Kimiidera Station - Wakayama

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kimiidera Station

住所 :

Mikazura, Wakayama, 641-0011, Japan

Postal code : 641-0011

Mikazura, Wakayama, 641-0011, Japan
杉山弘道 on Google

Is anyone using it other than to visit Kisumi-dera Temple? I thought, but if you think carefully, there may be local residents living there (laughs).
まっとんまっとん on Google

改札を出てから東西のどちらへ下りても紀三井寺までの道が通じている。ただし、紀三井寺がある東側へ下りて線路に沿って歩いても、参道にぶつかるまで参詣者のための案内表示は皆無である。しかも、道に沿って工場が立ち並んでいるので観光気分は大いに損なわれる。 それが嫌ならば、少し遠回りだが西側へ下りて国道沿いに進み踏切を渡って紀三井寺の正面の参道へ出るのが良いだろう。
The road to Kimiidera leads to either east or west after exiting the ticket gate. However, even if you go down to the east side where Kimiidera is located and walk along the railroad tracks, there is no guide sign for worshipers until you hit the approach. Moreover, since the factories are lined up along the road, the feeling of sightseeing is greatly impaired. If you don't like it, it's a little detour, but it's a good idea to go down to the west, follow the national highway, cross the railroad crossing, and go out to the approach in front of Kimiidera.
Yuka Naito on Google

きのくに線(紀勢本線)の和歌山駅から2駅目。紀三井寺の最寄駅。JR西日本で発売される春夏秋冬の1dayきっぷの「自由周遊区間」外なので利用される方は注意が必要。 エレベーターがあるのでバリアフリー対策取られている駅。
The second station from Wakayama Station on the Kinokuni Line (Kise Main Line). Nearest station to Kismitera. Please note that those who use it are outside the "free tour section" of the 1-day ticket for spring, summer, autumn and winter released in JR West. Station where barrier-free measures are taken because there is elevator.
Anonymous 778899 on Google

2階は自由通路で、南北通り抜けが可能です。和医大付属病院や医学部へ行く場合は西口。紀三井寺や和医大の看護学部へは、東口を利用。 有人駅。ICOCAも使用可。 トイレは改札内で、2番線(海南・御坊方面)ホームのみ設置。 駅前ターミナルより「医大病院東口」バス停の方が本数が多い。アクセスは西口から国体道路方面へ。 当駅よりマリーナシティ方面へは「医大病院東口」バス停を利用する。 紀三井寺団地行きのコミュニティバスも1日5本程度運行されている。 2017 May 31
There is a free passage on the 2nd floor that allows you to pass through the north and south streets. If you are going to the Waidai University Hospital or School of Medicine, go to the West Exit. Use the east exit to visit the Kitsuidera Temple and the Faculty of Nursing at Waseda University. Manned station. ICOCA can also be used. Toilets are located inside the ticket gates, and only platform No. 2 (for Hainan and Gobo) platforms is installed. There are more buses at the “Medical University Hospital East Exit” bus stop than the station front terminal. Access is from the west exit to the national highway. From this station, take the "Medical University Hospital East Exit" bus stop towards Marina City. There are also about 5 community buses to the Kisanidera housing complex per day. 2017 May 31
yuka sasaki on Google

If you go to Kimiidera, get off the east exit, but there is no taxi on the east exit side. There is no taxi unless you go to the west exit.
楠本隆二 on Google

ここ、ひょっとしてニコニコ生放送とかで地方競馬だか競輪だか見てる時に、たまに出てくる『紀三井寺はもう……』というコメントの元ネタの土地なのかな? (だとすると、今医科大学病院とかがある西側の不自然な変則楕円形の土地がかつてのソレの跡地という事…と思われるのだが)
I wonder if it's the land of the original story of the comment "Kimiidera is already ..." that sometimes appears when watching local horse racing or bicycle racing on Nico Nico Live Broadcasting. (If so, it seems that the unnatural irregular oval land on the west side where the medical university hospital is located is the site of the former Sole ...)
久米一博 on Google

The ticket gate is on the overpass. Recently, there was an elevator to get off the upper and lower baume. Also, there is no green window. The number of station staff has also decreased. Until now, there was a female station employee. It has become a little dirty since I was gone.
keng-keng a traveler who loves cats and Thailand on Google

A convenience store (7-11, FamilyMart, etc.) is needed for tourists.

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