Kenmin Hiroba Camping Ground - Nishiwaki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kenmin Hiroba Camping Ground

住所 :

Shikanochō, Nishiwaki, Hyogo 677-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 677-0033
Webサイト :

Shikanochō, Nishiwaki, Hyogo 677-0033, Japan
和。 on Google

小さいキャンプ場なので一組限定とのことですが、勝手に入ってキャンプしてる方が多数います。 キャンプ場自体はゆっくりとした時間を過ごせます。
It is a small campsite, so it is said that only one group is available, but there are many people who voluntarily camp. You can spend a relaxing time at the campground itself.
ちどりあし on Google

It's free and you can reserve one group per day so you don't have to worry about other campers.
55 sonicforce on Google

良い所ですね。 ただ…予約をしていない人が勝手に使っていたりしたので、 ルール違反を指摘すると、逃げる様に出ていかれました。 予約制の所で、予約してない人が我が物顔で使っていたりすると、 人数とか予定くんだりして予約する意味があるの?って感じがしますよ。 ゴミの持ち帰りもそうですが、当たり前の事を当たり前に出来ない人が居てるとね… がっかりしますね…
That's a good place. However... because people who did not make reservations used it without permission, When I pointed out the rule violation, I went out to run away. At the reservation system, if someone who does not make a reservation uses it as my face, Does it make sense to make reservations due to the number of people or schedules? I feel that. It's the same as taking out trash, but there are people who can't do the usual things... I'm disappointed...
ジンジン on Google

5月中旬の平日にキャンプで利用しました 1日一組限定で土日の予約が非常に難しいキャンプ場です やっと来れました 南側だけ開けており、残りの3方向身近に迫る森です 焚き火場を中心にした広場で、夏休みなら朝にみんなでラジオ体操する様な雰囲気のスペースです テントもクルマもその広場でおさめないといけないので、4テント位が限界か トイレについては皆さん書かれている通り汲み取りで かつ電灯無し 夜間カンテラがないと女性は使えません 場内に街灯が無いので暗い ただしゴルフ場が遅くまで整備作業をされていたので少し輪郭のわかる程度の明かりがあった 県道が北側の上の方を通っており、クルマの走行音が常時身近に聞こえる ペグダウンは容易でした ただ木々に覆われているので、湿気が多い 今回夕方に青少年センターの職員さんが見回りに来られました 無断使用する人の監視の為だそうです キャンプ場北側に小川が流れており、せせらぎの音が聞こえてました プラス小鳥たちのさえずりがいい雰囲気を醸してくれました 私が利用した時には下見の人が一人来ただけで、それ以外は誰も出入りがなく本当にのんびりできました ちなみに池に隣接してますが、柵で仕切られている為、釣りなどは出来ません docomoは4Gでした
I used it at the camp on weekdays in mid-May. It is a campsite where it is very difficult to make reservations on Saturdays and Sundays because it is limited to one group per day. It is a forest that is open only on the south side and is close to the remaining three directions. It is a space centered around a bonfire, and it is a space with an atmosphere like everyone doing radio exercises in the morning during summer vacation. Since both tents and cars must be stored in that space, 4 tents is the limit. As for the toilet, as written by everyone, it is pumped and there is no lamp. Women cannot use it without a cantera at night. It is dark because there are no street lights in the hall. However, since the golf course was being maintained until late, there was a little light to understand the outline. The prefectural road passes through the upper part of the north side, and you can always hear the running noise of the car. Peg down was easy. It's just covered with trees, so it's humid. The staff of the Youth Center came around this evening to monitor the people who use it without permission. A stream was flowing on the north side of the campsite, and I could hear the sound of murmuring. Plus, the chirping of the little birds created a nice atmosphere. When I used it, there was only one previewer, and no one else came in and out, so I was really relaxed. By the way, it is adjacent to the pond, but it is separated by a fence, so you cannot fish. docomo was 4G
しおたに on Google

事前予約が必要な完全予約制の無料キャンプ場。管理人は不在です。 キャンプ場への入り口は分かりにくく、ゴールデンバレーゴルフクラブの正面の門を前に、左にUターンするような形で木に囲まれた細い道を進むことになります。 キャンプ場への道は軽自動車以外の車では左右の木の枝で車体を擦るので注意が必要。 車高の低い車も進入は難しいでしょう。 明かりは一切ないので夜は闇に包まれます。 キャンプ場を流れる用水路に柵はなく、木の橋も狭く、夜間は危険です。 敷地内には段差や穴も多数あり足元は良くないです。 トイレは汲み取り式で清潔とはいえません。 ゴミの持ち帰りなどのマナーも必要なので、上級者向けのキャンプ場です。 お子様連れの方はよく考えてこちらのキャンプ場を選ばれたほうが宜しいかと思われます。
A free campsite that requires a reservation in advance. The caretaker is absent. The entrance to the campsite is confusing, and you will have to make a U-turn to the left on a narrow path surrounded by trees in front of the gate in front of the Golden Valley Golf Club. Please note that the road to the campsite is rubbed by the left and right tree branches for cars other than light cars. It may be difficult for vehicles with low vehicle height to enter. Since there is no light at all, it is surrounded by darkness at night. The irrigation canal that runs through the campsite has no fences and the wooden bridges are narrow, making it dangerous at night. There are many steps and holes on the premises, so my feet are not good. The toilets are of the pumping type and not clean. It is a campsite for advanced skiers as they also need to take proper manners such as taking out trash. If you are traveling with children, it may be better to choose this campsite carefully.
nomap 25 on Google

要予約の貸し切りでのびのびとキャンプができました。 トイレは汲み取り式です。汚れまくってたので掃除をしてから気持ち良く使いました。 炊事場は屋根付きで水道とカマドがあるので便利。 こじんまりとした所で人目も気にせずのキャンプは最高でした。 途中で軽トラックに乗ったおっちゃん2名が予約してるかどうか訪ねてきました。 職員の方なのかは謎ですが・・・ ソロキャンプ3名 車3台 ソーシャルディスタンスを考えると あと2名は余裕でいけるスペースはありました。 近いのでまた行きたいてす。
We were able to camp freely with a reservation required. The toilet is a pit latrine. It was dirty, so I cleaned it and used it comfortably. The kitchen is covered and has a water supply and a kamado, so it is convenient. The camp was great in a small place without being noticed. On the way, I asked if two old men who got on a light truck made a reservation. It's a mystery whether it's an employee, but ... Solo camp 3 people 3 cars Considering the social distance, there was enough space for 2 more people. I want to go again because it's close.
MS MALDI on Google

毎年この地でキャンプしてます。静かで入り口もわかりにくい事から秘密基地みたいで、かなり気にいってます。広さ的にはテント3〜4張りが限界ぐらいで、水道、トイレもあり無料にしては、かなり貴重です。 ゴミ捨て場は無いので、持ち帰り必須ですが、たまにポイ捨てもありますので、今後利用される方は、ゴミを見かけて自分のゴミ袋に余裕があれば、一緒に回収してみんなで綺麗な無料のキャンプ場を維持していきましょう。 予約する際は、事前に電話で空き状況を確認して、空いて入ればHPにある申請書に必要事項書いて、FAXで予約完了です。
I camp here every year. It's quiet and the entrance is difficult to understand, so it looks like a secret base, and I really like it. The size of the tent is limited to 3-4 tents, and there is a water supply and a toilet, so it is quite valuable for free. Since there is no trash dump, it is essential to take it home, but there are also occasional littering, so if you see the trash and have room in your trash bag, collect it together and clean it for free. Let's maintain the campsite. When making a reservation, check the availability by phone in advance, and if it is available, fill out the application form on the HP and fax it to complete the reservation.
Kazuo Mori on Google

Please note that it is difficult to understand the way to enter by turning left from the front of the golf course entrance. The site has a high degree of freedom because there are no sections throughout the square. The kitchen is solid, so you can rest assured, but the toilet is not flush and not very clean. There is no lighting at all, so you will have to prepare the night lights yourself.

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