
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旧御坂峠

住所 :

Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, 〒401-0304 Yamanashi,Japan

街 : Yamanashi

Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, 〒401-0304 Yamanashi,Japan
phrsh on Google

I like Mt. Fuji seen from here. There is no place to park the tunnel, and the visitors are those who like Mt. Fuji and those who like Osamu Dazai, but that's just right.
らいおんまる on Google

If you climb the stairs a little from the teahouse, you will see the observatory, but the view of Fuji does not change that much. If you are an elderly person, you do not have to overdo it.
Naoaki IMAI on Google

富士山を南側に見ることができるスポット。日中は河口湖と富士山を一望できる。 7月の24時前後には、天の川が富士山の上に直立する構図を見ることができるため、特に新月・快晴の夜には写真趣味者が集まってくる。駐車スペースは広くないため、譲り合いが必要。 実際に富士山+天の川を撮影しようとする場合、気象条件に加えて、湿度もポイントとなる。湿度が高いと、河口湖辺りが霧がかってしまい、富士山が僅かなシルエットしか見えなくなってしまう。うまく条件が揃うと感動すること間違いなし。 当然、通常の交通もあるため、通行者の迷惑にならないよう留意のこと。
A spot where you can see Mt. Fuji on the south side. During the day, you can overlook Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji. At around 24:00 in July, you can see the composition of the Milky Way standing upright on Mt. Fuji. Since the parking space is not large, it is necessary to make a concession. In addition to the meteorological conditions, humidity is also a key factor when actually shooting Mt. Fuji and the Milky Way. If the humidity is high, the area around Lake Kawaguchi will be foggy and Mt. Fuji will be visible only in a small silhouette. There is no doubt that you will be impressed if the conditions are well met. Of course, since there is also normal traffic, be careful not to bother passersby.
MA CH on Google

真夏の盛りでも標高1,000メートルを越えると涼しく心地よい空気。 そんな中であつあつのほうとうを頂く幸せ。天下茶屋にて。
Even in the height of midsummer, the air is cool and comfortable when the altitude exceeds 1,000 meters. In such a situation, I am happy to receive a hot hoto. At Tenka Chaya.
石川賀一(がいち) on Google

隧道入口(天下茶屋側)から本来の峠に入る小路があります。 旧国道137号線ですが、ここまでの道のりは特に路面も荒れてなく、落葉的なのが道路の両脇に少しあるくらいの状態でした。
There is an alley that enters the original pass from the tunnel entrance (Tenka Chaya side). Although it is the old national highway No. 137, the road surface up to this point was not particularly rough, and there were a few deciduous leaves on both sides of the road.
mafuko DX on Google

It was a spectacular view after passing through a short tunnel ✨ Speaking of the old road of Misaka, it used to be famous for psychic spots, but recently I saw a spectacular photo of Mt. Fuji from this place and went there for the first time! I climbed up quite a bit from the direction of Kofu, but the leaves turned red on the way ? And what do you mean when you go through the tunnel? Please buy it for 10 yen (laughs) Maybe it will be closed soon? (I can't go through in winter)
みにぃぃぃぃ on Google

2021.11.21 峠のかんばん娘:小梅ちゃんがお出迎え(*´∇`*) 天候や季節により、色んな表情の富士山を見る事ができます。この日はあいにく雲がかかっていました。 太宰治の碑の後辺りからどんどん登っていきます。 この時期紅葉も終わり、一面落ち葉で埋め尽くされているので、足元には要注意です。
2021.11.21 Kanban daughter of the pass: Koume-chan welcomes you (* ´∇ ` *) Depending on the weather and season, you can see Mt. Fuji with various expressions. Unfortunately there was a cloud on that day. I will climb steadily from the back of the monument of Osamu Dazai. At this time, the autumn leaves are over and the whole area is filled with fallen leaves, so be careful of your feet.
ターニー530 on Google

トンネルを抜けて、河口湖側に抜けた時の景色は本当に素晴らしい。 昔から峠越えは険しいが、見た人は必ず感動したと思う。 富士山がこんなにはっきりお出迎えしてくれる旅なら、きっと素晴らしいものになるはずだ。
The scenery when you go through the tunnel and go to the side of Lake Kawaguchi is really wonderful. Crossing the pass has been steep for a long time, but I think people who saw it were impressed. A trip where Mt. Fuji welcomes you so clearly should be wonderful.

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