Kashima Dental Clinic - Choshi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashima Dental Clinic

住所 :

3250-1 Atagocho, Choshi, Chiba 288-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 288-0007
Webサイト : http://www.kashima-dc.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

3250-1 Atagocho, Choshi, Chiba 288-0007, Japan
mamoru sugiyama on Google

I was able to spend time in the hospital with peace of mind in a calm atmosphere. The teacher's response was also reassuring and reliable.
Tom Sasa on Google

ネットにて検索して来院しました。 とても皆様が優しく丁寧な対応で良かっったです。また、治療説明もしっかりとしていて選んで正解でした!
I searched online and visited the hospital. It was great that everyone was kind and polite. Also, the treatment explanation was firm and the answer was correct!
non tan on Google

20年来お世話になっています。 当初は虫歯の治療やおやしらずの抜歯などをしていただき、その後はメンテナンスとして検診に定期的に伺っています。 話しやすい先生でスタッフの皆さんもベテランが多く、安心して治療をお願いできます。
I have been indebted to you for 20 years. Initially, you will be treated for cavities and tooth extraction without any treatment, and after that, you will visit the clinic regularly for maintenance. The teachers are easy to talk to and many of the staff are veterans, so you can ask for treatment with confidence.
anne s on Google

とても丁寧な治療をしてくれる先生です。 特に予防に力を入れており、虫歯や歯周病が再び再発しない様しっかりと指導してくれます。 かしま歯科に通うようになってから、定期検診のみで口中のケアはバッチリです!
He is a teacher who treats me very carefully. We are especially focusing on prevention, and will give you guidance so that tooth decay and periodontal disease will not recur. Since I started going to Kashima Dentistry, oral care is perfect with only regular examinations!
杉山陽美 on Google

今まで行ったどの歯医者よりも怖くなくて腕の良い先生だったと、治療を受けた友人から聞いたので 他府県からかしま歯科医院に伺いました。 院内は清潔で、歯医者特有の匂いがなく、レントゲンも最新のもので、対応も丁寧かつ迅速で、大変信頼出来ました。 顎の膿包を見つけて頂き、私の家の近くで「この先生なら大丈夫」という口腔外科の先生を、すぐに探して頂き紹介して頂きました。 紹介して頂いた先生も、腕の良い先生でした。 ということで、星5つです。
I heard from a friend who received treatment that he was the least scary and skillful teacher of any dentist I had ever visited, so I visited Kashima Dental Clinic from another prefecture. The hospital was clean, had no dentist-specific odor, had the latest X-rays, was polite and quick, and was very reliable. He found a pustule on his jaw and immediately searched for and introduced me to a dental surgery teacher who said, "This teacher is okay" near my house. The teacher who introduced me was also a good teacher. So, it has 5 stars.
番長先生 on Google

Perfect score! Is Sakura writing? The reception is unpleasant and the teacher is yelling at the patient. I said it hurts, but it was stuffed. I'm looking for a different dentist
深澤寿賀子 on Google

正に行ってきたばかりですがー 過去に満点コメントされている方々がサクラかどうかはともかく、少なくとも先生が怒鳴るなんてことはなかったですよ。寧ろ穏やかで丁寧でした。 受付の方は、もしかするとタイミングによっては誤解受けられるかも?という気はしないでもなかったですが。 最低評価された方は、どこかとお間違いか、まさかのアンチ???(~_~;) もしくは、耳の遠い患者さんに大きな声で話していたのが、怒鳴っていたように聞こえたとか?
I've just been there-whether or not the people who have made full comments in the past are Sakura, at least the teacher never yelled at me. Rather, it was calm and polite. The receptionist may be misunderstood depending on the timing. I didn't feel like that. The one with the lowest rating is something wrong, or is it an anti? ?? ?? (~ _ ~;) Or did it sound like you were yelling when you were talking loudly to a deaf patient?
山口1321 on Google

治療も丁寧だし対応も適切です 医院の周りの道が、狭いのがマイナスですが、第3駐車場等もあるので雨の日以外は問題ないかな
The treatment is polite and the response is appropriate. The narrow road around the clinic is a minus, but there is also a third parking lot, so I wonder if there is no problem except on rainy days.

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