
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おみやげ処やまがた

住所 :

Kasumicho, 〒990-0039 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.livit.jregroup.ne.jp/detail/167
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–8:30PM
Sunday 6AM–8:30PM
Monday 6AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 6AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 6AM–8:30PM
Thursday 6AM–8:30PM
Friday 6AM–8:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Kasumicho, 〒990-0039 Yamagata,Japan
Snow Pink on Google

If you have forgotten to buy souvenirs at the main store, you can get them here.
Frog Blog on Google

It seems that beef lunch is popular, so I bought it and tried it, but it tasted sweet and tasteless. They are expensive and why are they so popular? Convenience store lunch is still better. If you leave or throw it away, you'll be sorry for the cow that became your lunch, so I ate it with pity. The attitude of the clerk is also bad.
のほほん山形 on Google

The location in front of the Yamagata Station ticket gate. There is a waiting room, tourist information and a small souvenir shop, but there are various items, so it is convenient when you are in a hurry. When you have time, it's fun to see the souvenir floor on the second floor of the station and the S-PAL.
中島伸道 on Google

このお店でずんだ餅の冷凍品を買いましたが、冷凍品を多数販売してるにも拘わらず、保冷剤の類は一切ないばかりか、常温で2、3時間で解凍してしまうこと。再冷凍は不可能なことを当然のことのように言われました。 JR改札の真ん前で営業するには、あまりにもお粗末です。 有料でも仕方ないので、保冷袋や保冷剤は置いておくべきです。 今後山形駅を利用しても、ここでは冷凍品は絶対に買いません。買いたくありません。
I bought frozen zunda mochi at this shop, but despite the fact that many frozen products are sold, not only are there no ice packs, but they also thaw at room temperature in a few hours. It was taken for granted that refrigeration was impossible. It's too poor to operate right in front of the JR ticket gates. There is no point in paying for it, so you should keep the ice pack and ice pack. Even if I use Yamagata Station in the future, I will never buy frozen products here. I don't want to buy it.
幸子(さちころりん) on Google

Now, we are handling ekiben at the souvenir shop Yamagata. It will be in stock from 9:00 to 10:00.
蓮の花 on Google

山形のお土産は、 さくらんぼゼリーが、 美味しいから おすすめです。
Yamagata souvenirs are Cherry jelly Because it's delicious it's recommended.
羅将神みずき on Google

2019/9/16/月 山形観光の帰りにお土産を買いました(^^) 米沢牛のコロッケやハンバーグ ソウルフードのだし お蕎麦やサラミに漬物 オプションで保冷袋が見える所に飾ってあるので暑さ厳しい時は利用しましょう(^^) 新二千円札で会計したら、女性の店員さんが久しぶりに見たらしく超笑顔対応(*^^*) 駅弁もあるので列車に乗る前に買えますね(^^)
2019/9/16 / Month I bought souvenirs on my way home from Yamagata (^^) Yonezawa beef croquettes and hamburgers Soul food stock Pickles on soba and salami (^^) Use it when the heat is severe because it is displayed in the place where you can see the cold bag as an option After accounting for the new 2000 yen bill, a female clerk looks like it has been a long time and a super smile (* ^^ *) There is an ekiben so you can buy it before getting on the train (^^)
ポンタンアメ on Google

先日、新幹線に乗る前にお土産とお弁当を購入しました。 お土産類は山形県の名物がずらりと有ります。 弁当も何種類か有ります。横に電子レンジも有ったかな。 JREポイントも貯まりますが、アプリ対応していません。 カードを持っていなかったので、ポイント貯められず…。 こんなご時世ですので、アプリ対応を強く希望します! Suica、各種クレジットカード対応。 お店の方に、ホームにお店はもう無いですか?と聞いたら、「もう無いです。」と。 重い荷物とお土産と弁当と飲み物を持って新幹線ホームまで歩いたら、有るじゃんNewDaysが。 嘘は言わないでください❗️? ホームでも駅弁やおにぎり、パンも買えますし、(私が行った時は駅弁は1種類しか有りませんでしたが。)飲み物も買えます。 お土産も多少の物(やまがたには無い物や近県の名物等)がホームのNewDaysでも購入出来ますので、参考になさってください。
The other day, I bought a souvenir and a lunch box before getting on the Shinkansen. There are many souvenirs from Yamagata prefecture. There are several types of bento. I wonder if there was a microwave next to it. You can also earn JRE points, but the app is not supported. I didn't have a card, so I couldn't collect points ... It's such a time, so I strongly hope for app support! Suica, various credit cards are supported. Do you have a store at home anymore? When asked, "I don't have it anymore." If you walk to the Shinkansen platform with heavy luggage, souvenirs, lunch boxes and drinks, you will find NewDays. Don't lie ❗️? You can buy ekiben, rice balls, and bread at home, and you can also buy drinks (although there was only one type of ekiben when I went). You can also buy some souvenirs (things that Yamagata does not have, local specialties, etc.) at NewDays at home, so please refer to them.

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