東海自動車工業株式会社 - Gamagori

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東海自動車工業株式会社

住所 :

Kashimacho, Gamagori, 〒443-0037 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 443-0037
Webサイト : https://tkj-gamagori.com/
街 : Aichi

Kashimacho, Gamagori, 〒443-0037 Aichi,Japan
尾崎弘明 on Google

地元でも信頼のおけるとても親切丁寧なお店です。 お店の雰囲気もよく見積もりをお願いするだけでも親切に対応してくださいます。 車は私も妻もお世話になっています。 先月、車を買い替えましたが、納車日にうれしいサプライズが。 とても良いお店なので 両親の車も次回は東海自動車さんにお世話になる予定です。
It is a very kind and polite shop that you can trust even in the local area. Please kindly respond to the atmosphere of the shop just by asking for a quote. My wife and I are indebted to the car. I bought a new car last month, but I was happy with the delivery date. It ’s a very good shop My parents' car will be taken care of by Tokai Motor next time.
成瀬香一 on Google

車を替えるタイミングで東海自動車さんにお世話になることになりました。 営業の方がとても親切で新車購入までスムーズにいきました。 スタッフの方も皆さん優しくてとても助かります。 洗車もサービスでやって頂けるし、待ってる間コーヒーも無料で飲めちゃう、最高ですね。 車に対しても人に対しても愛情を感じられるお店です。 これからは家族でお世話になりそうです。
I was taken care of by Tokai Motor when I changed the car. The sales person was very kind and went smoothly to purchase a new car. The staff are all kind and very helpful. You can wash the car as a service, and you can drink coffee for free while you wait, which is great. It is a shop where you can feel love for both cars and people. From now on, it seems that my family will take care of me.
とじまけい on Google

When I bought a car before, I was very kind and I was able to deliver it smoothly. All of you are kind and easy to consult.
尾川雄亮 on Google

I visited for the inspection of the second year of the maintenance pack. Even though I went early in the morning, the staff welcomed me quickly. When I was having a stable Genji pie and a drink, some staff members talked to me. All the staff were very friendly.
けーK on Google

It is a shop that always treats customers kindly and is easy to consult if you have any problems. Also, I'm glad that you can enjoy free drinks and Genji pie service while you wait for inspections.
三田村雄一郎 on Google

いつもお世話になっております。 日頃の接客対応もですが、こちらの急なトラブルにも笑顔で丁寧に対応して下さり、安心してお願い出来ます。 コロナ禍で今は行っていませんが、定期的に開催されるお客様に対するイベントもあり、楽しませて頂いています。 これからも宜しくお願い致します。
Always we are indebted. We also handle customer service on a daily basis, but please be assured that you will respond politely with a smile to this sudden trouble. I haven't done it now because of Corona, but I am entertained by the regular events for customers. Thank you for your continued support.
Meeko i on Google

オイル交換をして欲しくお昼前に電話を入れたら、当日の午後から直ぐに予約を入れて頂けました。来店すると、愛車無料点検の実施期間中との事でそちらもお願いしました。 忘れてはいけないのが、こちらで車を購入すると無料で洗車をして貰えるのです❗ 他にも、待ち時間にと源氏パイを頂き無料の飲物サービスも? スタッフの笑顔も漏れなく付いてきます☺️ いつ行っても心地良く迎えて下さり、居心地の良い場所です?
I wanted to change the oil, and when I called before noon, I was able to make a reservation immediately from the afternoon of the day. When I came to the store, I asked for it because it was during the free inspection of my car. Don't forget that if you buy a car here, you can wash it for free ❗ Besides, there is also a free drink service with Genji pie while waiting ? The smiles of the staff will follow you ☺️ It's a cozy place to welcome you whenever you go ?
昭和LOVE on Google

Several months from last year, causing an unknown symptoms, but it was trouble continued without improvement even ask to see a variety of shops, was resurrected will be the first time for repairs to Tokaijidosha's. Parts are also good timing, it is possible to buy cheaper, also the mechanic's in charge there is only thank you and empathetic repair. Thank you very much.

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