匠大塚 春日部本店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 匠大塚 春日部本店

住所 :

Kasukabehigashi, Kasukabe, 〒344-8533 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.takumi-otsuka.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–6PM
Sunday 10:30AM–6PM
Monday 10:30AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10:30AM–6PM
Thursday 10:30AM–6PM
Friday 10:30AM–6PM
街 : Saitama

Kasukabehigashi, Kasukabe, 〒344-8533 Saitama,Japan
Mate Maty on Google

やはり大塚家具の接客、展示、商売は間違ってなかった! とても気分良い時間を過ごせました。
After all, the customer service, exhibition, and business of Otsuka Kagu were not wrong! I had a very good time.
Toshihiro Nakaigawa on Google

I was invited by an insert leaflet and went. It was surprising that Takumi Otsuka came in, but I experienced high-end furniture that was out of reach and generous customer service. If you plan to buy new furniture, I think you should go. I went to a bargain furniture store on my way home, but is it cheaper? I didn't think at all.
k 8 on Google

一枚天板のテーブルや高級そうなソファを使った匠大塚の一階にあるレストラン。 無料券を頂き訪問してみました。 ゆったりとした店内と高級家具?に囲まれての食事は春日部を忘れさせるリッチ感を堪能。 季節の御膳で肉料理(嫁は魚料理)を注文。 ご飯は白米と五穀米からチョイス出来ます。 また肝心の味は美味しい! やはりリッチな感じなのに料理が残念だと悲しいですが、満足出来るレベルでした。 量は女性が満足するレベルかな? 小生は少し物足りない量ではありました。 コーヒーもこだわっているようで、美味しかったです。たまにカフェとして利用しても良さそう。 また直接匠大塚で買い物中でも使えるようで、匠家具から入ってくるお客様も多かった。 ちょろっと家具も散策したが、思ったより高くない家具や、信じられない価格の小物などありみて回るだけでも、楽しいかも。 店員さんはすぐに寄ってきますが、、、。
A restaurant on the first floor of Takumi Otsuka with a single top plate table and a high-class sofa. I got a free ticket and visited it. Spacious interior and luxury furniture? Enjoy the rich feeling that makes Kasukabe forget about the meal surrounded by. I ordered meat dishes (my wife is fish dishes) at the seasonal set. You can choose rice from white rice and five-grain rice. Also, the essential taste is delicious! It's sad that the food is disappointing though it's still rich, but it was a satisfying level. Is the amount a level that women are satisfied with? I was a little unsatisfied. The coffee seemed to be particular and it was delicious. It seems good to use it as a cafe once in a while. Also, it seems that it can be used directly while shopping at Takumi Otsuka, and many customers came in from Takumi furniture. I took a walk around the furniture for a while, but it might be fun just to look around for furniture that is not expensive than I expected and accessories with unbelievable prices. The clerk will come by soon, but ...
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・一階に開放感のあるカフェあり ・テーブル席、ソファー席多数 ・ランチメニューあり 【感想】 高級家具に縁がなくてもカフェは気軽に利用できます。非常に開放的です。また値段も普通です(スタバより少し高いくらい?)。ソファー席は少し照明が落としてあり落ち着きます。どちらの席も親子喧嘩とは無縁な感じです。またラフなかっこうでも特に違和感はありません。フラっと入っても問題ないと思います。店舗の方には春日部らしく大凧がありました笑。またクラシックカーが大量に展示してあります。
【point】 ・There is an open cafe on the first floor ・Many table and sofa seats ・Lunch menu available [Comments] You can feel free to use the cafe even if there is no connection to the luxury furniture. It's very open. The price is also normal (a little higher than Starbucks?). The sofa seats are a little lighted up and calm. Both seats are unrelated to parent-child fights. There is no particular discomfort even if it is not rough. I think there is no problem if you enter it. The store had a big kite like Kasukabe. There are also a large number of classic cars on display.
あべ on Google

接客していただいたS木さんの家具、寝具等の商品知識量がとてつもなく話に引きこまれました。 また知識をひけらかすのではなく、ユーモアもまぜての接客にファンになりました。 店内に行ったら、何かしら買わなくてはと行く前は思ってましたが、決して強引な接客はなく、今回は購入するつもりで行ったので、購入しましたが、また違う商品を購入できるようなモチベーションにもなります。 こちらのお店は商品だけではなく、従業員もレベルが高い!
Mr. Suki's amount of product knowledge about furniture, bedding, etc., who served customers, was tremendously drawn to the story. Also, instead of showing off my knowledge, I became a fan of serving customers with humor. Before I went to the store, I thought I had to buy something, but there was no forcible customer service, and I was planning to buy this time, so I bought it, but it seems that I can buy another product. It also motivates you. This shop has a high level of employees as well as products!
Satomi. T on Google

良いものが揃ってます。 接客も、わりと放っておいてくれるのでゆっくり見ることが出来ます。 私が行ったときには、デザイナーの奥山健さんの展示会がありました。
Good things are available. The customer service is also left alone so you can watch it slowly. When I went there was an exhibition by designer Ken Okuyama.

いつ行っても付き添ってくれるいい接客です。 置いてある物も意外と質が良くて安い物もあり、新居の家具を揃える事が出来ました。 営業のSさん、ありがとうございます。
It is a good customer service that will accompany you whenever you go. Some of the items that were placed were surprisingly good and cheap, and I was able to prepare furniture for my new house. Thank you, Mr. S for sales.
AI 경제연구소 on Google


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