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Contact 紋平茶屋

住所 :

Ketanomiya, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, 〒969-6583 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : http://heso-aizu.jp/info_top/spot_info/1393
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Ketanomiya, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, 〒969-6583 Fukushima,Japan
R R on Google

蕎麦が最高。つゆも最高。 全国で蕎麦を食べるが、ここの蕎麦はとても美味しいと思っている。食べログの評価は厳しすぎないかい? つゆは3種類同時に出してくれ、ひとくち毎に食べ分けるのも楽しい。辛味大根のつゆも美味しいし、鶏出汁のつゆも美味しくて、テーブルの上をいつも右往左往するのだが、ノーマルな汁に戻るとそれも美味しくて、定番の大切さを実感する。 天ぷらは素朴な味で、この蕎麦にとても合う。 これもつゆに付けたり塩をかけたり、楽しみながら食べられる。 最後は蕎麦湯をいただいでお腹いっぱい! 坂下に来る楽しみのひとつです。
Soba is the best. The soup is also the best. I eat buckwheat nationwide, but I think the buckwheat here is very delicious. Isn't the eating log evaluated too severely? Serve three types of soup at the same time, and it's fun to eat each one separately. The spicy radish soup is delicious, and the chicken dashi soup is delicious, and I always go up and down on the table, but when I return to normal soup, it is also delicious and I realize the importance of the classic. The tempura has a simple taste and goes well with this soba. You can enjoy it by dipping it in a soy sauce or sprinkling it with salt. At the end, get soba noodles and get full! It is one of the pleasures of coming to Sakashita.
無農薬太郎 on Google

開店前からどんどんお客が来てすぐに駐車場は一杯になりかなり期待の持てる第一印象で入店 盛りの大を注文 年配の女性数名がテキパキと注文を取り好印象 やがて待つこと15分 盛りの到着 噛んでみて口の中に蕎麦の風味広がり美味い 店内の一角にそば粉の袋売りが並んでいたので3袋ほどいただき 近くの年配の女性店員に会計の時に一緒でいいか?と聞いたらそれでいいですと言われ 食べ終わって会計に行ったら額にしわを寄せて私をにらみながら 別会計だから別にしてと強く言われ こちらも年配の女性に了解を取ったと言ったところ お金を置く四角い入れ物をたたき 金額を言いました 客商売とは思えない態度で 蕎麦が美味かったのも忘れるくらい気分が悪くなりました
Immediately after the customers came in before the store opened, the parking lot became full and I entered the store with a very promising first impression. Arrival: When I chewed it, the flavor of buckwheat spreads in my mouth and it's delicious. There were bags of buckwheat flour lined up in one corner of the store, so I got about 3 bags. Is it okay to have an elderly female clerk nearby at the time of checkout? When I heard that, I was told that it was okay. When I finished eating and went to the accounting, I wrinkled the forehead and stared at me. I hit the square container to put on and said the amount of money. I felt sick enough to forget that the soba was delicious with an attitude that I could not think of as a customer business.
みなるー on Google

天ぷらとざる2段 を 3種類のつゆ(高遠 かつお 鶏)で食べる「特製紋平そば」がおすすめです 時間の余裕のある時行かれてください
2 layers of tempura and colander We recommend "Special Monbira Soba", which is eaten with three types of soup (Takato bonito chicken). Please go when you have time
岡田啓貴 on Google

そばも天ぷらも大変美味しかった メニューがわかりづらく私達もその後きたお客様も逐一説明されていた お品書きに言葉で記載して頂いてた方が良いかな?
The soba and tempura were very delicious. It was difficult to understand the menu, and we and the customers who came after that were explained one by one. Should I write it in words in the item description?
Fumiya Ogawara on Google

会津地方の地のそば、という感じです。 特製紋平そばは、2枚盛りと、とり、大根、醤油の3種類の付けつゆでいただきます。 盛りはそれ程多くないので、2枚でも普通の大盛り程度です。
It feels like it's near the land in the Aizu region. The special Mondai soba is served in two servings and three types of soy sauce, tori, radish, and soy sauce. There are not so many servings, so even two pieces are about the usual large serving.
magoyanくん on Google

"Special Mondai Soba" Assorted crispy tempura, two 100% bamboo steamers with 100% ground flour that you can enjoy enough elasticity and aroma. Soba soup can be enjoyed in three types: bonito soup stock, Takato soup stock, and local chicken soup stock.
hero2 mt on Google

人気店なんですかね 平日なのにわりとお客さんいました。蕎麦つゆが3種類(おろし大根、普通の、温かいの)それぞれ美味しかったです。
It's a popular shop, but there were a lot of customers even though it was a weekday. The three types of soba soup (grated radish, normal, warm) were delicious.
近藤敦子 on Google

紋平茶屋さんの天ぷら蕎麦を頂きました。香り豊かなお蕎麦で喉越し良かったです。天ぷらもサクサクでおいしかったです 蕎麦つゆは、向かって右から地鶏、カツオ、高遠の3種類が楽しめました。
We had the tempura soba of the crest flat Chaya's. Scent is throat was good for its rich soba. Tempura It was also delicious with crunchy Soba soup, the chicken from the right, bonito, three types of Takato enjoyed.

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