Katagiri Clinics - Yokohama

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Katagiri Clinics

住所 :

1 Chome-6-12 Kamihoshikawa, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 240-0042

1 Chome-6-12 Kamihoshikawa, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-0042, Japan
横浜の心優しい暗殺者 on Google

地元に帰って来て、掛かり付けの病院探しで昔幼少で上星川駅前に住んでいた際に、お父さんの代でお世話になっていた片桐医院さんに再びお世話になる事に。 息子さんの代になってから初めて行きましたが、 息子さんも受付の女性もとても話しやすく和ませて頂いています。
When I came back to the local area and lived in front of Kawashimogawa station earlier in childhood searching for hospital hospitals, I would like to take care of Katagiri clinic again who was indebted to my father. I went for the first time since my son became a substitute, My son and the reception desk are very nice and easy to talk.
こうすけ on Google

The teacher was very kind and the cleaning was neat and it was very nice
es345 “Not Gibson Memphis” on Google

引越してきて、どこで治療してもらうか不安でしたが、ここに来てよかったです。 先生がいい人です。小さくまとまった院内は明るくて清潔です。
I was moved and I was worried about where to get treatment, but I'm glad I came here. The teacher is a good person. The small and cozy hospital is bright and clean.
Keiichi Quriyama on Google

先生は親切な印象の方で良かったです。 建物も2016年くらいに作ったものなので、かなりきれいです。 薬も出してくれるので、薬局にいく手間がないのも助かります。 午後の診察開始にあわせて伺いましたが、10分前くらいに受付が開始されました。それまでは入口が閉まっているので、中で待つことができないのでご注意ください。 と、かなり良い印象だったのですが、2点気になることがあったので評価は4にしています。 ①自分の受付後に製薬会社の営業と覚しき人が3人きたのですが、優先的に案内図去れた上に、診察時間が始まっても話が続いていました。どこでもこんなものかも知れませんが、症状の辛い人は、少し一時間くらいズラして行ったほうが良いかも知れません。 ②前述のとおり、薬もだしてくれるのですが、それを知らずにお薬手帳を出さなかったら、会計時も提出を求められませんでした。お薬手帳出さないと、高くなるようになったと聞いているので、お持ちの方は先に出した方が良いでしょう。 (明細の見方がわからないので、結局高くなっていたのかは分かりません)
The teacher was kind and had a good impression. The building was made around 2016, so it's pretty beautiful. It also gives me medicine, which helps me not have to go to the pharmacy. I asked about the start of the consultation in the afternoon, but the reception started about 10 minutes ago. Please note that the entrance is closed until then, so you cannot wait inside. I got a pretty good impression, but since there were things I was interested in, I gave it a rating of 4. (1) There were three people who came to the business of a pharmaceutical company after their reception, but they left the guide map with priority and talks continued even after consultation time began. This may happen anywhere, but if you have severe symptoms, you may want to stagger for an hour or so. (2) As mentioned above, he / she also gives me the medicine, but if I didn't know it and gave me the medicine notebook, I was not asked to submit it even at the time of accounting. I heard that if you do not put out the medicine notebook, it will become higher, so if you have it, it is better to put it out first. (I don't know if it was higher because I don't know how to read the details)
加藤真弓 on Google

It is an ideal doctor because the face-to-face examination leads to a sense of security. The nurse will also be happy to help you.
7188 me on Google

先生は優しく話しを聞いてくれるし、希望に沿ったお薬を出してくれました。 聴診器は服の上から当ててくれるのでお腹を見せる必要もなく、女性でも安心して診てもらえると思います。 地元の小さな医院ですが、こういう人柄の信頼できる先生がいてくださって地元民としては嬉しい限りです。 受付の方も感じがいいし、また何かあった時は利用したいと思っています。
The teacher asked me kindly talking and put out medicine according to my wishes. Since the stethoscope hits from the top of the clothes, I do not need to show my stomach, I think that even a woman can be diagnosed with confidence. Although it is a small local clinic, it is a pleasant as a local citizen who has a reliable teacher like this person. The receptionist also feels good, and I think that I want to use it when there is something again.
hana momono on Google

The teacher is kind and listens carefully to the patient. The explanation is also polite, and even if you ask a question, it will be easy to understand. The other staff feels good too.
柴金太 on Google

The teacher often listens to me and examines me. The explanation is also polite and easy to understand, so you can rest assured. If anything, he will write you a letter of introduction immediately, and no matter what you say, he will face you patiently. The reception is also nice

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