
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湯川食堂

住所 :

Kawaramachi, Aizuwakamatsu, 〒965-0865 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Fukushima

Kawaramachi, Aizuwakamatsu, 〒965-0865 Fukushima,Japan
カンカン32 on Google

I felt that the green onion pork noodles were delicious again ?. The accents of green onion and ginger add to the sharpness of the taste and combine with the good points of soy sauce, stimulating the appetite to the end and drinking the soup completely. The char siu may be a little dry, but it's soaked in soup and revived! If you ask for rice, you will be very satisfied! ️
G T on Google

Kitakata ramen is usually spiced to your liking, but ginger, chili oil, white pepper and spices are added here. And this is exquisitely delicious, making it a Kitakata ramen that you can't taste anywhere else. After that, since Jincha Bancha offers it, the bowls I ate are left on the table, so it's an interesting shop where you can enjoy a new sense of value.
田中直樹 on Google

【会津若松で食べるボリューム満点の喜多方ラーメン!老夫婦が切り盛りする定食屋!】 全ての席が座敷なので、未就学児の子連れでも気軽に行けます。 駐車場はお店の裏手にあります。 システムが分かりづらいので、初めは戸惑うかもしれません。 基本的に全てセルフサービスです。 来店 ↓ 履物を脱いで席を確保 ↓ 注文が決まったら厨房が見える小窓から声をかけてオーダー ↓ 入口にある水とコップ、ティッシュ箱を席まで運びます ↓ 店主が席まで運んでくださるので、一心不乱に食べます ↓ 食べ終えたら食器はそのままでOK ↓ 靴を履いて、厨房に声をかけて会計 ■ラーメン:550円 ⇒さっぱり醤油味で子供も美味しく食べられます ■ネギチャーシュウメン:850円 ⇒とにかくボリューム満点! ⇒チャーシュウは10枚くらい乗ってきます ⇒ネギは辛味と和えてあります ⇒コショウもショウガもたっぷりで体が温まります ■餃子:450円 ⇒肉にくしく、ニンニクもたっぷり 大満足のランチとなりました。 御馳走さまでした!
[Kitakata ramen that is full of volume to eat in Aizuwakamatsu! A set meal restaurant run by an elderly couple! ] All seats are tatami mats, so even preschoolers can easily go with their children. The parking lot is behind the shop. The system is confusing, so you may be confused at first. Basically everything is self-service. Visit ↓ Take off your footwear and secure a seat ↓ When the order is decided, call out from the small window where you can see the kitchen and order ↓ Carry the water, cup and tissue box at the entrance to your seat ↓ The owner will bring you to your seat, so you can eat with all your might ↓ When you finish eating, you can leave the tableware as it is ↓ Put on your shoes and call out to the kitchen to check out ■ Ramen: 550 yen ⇒The refreshing soy sauce flavor makes it delicious for children. ■ Leek Char Shumen: 850 yen ⇒ Anyway, the volume is perfect! ⇒ About 10 Charshu will be on board ⇒Leek is mixed with spicy taste ⇒Pepper and ginger will warm your body ■ Dumplings: 450 yen ⇒Meat-friendly and plenty of garlic It was a very satisfying lunch. Thank you for your treat!
斎藤栄進 on Google

チャーシューメンは750円で大きなチャーシューが6枚も乗っています。 コスパいいです。
The char siu men are 750 yen and there are 6 large char siu on board. Cospa is good.
ハルォーンdwbH on Google

This is me-n 「会津若松市川原町 湯川食堂 ラーメン」 550円 ラリルレリーマンの昼メシシリーズ! ソウルフルヌー堂からの〜(╭☞ ˘ ³˘)╭☞ 「ふくしまのハナシ」定番。 残したいソウルメンシリーズ、その一推し。 ご機嫌いかがですか。 セレクター ハルォーン☆ dwb ℋ うたふくです。 さぁ、 ココロはいつもアカペラに、 エビバディおいしくいただきましょう〜。 天高く馬肥ゆる秋晴れの週末土曜のお昼は西若松駅にほど近く会津若松市内を東西に流れる湯川のそばに店を構えるこちらの老舗食堂へ。 ぷーんとたちのぼる醤油の香りいいあとひくこのスープに中太ちぢれをからめほろほろとけおちるチャーシューをそろりそろりあむあむあむ♪ のん♪ ということで、 はい、 どーですか、 この麺(=面:つら)構え〜(o^^o) ん〜 雨にも風にもコロナにも負けず ハルォーンでございます〜w^_^w #ラーメン #食堂 #麺類 #丼類 #丼物 #会津若松市 #湯川食堂 #たぷたぷスープ #中太ちぢれ麺 #老舗 #とろとろチャーシュー #ほうれん草がうれしい
This is me-n "Kawaramachi, Aizuwakamatsu City Yukawa Shokudo ramen" 550 yen Larry Lerryman's lunch meal series! From Seoul Furnu-do ~ (╭☞˘³˘) ╭☞ "Fukushima Hanashi" classic. The soul men series that you want to keep, one of them. How are you. Selector Haruon ☆ dwb ℋ It's a song. Now, My heart is always a cappella Let's have a delicious shrimp buddy ~. High in the sky Mahi Yuru Autumn sunny weekend Saturday lunch is near Nishi-Wakamatsu Station and heads to this long-established restaurant with a store near Yukawa, which runs east and west in Aizuwakamatsu city. The scent of the soy sauce that rises from the punts is nice, and the soup is entwined with medium-thick chijire. Non ♪ So Yes, How is it? This noodle (= face: tsura) stance ~ (o ^^ o) Hmm~ No loss to rain, wind or corona This is Haruon ~ w ^ _ ^ w #Ramen #Restaurant #Noodles #Donburi #Donburi #Aizuwakamatsu City #Yukawa Shokudo #Taputap Soup #Medium-thick chijire noodles #Long-established #Toro Toro char siu #I'm happy with spinach
J-BOY on Google

The green onion char siu noodles from Yukawa Shokudo, half rice, were delicious. The soup is a delicious soup with pork bone base, chicken bones and mackerel. The moment you put the soup in your mouth, you will feel the ginger a little stronger. The noodles are medium-thick noodles from the Aizuwakamatsu Food and Beverage Association, and you can boil them to maximize their chewy texture. The char siu consists of 7 thick, degreased char siu, which is served with pepper and chili oil on top of the char siu. As for the green onions, a little thick white-haired green onions are hidden under the char siu. When you recommend eating, the shredded ginger will be a great accent. Although it is not on the menu, it is also recommended to order half rice (150 yen), put char siu and green onions on it, and eat it as a char siu bowl. The parking lot is behind the shop. When you enter the store, you take off your shoes, go up to the tatami room, and lay down the cushion yourself. Once you have decided on your order, tell the order through the small window between the kitchen and the audience and bring your own water. After eating, put on your shoes, go to the kitchen, tell what you ate, and finish the checkout. Never expect the shop to say "Welcome. Once your order is decided". Tell yourself your order. It is a rare dining room at this time, but it is full at noon even on weekdays. it's recommended.
おむすび on Google

ネギチャーシュー麺を注文しまいました。少し混んでましたので30分位は待ちました。 最初の方は生姜とスープの味が楽しめます。ネギを食べると胡椒の味、その後ラー油の味が楽しめます。 混んでいると常連のお客が文句を言いながら食器を片付けています。
I ordered the green onion pork noodles. It was a little crowded so I waited for about 30 minutes. The first one can enjoy the taste of ginger and soup. When you eat green onions, you can enjoy the taste of pepper and then the taste of chili oil. When it's crowded, regular customers are complaining and cleaning up the dishes.
tt mm on Google

【あっさりした醤油ラーメンに食べ応え抜群のチャーシューメン】 平日のお昼に訪問。 駐車場はお店の裏にあります。 看板がないので一瞬分かりませんが、普通にお店の裏手にあるのですぐ分かると思います。 店内は靴を脱ぐタイプ。 座敷の大広間という感じで、ちゃぶ台が何個か置いてあります。 店員のお爺さん、お婆さんは特に席を案内する訳ではないので自由に席に座ります。 入り口付近に水などがあり、セルフで水をとります。 注文は厨房側に小窓があるので、そこへ行って注文します。 チャーシュウメン 750円 見た目はシンプルなチャーシューメン。 スープはあっさりとした醤油ラーメン。 肉はしっかりとした肉質で食べ応え抜群。 麺は少し少ない様にも感じましたが、チャーシューがあるので量的には大満足。 スープも濃すぎないので、完飲出来そうな味でした。 コスパも良い素敵なお店。 昔ながらの食堂で、心も身体もほっこりと温まるお店でした。
[Char siu noodles that are excellent for eating light soy sauce ramen] Visited at noon on weekdays. The parking lot is behind the shop. I don't know for a moment because there is no sign, but I think you can tell immediately because it is usually behind the store. The inside of the store is a type where you take off your shoes. It's like a large hall with a tatami room, and there are several chabudais. The clerk's grandfather and grandmother do not guide the seats, so they are free to sit down. There is water near the entrance, so you can take the water yourself. There is a small window on the kitchen side for ordering, so go there and place an order. Charshumen 750 yen It looks like a simple char siu noodle. The soup is a light soy sauce ramen. The meat is solid and excellent in response to eating. I felt that the noodles were a little small, but I was very satisfied with the quantity because of the char siu. The soup wasn't too thick, so it tasted like it could be drunk. A nice shop with good cospa. It was an old-fashioned dining room that warmed your body and soul.

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