軽自動車専門店ハヤシ 倉敷店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 軽自動車専門店ハヤシ 倉敷店

Kasuyama, Kurashiki, 〒710-0026 Okayama,Japan
ゴリ越ゴリ on Google

初めて利用しましたが、とても丁寧な説明と対応で、分かりやすく安心して手続きできました。 店内も清潔で広くて快適でした。
I used it for the first time, but with very polite explanation and correspondence, I was able to complete the procedure in an easy-to-understand manner with peace of mind. The inside of the store was clean, spacious and comfortable.
yoshimori sasaki on Google

本日納車で嬉しいです。親切な店員かねつきさんがテキパキとイケメンみんなハヤシに行ってみよう、ドリンクも無料だしね。 1か月点検をし貰いました。行ってすぐ降りたらすぐに整備員がきて車の整備して頂きました。とても素早いしかねつきさんが、整備中に困っている事がないかとか色々と丁寧であっという間に終わりました。ありがとうございました?
I am happy to deliver the car today. Let's go to Hayashi with a kind clerk, Kanetsuki-san, and all the handsome guys, drinks are free. I had it inspected for a month. As soon as I went and got off, a maintenance worker came and had me maintain the car. Mr. Kanetsuki, who is very quick, was polite and finished in a blink of an eye as to whether there were any problems during maintenance. Thank you ?
きよみ on Google

It was the delivery date today. Thank you for responding to sudden time changes! Thank you to Mr. Noda for your polite response. We will continue to take care of you for maintenance and so on!
高嶋良太 on Google

担当の武田さん、前田さんの対応がとても良く気持ちよく取引できました。 値段も安く、次回もお願いしようと思います。 納車までよろしくお願いします。
The correspondence of Mr. Takeda and Mr. Maeda in charge was very good and I was able to trade comfortably. The price is cheap and I would like to ask you again next time. Thank you for your delivery.
ひよ on Google

Thank you to Mr. Kanetsuki from the contract to the delivery. I am glad that I was able to proceed with the discussion with peace of mind with a polite explanation and an attitude of listening carefully to my wishes and making suggestions. It was a fun time to commute to work by getting in my favorite car.
芦田いづみ on Google

今日は車の納車日でした。担当の鐘築さん とても感じがよく丁寧に説明をしてくれました。?しかも男前!!ハヤシで購入してよかったです。大事に乗らしてもらいます。?ありがとうございました?
Today was the delivery day of the car. Mr. Kanetsuki, who is in charge, explained very nicely and politely. ? Besides, a man! !! I'm glad I bought it at Hayashi. I will take care of you. ? Thank you ?
J M on Google

いくつかの車種で迷っていましたが、メリットデメリットをはっきり伝えてくれて、自分に合った車をオススメしてくれました。 保険の見直しも考えていたので、そちらもありがたかったです。 武田さん、林副社長、ありがとうございます。
I was wondering about some car models, but he clearly told me the advantages and disadvantages and recommended the car that suits me. I was also thinking about revising my insurance, so I was grateful for that as well. Thank you, Mr. Takeda and Vice President Hayashi.
d miyou on Google

2号線バイパス沿いにあるので便利。 駐車場も広いし、店内も広々。 キッズスペース(おもちゃ等はない)もあるので子連れでも比較的利用しやすい。 スタッフもみんな明るくて親切です。 私はここをずっと利用していて4台購入しています。
Convenient because it is located along the Route 2 bypass. The parking lot is large and the inside of the store is also spacious. There is also a kids space (no toys, etc.), so it is relatively easy to use even with children. All the staff are cheerful and kind. I have been using it for a long time and have purchased 4 units.

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