
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 「GYAKUSANGYM」(ギャクサンジム)

住所 :

Kasuya, Setagaya City, 〒157-0063 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887877
Webサイト : http://gyakusangym.sakura.ne.jp/gym/
街 : Tokyo

Kasuya, Setagaya City, 〒157-0063 Tokyo,Japan
Ayumi * on Google

先生方が皆フレンドリーかつ教え方が丁寧で初心者でも楽しく効果的にキックボクシングが学べます。 他のジムも体験しましたが、こちらはかなり清潔に保たれている印象。 女性の会員さんが多いのも特徴です。
All the teachers are friendly and the teaching method is polite, so even beginners can learn kickboxing in a fun and effective way. I also experienced other gyms, but this one has the impression that it is kept fairly clean. Another feature is that there are many female members.
ナガ on Google

I'm not good at sports, so I was worried if I could keep up with it at first, but I was able to continue to enjoy it without difficulty because I was given guidance according to my level.
im mim on Google

毎回メニューが違うので楽しく続けられています! 運動習慣ゼロでしたが、分かりやすく丁寧に指導してくださるので今では日課のように通っています。
The menu is different every time, so it's fun to continue! I had no exercise habits, but now I go to my daily routine because he teaches me in an easy-to-understand and polite manner.
Kazuya Yamaguchi on Google

明るい、清潔、楽しい、と三拍子揃ったジムだと感じています。 スタッフの皆さんも接しやすく、練習も個々人のペースに合わせてくれます。 私は4ヶ月で10Kgのダイエットに成功、先生のトレーニングメニューのおかげです。 しっかり継続していくつもりです。
I feel that the gym is bright, clean, and fun. The staff are also easy to interact with, and the practice is tailored to the individual's pace. I succeeded in dieting 10Kg in 4 months, thanks to the teacher's training menu. I will continue firmly.
seven mofmof on Google

運動をしたことがなかったのでキックボクシングは敷居が高かったのですが、始めるのは今しかないと入会。 女性会員が多く、レッスンがバラエティに富んでいて先生方がしっかり見てくださるので、60代の私でも今では週5回通うくらい楽しく続けられています。
Kickboxing had a high threshold because I had never exercised, but I joined the club only now. There are many female members, and the lessons are rich in variety, and the teachers take a close look at them, so even though I am in my 60s, I now enjoy going 5 times a week.
nonon non on Google

家の近くにも格闘技のジムはありましたが、こちらのジムは女性が多く、清潔でアットホームなので、人見知りの私でも1人で入会出来ました? 先生たちは、優しくレベルに合わせて教えてくれるので、キックボクシング初心者でも大丈夫?‍♀️ ジムに通い始めて体重減、運動不足解消、ストレス発散、病気知らずといいことばかり✌️ 今はもっと上手くなれるように日々訓練。 これからもご指導のほど、よろしくお願いします?
There was a martial arts gym near my house, but there are many women in this gym, and it's clean and cozy, so even I, a shy person, could join by myself ? The teachers will kindly teach you according to your level, so even beginners in kickboxing are okay ?‍♀️ Starting to go to the gym, weight loss, relieving lack of exercise, stress relief, sickness-free ✌️ Now I am training every day so that I can get better. Thank you for your continued guidance ?
R K on Google

キックボクシングは初めてでしたが、ダイエットに成功している方が多いジムと聞き、体験後に入会いたしました。 先生が丁寧に教えて下さるので、とても楽しく運動することができました! 毎日違うレッスンを受けることができるので、普通のスポーツジムとは違い、飽きずに運動することができます。 入会して3ヶ月になりますが、かなり体重も落ちたので効果は本物だと思いました! ダイエットしたい方にもおすすめのジムです。
It was my first time to kickbox, but I heard that there are many people who have succeeded in dieting, so I joined after the experience. The teacher taught me carefully, so I enjoyed exercising very much! Since you can take different lessons every day, you can exercise without getting tired, unlike a normal sports gym. It's been 3 months since I joined, but I've lost a lot of weight, so I thought the effect was real! This gym is also recommended for those who want to go on a diet.
Eri on Google

I was able to lose 5 kg in the first six months without any dietary restrictions. The teachers will respond to your individual level, needs, and physical condition. The gym is clean. I think it's cheap to go regardless of gender. My relatives go to children's classes, but it seems to be fun every week. It is recommended for both adults and children to be trained both physically and mentally.

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