Karaoke croquette club Yamato Ekimae - Yamato

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Karaoke croquette club Yamato Ekimae

住所 :

1 Chome-4-2 Yamatominami, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 242-0016
Webサイト : https://www.korokkeclub.com/%23/shop-detail/8

1 Chome-4-2 Yamatominami, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0016, Japan
紀野正美 on Google

Lunch karaoke コ cospa is the best‼ ️Lunch, drink bar and karaoke for 5 hours.
湯宮勉 on Google

The price is cheap, but the karaoke system is not very new, so it's not good enough. The room also smells of cigarettes, so it's a little uncomfortable.
シェミハザ on Google

今日日珍しく、室内で喫煙可なのが嬉しいです。 ドリンクバーまでの距離がもう少し近ければもっと良かったかな。
Unusual today, I'm happy to smoke indoors. Would have been better if the distance to the drink bar was a little closer.
竹花洋子 on Google

まぁ利用してます ★下げました 店長変わったらしく ドリンクBARのグラスは撤去 フロントで渡される 1人一個のグラスです ここまでセコいと<笑 だったらドリンクBAR止めればいいのに<笑 店長代わりで 行く回数激減です 最近は掃除も行き届いてないし 前の方が全然良かった
I'm using it ★ Lowered The store manager seems to have changed Drink BAR glass removed Passed at the front desk It ’s a glass for each person. So far with Seco
Yoyaku Saiyo on Google

開店当初から防音は気になってましたが 月に何度か利用していました。 (個人の意見です) 激戦区とはいわなくても サービスの質を落としたもんだから 外からじゃ笑い袋みたいで滑稽ですよ。 予約いれても忘れてるなんて、 いったいどんな教育してんだか。 二次会の担当で恥をかきました。 店長さん変わってたんですね。 おいたわしや。
I was worried about soundproofing from the beginning I used it several times a month. (Individual opinion) Even if it ’s not a fierce battlefield Because the quality of service has deteriorated It's humorous from the outside like a laughing bag. I forgot to make a reservation What kind of education are you doing? I was ashamed to be in charge of the second party. The store manager has changed. A scrubbing brush.
ゆ〰り〰 on Google

知らない人が勝手にドアを開けて何も言わず閉めていった。常識外れな人がくるので気をつけた方が良いかも。 24時間でフリータイムで安くて食事付きでドリンクバーもあるがドリンクバーのある階は予約制(予約してるがほぼ現れない)何の為の部屋なのか分からない。 平日はスタンプ雨の日は2倍つけてくれ、10個貯まると割引?がしてもらえてお得。 部屋は防音は全くしてないので隣のカラオケの音が筒抜けなので人に自分の歌を聞かれても平気な人は良いと思います。
A stranger opened the door and closed it without saying anything. Some people may be out of the ordinary, so you should be careful. It's 24 hours, free time, cheap, with meals, and there is a drink bar, but the floor with the drink bar requires reservations (although I make a reservation, it almost never appears) I don't know what the room is for. Stamps on weekdays Double on rainy days, discount if you collect 10? It is a great deal to have it removed. The room is not soundproofed at all, so the sound of the karaoke next door is out of the ordinary, so I think it's good for people who don't mind listening to their songs.
ネコネ申 on Google

平日お昼フリータイム利用 受付の店員さん1人で大変そうでした 昼間はお年寄りの溜まり場みたいになってますね~… 部屋はちょっとタバコの臭いが気になる人はウーンって感じです マイクも感度悪く採点に向いてない部屋でしたが安いので我慢 ランチセットみたいなコースでアプリダウンロードして会員になればかなりお得です! ご飯も厨房があり、ちゃんと作っているみたいで美味しかったですよ ドリンクバーが3階なので自分の部屋がそれ以外の階だとちょっと面倒かな
Weekday lunchtime free time use One clerk at the reception seemed to be serious It ’s like a hangout for the elderly in the daytime… The room is a bit like a person who is worried about the smell of cigarettes The microphone was too sensitive and not suitable for scoring If you download the app in a course like a lunch set and become a member, it is quite profitable! The rice also has a kitchen and it was delicious and it was delicious. The drink bar is on the 3rd floor so it ’s a bit annoying if your room is on the other floor
くろたりか on Google

The private room on the 3rd floor, where the drink bar is located, is always reserved, but you can't get through. (It is explained that there are reservations, but I use it for a long time in free time, but I think that there were only about 6 rooms even if I went to get drinks more than once an hour, but at most about 2 rooms (I haven't stayed) Then I want you to give priority to those who are visiting the store.

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