Kawano Parking Lot - Tokyo

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawano Parking Lot

住所 :

872 Kawano, Okutama, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 198-0225, Japan

Postal code : 198-0225

872 Kawano, Okutama, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 198-0225, Japan
そこらへんのゆうじ on Google

It is a parking lot for U-turns of people attacking the Okutama Shuyu Road. The security is not bad, but the atmosphere is not good either. The toilet is gone.
駐車場車載系channel・交通系YouTuber FumiFumi on Google

The parking lot closest to the Okutama Ropeway. It was like a break spot for riders.
ハマーンカーン on Google

50年近くもほったらかしのロープウェーが見えます。 老朽化で崩壊したりしないのかな?
You can see the ropeway that has been left unattended for nearly 50 years. Will it collapse due to aging?
mac noritetsu on Google

This is the Okutama side entrance of the Okutama tour road. There is no toy. There is a ruined ropeway
りこるぬ on Google

武蔵五日市の方から、周遊をあがってくると、ここまでくると終点・・・って気持ちで、ココに入って一休み・・・という感じです。それでまた都民の盛りの方へ往復したり、湖の方に行って、古里の方へ行って戻ったり・・・ですね。 気が向くと、松姫の方に行って大槻方面に抜けたりも出来るし、はたまた柳沢抜けて塩山に行ってみたり・・・四方八方、色々行き先が選べて楽しい場所です♪
From Musashi Gokaichi, when I went up the tour, I felt like I was at the end of the tour, so I went here and took a rest. So I went back and forth to the prime of the city, went to the lake, went to Furusato, and returned. If you feel like it, you can go to Matsuhime and go to Otsuki, or you can go through Yanagisawa and go to Shioyama ... It's a fun place where you can choose various destinations in all directions ♪
三川浩紀 on Google

緊急事態宣言でみんな来るようになったので、せっかくだから駐車場からも見える三頭駅のゴンドラ動かしてロープウェイ再開すればいいのになぁ? せめてトイレと自販機あれば最高なのに
Everyone came to come with the state of emergency, so I wish I could move the gondola at Mitsuto Station, which can be seen from the parking lot, and restart the ropeway ? It would be great to have a toilet and a vending machine at least
M S on Google

2020.12訪問 無料なので良いです ここからみとうさんぐち駅(廃駅)が見え、すぐに行けます また、古い灰皿が設置されており、時代を感じます
Visit 2020.12 It's good because it's free From here you can see Mito Sanguchi Station (abandoned station) and you can go immediately In addition, an old ashtray is installed, and you can feel the times.
Andy Jackson on Google

Really good ride up in both car and motorcycle with twists and turns and with free parking overlooking the lake it is very nice. Also the abandoned gondola lift is an interesting site although it’s been painted completely over ?

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