KEYUCA - Musashino

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KEYUCA

住所 :

MARUI Kichijoji, 3F, 1 Chome-7-1 Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8552, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 180-8552
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–8PM
Sunday 10:30AM–8PM
Monday 10:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–8PM
Thursday 10:30AM–8PM
Friday 10:30AM–8PM

MARUI Kichijoji, 3F, 1 Chome-7-1 Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8552, Japan
Reonald Ike on Google

Probably the largest store in KEYUCA. The product lineup is wide and excellent.
Kojia Ogawa on Google

A steel pedal open trash can found at keyuca in Kichijoji Marui 5F. I opened and closed the lid with my feet many times, but I feel good with the quick response. With this, it will be possible to throw away the trash fairly efficiently hands-free. The lid doesn't get dirty either. Because it is stainless steel, you can wipe it quickly even if it gets dirty. The drawback is that if you drop something, you get dented. The exhibits were also slightly recessed. If what you bought becomes like this, your feelings will go down. Well, I think it is quite good overall.
K M on Google

There are various fashionable miscellaneous goods. The inside of the store is not so large, so it is convenient for quick shopping.
あゆみ on Google

ネットで買える物をチェックしに行く感じでしたが、オーダーメイドの収納棚のフローラシリーズの棚が気に入りました。 色々なメーカーさんで同じ様なオーダーメイド収納棚を発売してますが、ゴミ箱を完全に見えない様に収納出来るのが見付から無かったのですが、KEYUCAにはありました。
I felt like going to check what I could buy online, but I liked the Flora series of custom-made storage shelves. Various manufacturers have released similar custom-made storage shelves, but I couldn't find a way to store the trash can so that it was completely invisible, but KEYUCA did.
みらの on Google

欲しくなる家具が沢山置いてあります。 値段も高すぎず安すぎずちょうど良い感じ
There are a lot of furniture you want. Not too expensive and not too cheap
吉村妙子 on Google

ケユカの商品、気に入っています。 台所用品もとても質が良いし、ハンカチが特に好きです。服もセンス良いと思います。
I like Keiuka's products. The kitchen utensils are of very good quality and I especially like handkerchiefs. I think the clothes have a good taste.
Kazuhiko Kawauchi on Google

It is a shop that sells fashionable furniture, curtains, and miscellaneous goods. It used to be in Coppice, but it has moved to coincide with the opening of Marui's new store, and it has become Imano-wide with the new store opening. There was no furniture exhibition before, but after the new store opened, there was a furniture exhibition, and it became possible to imagine the actual use. Furniture is good because there are no mistakes if you can see the usability that you can not see in the photo and the image of the size with the actual furniture. The curtain is very convenient because it has a measuring service. Except for the high price, it is a very easy-to-use shop.
Ryota KAWAKAMI on Google

キッチンツールと、友人へのプレゼントを選びにケユカを訪問。 少し前に軽めの結婚祝いのプレゼント選びに使わせていただき、こちらの商品のシンプルさと、なかなかかゆいところに手が届く感じの商品が多いことに好感を持ちました。 無事、いい具合の商品がそれぞれ見つかり、プレゼントもきれいに包んで頂くことができ、満足です。 キッチン周り、洗面バス周りの商品を中心にいくつか購入しました。 シンプルできれいめ、そして少し色や可愛さを加えたような商品が多く、無印に少し遊びを持たせてプレゼントにも使えるようにした、といった感じです。 今後も時々使わせていただくブランドになりそうです。 まだこちらの店舗しか使ったことがないのですが、吉祥寺店の品揃えはなかなかだと思います。
Visit Keiuka to choose kitchen tools and gifts for friends. I used it to select a light wedding gift a while ago, and I liked the simplicity of this product and the fact that there are many products that can be easily reached in an itchy place. I am satisfied that I was able to find each product in good condition and wrap the gifts neatly. I bought some products mainly around the kitchen and wash bath. There are many products that are simple and beautiful, with a little color and cuteness added, and it seems that MUJI has a little play and can be used as a gift. It seems that it will become a brand that I will use from time to time. I've only used this store yet, but I think the Kichijoji store has a good selection.

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