
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 川渡温泉(鳴子温泉郷)

住所 :

Kawatabi, Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6100 Miyagi,Japan

Webサイト : https://kawatabi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi
Description : Scenic riverside spa town, best known for its 1,000-year-old hot springs.

Kawatabi, Narukoonsen, Ōsaki, 〒989-6100 Miyagi,Japan
わたちゃん on Google

200円は安い。 熱いので、耐えられない人はいるでしょうね。
200 yen is cheap. Some people can't stand it because it's hot.
山ちゃん36号アグレッサー on Google

It is the highest quality spring. It's hot water, but it will take care of your body!
さとうじゅんこ on Google

It was a very nice hot spring ♨️. I will put in as much as time allows for 500 yen. We also have an inn so you can stay there. It doesn't cool in hot water. It is said to be effective for neuralgia. You can take a bath with hot water, warming and usage.

地元の方々が管理費用を出し合って運営している共同浴場でいわゆるジモ泉である。 ネットで拡散したお陰でモラルの欠如した有象無象が来るようになってから浴場内が張り紙だらけになってしまった。 立ち寄りは一切禁止にして 寄付者のみの限定にして欲しいところである。
It is a so-called gimo spring in a communal bath where local people share management expenses and operate. The bathing area has become covered with posters since the spread of the Internet has caused the absence of morals to come. Don't stop by I want it to be limited to donors only.
sato hir on Google

鳴子温泉郷のなかのひとつ、川渡温泉。 やや濁りがあり、硫黄臭もあるなかなかのいい湯なんだな。 鳴子にはいろいろなお湯があるので、全部入るには何度も通わなければならない。 源泉温度47度、湯口では44度と書いてあった。 ほどよい湯加減じゃった。
Kawatabi Onsen, one of the Naruko Onsen villages. It's a nice hot water with a little turbidity and a sulfur smell. There are various kinds of hot water in Naruko, so you have to go through many times to get all of them. It was written that the source temperature was 47 degrees and the gate was 44 degrees. The hot water was just right.
木村元彦 on Google

日帰り入浴では300円の大浴場と500円の中浴場が利用できます。両方入る場合は800円必要です。大浴場には石鹸、シャンプー等はありません。中浴場には備え付けられています。いずれも売店で安価で販売していますが、私は体を洗うための入浴なので不要で、大浴場に優先的に入ります。日曜日の午前中を含めて1日おき位に朝7時から大浴場、中浴場の順で風呂清掃があるのでタイミングを見て行かないと、どちらの風呂に入るか選択の余地がなかったり、まだ満タンにお湯が貯まっていない浴槽に寝そべるようにして入らなくてはならなくなります。でも清掃予定がちゃんと掲示されていますし、他の旅館のように「今清掃中だから入れません」などと無愛想に断られることもありません。泉質は軽い硫黄臭のある黄緑がかったお湯です。よく沁みます。軽い腰痛、関節痛なら1回の入浴で回復するほどの効能です。(私個人の感覚です。笑) 自炊宿も兼ねており、コイン式洗濯機などがその雰囲気を醸し出してます。廊下の売店が構え、品揃え共によく昭和レトロを演出しています。その日は宿のマイクロバスで20人程度の法事帰りご一行が到着されておりながらも、日帰り客にもキチンと対応していました。こんな感じなので観光客、湯治客、地元民、皆に愛されるのでしょう。
For day trip baths, you can use the large bath for 300 yen and the medium bath for 500 yen. If you enter both, 800 yen is required. There is no soap or shampoo in the public bath. It is equipped in the middle bath. All of them are sold at the shops at low prices, but I do not need them because I take a bath to wash my body, so I prefer to enter the large communal bath. There is no way to choose which bath to take unless you look at the timing, as there is a bath cleaning from 7:00 am every other day, including on Sunday mornings, in the order of a large bath and a medium bath. You'll have to lie down in a bathtub that is not full of hot water. However, the cleaning schedule is posted properly, and you can't be ruthlessly refused to say "I can't enter because I'm cleaning now" like other inns. The spring quality is a yellowish green hot water with a light sulfur odor. I often take it. If you have a slight backache or arthralgia, it is effective enough to recover from one bath. (It's my personal feeling. Laugh) I also serve as a self-catering inn, and the coin-type washing machine creates that atmosphere. There is a shop in the corridor, and the product lineup is well directed to Showa Retro. On that day, about 20 people returned from the inn's microbus on the day of the ministry's return trip, but they were still accommodating to day-trippers. Because it is like this, it will be loved by tourists, hot springs, and locals.
shinohara征 on Google

川渡温泉駅から、遠いのが難点…? 車なら問題無しです?
The difficulty is that it is far from Kawatabi Onsen Station ... ? No problem with a car ?
まみ on Google

鳴子より鄙びてはいるけれど、良いお湯です。 藤島旅館の日帰りは人気ですね。 春は菜の花畑や桜が綺麗です。
It is better than Naruko, but it is a good hot water. The day trip to Fujishima Ryokan is popular. The rape field and cherry blossoms are beautiful in spring.

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