フードネットマート 片山町サンゼリア店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フードネットマート 片山町サンゼリア店

住所 :

Katayamacho, Suita, 〒564-0082 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://fnm.co.jp/locations/
街 : Osaka

Katayamacho, Suita, 〒564-0082 Osaka,Japan
チャカポコ(ポコ) on Google

Stock items are quite cheap. The fresh fish corner is authentic.
中尾孝行 on Google

弁当や寿司は、半額シールが貼られたら、すぐに無くなる。 PayPayやdカードなどの電子決済も使える
Lunch boxes and sushi will disappear as soon as the half-price sticker is attached. Electronic payments such as PayPay and d card can also be used
り“Sayu”さゆ on Google

魚はキレイで比較的安いです。合挽きミンチは、たぶんいつもグラム98円だと思います。地元の小さなスーパーって感じで、こだわりがある方には向いてないです。子供用のカレールーが売ってなくて困った事があります(笑)そんな感じです。 果物は「すごく甘い」と書いてあると、すごく甘く、「甘い」と書いてあると甘いです。信用できるPOPなので参考にしてます。 店員さんは、感じのいい方が多いです。 通路が狭いので、ベビーカーで行く時は気をつけて下さい。
The fish are beautiful and relatively cheap. I think minced minced meat is probably always 98 yen per gram. It feels like a small local supermarket and is not suitable for those who are particular about it. I had a problem because I couldn't sell curry roux for children (laughs). Fruits are very sweet when they say "very sweet" and sweet when they say "sweet". I refer to it because it is a reliable POP. Many of the clerk feel good. The passage is narrow, so be careful when you go by stroller.
Shr Ic423 on Google

It became very good after becoming a food net mart affiliate. As the inside of the store does not change, the passage is still narrow and it is difficult to do shopping with a stroller, and the facilities are aging and the floor is not flat. The store is small and the product lineup is reasonable. But meat and fish have improved. Sweets are also basically cheap. Convenient for everyday shopping.
Hina QQ on Google

町の小さなスーパーです。お魚は新鮮なものが置いてあることが多くそれなりに安い。 野菜は多少残念なものがあります。品揃えは小売店にしては良いと思います。近くに大型スーパーのチェーン店はあるけどもこの店に比べるとお値段が高いものが多いです。 近所に住んでいるならここで良いかと思う。冷凍食品よりも手作りで料理する人にとっては普通にありそうなものが無いというのは関西特有と思っている。この店だけではないです。 なぜなら関西人は自分で料理する人が少ないのではと個人的に感じる。お総菜屋が充実している店が殆どで1から料理する人が少ないのではないかと思われる。 とにかく簡単に温めるだけ、焼くだけ、揚げるだけみたいな食生活なのかな。 夕方18時30分頃かな?半額シール貼るのを待つ老人や主婦がいることに驚いた(笑)たまたまその時間に行ってお総菜のあたりだけ人口が蜜になっていて「?」でしたが、その1-2分後にシールを張るそばから手あたり次第に売れていってた。 1主婦のカゴの中を見たら言葉にならなかった。家族の人数分のカップ麺と半額惣菜とお弁当のみだった。 これが1度見ただけならまだしもたまに同じ方と遭遇。カゴの中は同じ・・・この方の家族はどう思っているんだろうとお買い物中に他人の家庭を思い不憫に思ってしまった。 私は他県出身なので関西のスーパーにいまだ不便を感じる。とにかく様々なスーパーへかたっぱしから入ってみて思った。 住む(育った)環境が違うと食生活まで違うと肌身感じている。仕方ないけれど早く地元に戻りたい。
It's a small supermarket in town. Fresh fish are often placed and are reasonably cheap. Some vegetables are a little disappointing. I think the assortment is good for a retail store. There is a large supermarket chain store nearby, but many of them are more expensive than this one. If you live in the neighborhood, I think it's okay here. I think it is unique to Kansai that there is nothing that seems to be normal for people who cook by hand rather than frozen foods. It's not just this store. I personally feel that there are few Kansai people who cook by themselves. It seems that most of the shops have a lot of delicatessen shops and few people cook from scratch. Anyway, I wonder if it's a diet that is just like warming, baking, and frying. Is it around 18:30 in the evening? I was surprised that there were old people and housewives waiting to put a half-price sticker (laughs). I happened to go there at that time and the population was honey only around the side dish, so I was asked "?", But 1-2 minutes later the sticker It was selling randomly from the side where the sticker was put up. 1 When I looked inside the housewife's basket, I couldn't put it into words. Only cup noodles, half-price side dishes and lunch boxes for the number of family members. If I saw this only once, I would occasionally meet the same person. The inside of the basket is the same ... I wondered what this person's family thinks, and while shopping, I felt pity for the family of another person. I'm from another prefecture, so I still feel inconvenienced at supermarkets in Kansai. Anyway, I thought about going into various supermarkets. I feel that if the environment in which I live (raised) is different, my eating habits will be different. I can't help but want to return to my hometown as soon as possible.
T T on Google

It is a supermarket in the city with no assortment, price range, or other features.
直子 on Google

クレカ、PayPay 使えます。 チラシ以外にも、大量仕入れによる値引きや、賞味期限間近の値引き商品があり お得に買い物できます。 店内は商品棚との間が狭いため、混雑時は大変です。
You can use credit cards and PayPay. In addition to leaflets, there are discounts for bulk purchases and discounted products that are close to the expiration date, so you can shop at great prices. Since the space between the store and the product shelves is small, it is difficult when it is crowded.
Masterkey on Google

The product lineup is good for the size, and the price is also cheap. The front of the cash register is inclined, and it is completely out that you have to hold the cart with one hand and pay. It is the law at all stores that interferes with payment behavior.

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