Kawaguchien Shokudo - 1353-1 Katori

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawaguchien Shokudo

住所 :

1353-1 Katori, Chiba 287-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Postal code : 287-0017

1353-1 Katori, Chiba 287-0017, Japan
Naoto Matsuzawa on Google

香取神宮のお参りに立ち寄りました。 地元の真面目な食堂です。 いつもは参道の店に立ち寄りますが、Googleガイドを見て行きました。 私はアジフライ、家内はラーメンを頼みました。 アジフライは大きくはないですが、肉厚のアジにポテトサラダにキャベツ千切り、味噌汁、たくあんにきゅうりの漬物、ご飯は普通に大盛ですが全てが普通に真面目な作りです。観光客は意識していません。ラーメンも業務用のスープではなく手製のスープです。さらに良いのが店の雰囲気。まるで田舎のおばあちゃんちで寛いでご飯を食べてる感じで手入れも行き届いています。広い座敷もあります。駐車場はかなり広いものが隣にあります。また行きたいですね。
We stopped by to visit Katori Jingu. It is a serious local dining room. I usually drop in at the approach shop, but I went to the Google Guide. I asked for Ajifried and my wife ordered ramen. The fried fried horse mackerel isn't big, but the thick horse mackerel, potato salad, shredded cabbage, miso soup, pickled cucumber and cucumber, and rice are all great, but everything is normally serious. Tourists are not aware. Ramen is also a homemade soup, not a commercial soup. The atmosphere of the store is even better. It is as if the grandma of the countryside is relaxing and eating rice, and it is well maintained. There is also a large parlor. There is a fairly large parking lot next to it. Also I want to go.
abu yuji on Google

昼間に来店してみました。 店の脇に大きな駐車場が、あります。 引き戸を引いて店内に 5組ほど前客が居ました。 空いているテーブルに座り、メニューを見ていると、入店したことに気付いてもらえず、少し待ちました。 厨房から次々とお客さんの料理が運ばれて行きます。 気付いてもらい、カツカレーと、とん汁を注文して店内を見渡すと、古いお店ですが清潔感があります。 待っている間にも、お客さんが何組か来店してきます。 10分掛からない位でカツカレー、とん汁が 配膳されました。 思っていたよりも、量が多いです。 ラーメンを頼まなくて良かった。 食べてみると、食堂らしいカツカレーです。 とん汁が旨い‼️ 具も沢山です。 美味しくいただきました。 ご馳走さまでした。
I visited the store in the daytime. There is a large parking lot beside the store. Pull the sliding door into the store There were about 5 pairs of previous guests. When I was sitting at an empty table and looking at the menu, I didn't notice that I had entered the restaurant, so I waited for a while. Customers' dishes are carried one after another from the kitchen. If you notice it, order cutlet curry and tonjiru and look around the store, it is an old store, but it has a clean feeling. While waiting, some customers come to the store. Cutlet curry and tonjiru in less than 10 minutes It was served. It's more than I expected. I'm glad I didn't ask for ramen. When I try to eat it, it is a cutlet curry that seems to be a dining room. The tonjiru is delicious! ️ There are many ingredients. It was delicious. It was a feast.
かたおかまゆみ on Google

There is a lot of menu ? It feels like an old-fashioned set meal shop ?
路地裏の少年02 on Google

口コミサイトで知りました。香取神宮の前の風情ある食堂です。生姜焼き定食(850円税込)をいただきました。 半年ぶりの再訪で、ドライカレー(570円)と豚汁(270円)を完食させていただきました。野菜炒め定食(640円)がおすすめだそうです。
I found out on the word-of-mouth site. It is a tasteful restaurant in front of Katori Jingu. I had a ginger-grilled set meal (850 yen including tax). After returning to Japan for the first time in half a year, I finished eating dry curry (570 yen) and pork soup (270 yen). The stir-fried vegetables set meal (640 yen) is recommended.
Let'sイート on Google

お客で賑わう美味しい食堂 野菜炒めに肉が入るラッキー 味つけしっかりしていて美味しかった
A delicious dining room crowded with customers. Lucky for stir-fried vegetables with meat. It was well seasoned and delicious.
you18 on Google

香取神宮の門前にある、昭和レトロな食堂。「五目ラーメン」が人気です。 テーブル席や座敷席があり、ゆっくり出来ます。駐車場はとても広く利便性良い。
Showa retro dining room in front of the gate of Katori Jingu. "Gome Ramen" is popular. There are table seats and tatami mat seats, so you can relax. The parking lot is very large and convenient.
88 hiro on Google

香取神社の参拝前、参道手前のこちらに初めて伺いました。 もう、お店の佇まいからして、ワクワクが止まりません。 期待通り、観光客向けでなく地元客向けで、メニューももつ煮込みからオムライスまで、ホントに和洋でした。 私はナポリタンと連れはイカフライ定食を頼みましたが、どちらもお安い上に丁寧に盛り付けられた付け合わせのサラダと具沢山のみそ汁で大満足です。 良いお店でした。 地元客でいっぱいのお店に間違いなしですね。
Before visiting Katori Shrine, I visited here for the first time before the approach. The appearance of the shop makes me excited. As expected, it was not for tourists but for locals, and it was really Japanese and Western, from stewed omelet rice with a menu to omelet rice. I ordered a squid set meal with Napolitan and my companion, but both are very satisfied with the cheap and carefully arranged salad and a lot of miso soup. It was a good shop. There is no doubt that the store is full of local customers.
ジャルダンピエール on Google

It is a building that seems to have a history at the knee of Katori Jingu. Inside, there is a dirt floor, and most of it is a small rise. In the back, there is a luxurious room like an alcove, decorated with lucky charms. It is a space where you can feel the history, taste and calm. I chose spaghetti meat sauce today. The noodles are sautéed and fragrant, and the sauce is delicious. A long time ago, when I was a kid, I ate that nostalgic feast at the restaurant on the top floor of a department store. And the service sisters have a nostalgic and relieved atmosphere with white hoods and white kappogi. It's a warm atmosphere in the downtown cafeteria, as you can see in Tora-san's movie. The menu is abundant, so I would like to conquer various things.

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