態度が酷かったからやめてキレイモさんにしました! 態度が悪いことはまずない。私の接客をしてくれた人が当たりだっただけかもだけど、もう何人もの方に施術して貰ってるので、自信もって言えます! 施術に関しては、かなり冷たいのが印象で、 痛くはないです!(個人的意見ですが) 冷たいので、腰、背中、足などがくすぐったいですwあと、たまに熱くなったりする箇所がありますが、毎回その部位も変わってる気がして、体調にもよるのですかね?よくわからないけど、私はずっとここに通おうと思ってます!気になる人は行ってみて損は無いと思います!他のところより安心して出来ると思いますよ??‍♀️??‍♀️
I go to the Niigata Bandai store. Not ?! I'm really surprised that the customer service of the employees is too polite every time. I used to say that I was going to remove hair from a different company, but I stopped because I had a bad attitude at the time of the contract and decided to go with Kireimo! It is unlikely that you will have a bad attitude. It may have been just the person who served me, but I can say with confidence because I have already received treatments from many people! Regarding the treatment, the impression is that it is quite cold, It doesn't hurt! (In my opinion) It's cold, so my waist, back, legs, etc. are tickling w Also, there are places where it gets hot sometimes, but I feel that those parts also change every time, does it depend on my physical condition? I'm not sure, but I've been going here all the time! If you are interested, I think there is no loss in going! I think you can do it more safely than anywhere else ??‍♀️??‍♀️
goo ad on Google

無料カウンセリングに伺いました。 スタッフさんやお店の雰囲気はとても良かったのですが! しかし、、自分の話の伝え方が悪かったのか、現在バイトをしていないって伝えたのにバイトをしていると思ったみたいで、ローンの契約のお話をしている時に誤解が分かり結局ローンの契約が出来なくなり。。。 それはまぁ自分も悪かったから大丈夫ですーって言ったのですが、その後頭金払ったのでローン契約前にもう施術って出来ますかねー?って聞いてみたら大丈夫です!大丈夫です!って言われたので後日予約しようと思ったら出来なくて問い合わせしたら、ローンを契約しないと予約は出来ませんって言われました。 元気に対応して下さるのは有難いのですが、もう少しちゃんとお客さんの話をしっかり聞いて頂きたいです。。
I visited for free counseling. The atmosphere of the staff and the shop was very good! However, it seems that he thought that he was working part-time even though he told him that he was not working part-time, maybe because he was not telling his story badly, and when he was talking about the loan contract, he found a misunderstanding. After all, I can't make a loan contract. .. .. Well, I said that it's okay because I was bad too, but since I paid the down payment after that, can I already perform the treatment before the loan contract? When I asked, it was okay! It was okay! I was told that I couldn't make a reservation at a later date, so when I inquired, I was told that I couldn't make a reservation unless I signed a loan. I am grateful for your support, but I would like you to listen to the customer's story a little more. ..
ぽちゃ on Google

通って数回ですが言われていた通り2〜3回目で効果が見られました! 最初のうちは、あまり間を空けずに通った方が良さそうです! 予約はあまり空いてないので早めに押さえた方が良さそうです。 また、ライトも痛みが全く感じないのでストレスフリーで通えます! 機械は痛いというよりは、冷たい機械が肌に触れるので冷たいのが苦手な方は辛いかもです?
I went there several times, but as I was told, the effect was seen in the second and third times! At first, it seems better to go through without too much time! There aren't many reservations available, so it seems better to hold it early. Also, the light doesn't feel any pain at all, so you can go stress-free! Rather than the machine hurts, it may be painful for those who are not good at cold because the cold machine touches the skin.

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