
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐原自動車教習所

住所 :

Katori, 〒287-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Webサイト : http://www.sawara-drivingschool.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Katori, 〒287-0005 Chiba,Japan
on Google

技能教習で失敗した時に相手を馬鹿にするような態度をとる教官が多いです。また、失敗した時に感情的に言うだけだったり、助手席で寝る・くつろぐ教官(ご高齢の方)もいるのでわざわざこの教習所を選ぶ必要は無いと感じました。 多少自宅から距離が離れていても別の教習所へ行くことお勧めします。
Many instructors take an attitude that makes a fool of the other person when they fail in skill training. Also, I felt that I didn't have to choose this driving school because there are instructors (elderly people) who just say emotionally when they make a mistake and sleep / relax in the passenger seat. It is recommended that you go to another driving school even if you are a little far from your home.
次男坊 on Google

ここで普通免許を取得したが、失敗するとすぐにキレる教官が何名かいた(U, Hさんなど)。教員ではないし、指導にストレスが溜まったのかもしれないが。 ただ畑中さんは、怒られたのはごもっともなときで、親切に教えてくれたと思う。
I got an ordinary driver's license here, but there were some instructors who got angry as soon as they failed (U, H, etc.). I'm not a teacher, and maybe I was stressed by the instruction. However, I think Mr. Hatanaka kindly taught me when he was angry at a reasonable time.
鳥羽啓太 on Google

佐原教習所はとても良い所という言葉に騙されないでください。 もちろん良いところばかりです! 教官も親身になって指導してくれます。 ですが、1人クズレベルの教官がいます。(畑中って人) その人に当たった時は覚悟した方がいいでしょう。 その教官がいなければレビューは★5レベルです! 信じるか信じないかはあなた次第です。
Don't be fooled by the word Sawara Driving School is a very good place. Of course there are only good points! The instructor will also be friendly and will guide you. However, there is one junk-level instructor. (Hatanaka is a person) You should be prepared when you hit that person. Without that instructor, the review is ★ 5 level! It's up to you to believe or not.
榎本早也香 on Google

現在この教習所に通っている教習生です みんな優しい指導員ばかりで嬉しいです 1つ1つ丁寧に教えてくれます 生まれて初めての運転でド下手で 蛇行運転でも呆れたりせず付き合ってくれます 畑中さんの学科教習や説明が聞きやすいです 平野さんがやや話し方が早い気がします
I am a student who is currently attending this driving school I'm glad that everyone is a kind instructor Will teach you one by one I'm not good at driving for the first time in my life Even if you drive in a meandering manner, you will not be disappointed and will go out with you. It is easy to hear Mr. Hatanaka's department training and explanations I feel that Mr. Hirano speaks a little faster.
もけけ on Google

If you want to go here, it's about 3 stations away, but I think it's better to go to Omigawa. There were times when there were few teachers who could get it quickly and ended up as a person.
Taiga on Google

I think that the reason why I was able to obtain a license in one shot without any accidents was because of the good guidance. I had a medium-sized driver's license, but practicing in the streets of Sawara gives me confidence. Outside the office, it is a difficult place near a certain convenience store.
CK MO on Google

When I hit Takuya Oki, I feel sick because I smell cigarettes every time I open my mouth. In addition to being noisy, the appearance of walking calmly in front of a student who is preparing to get on the train while leaving the smoking area during breaks is a gerontocracy. For the driving school, please acquire the minimum etiquette as an adult before driving etiquette!
牛丼並 on Google

平野っていう教官に当たったら最悪です! 下手なやつには凄くキレて来る。 運転が上手いやつや女にはあまい! 平野以外はまぁ大丈夫! 今日教習で平野にキレてやったから今後同じ目にあった人がいたら言ってください!
It's the worst if you hit an instructor called Hirano! It's very sharp for bad guys. It's sweet for guys and women who are good at driving! Except for the plains, it's okay! I've been sharpening the plains in my lessons today, so please tell me if anyone has the same eyes in the future!

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