Kantounyukyokusaitamaunyushi Bureau - Saitama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kantounyukyokusaitamaunyushi Bureau

住所 :

2154-2 Nakakugi, Nishi Ward, Saitama, 331-0077, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 331-0077
Webサイト : http://wwwtb.mlit.go.jp/kanto/s_saitama/

2154-2 Nakakugi, Nishi Ward, Saitama, 331-0077, Japan
happyかーくん on Google

場所が場所なだけに変わった車をも見かけることがある お役所仕事だろうけど係の人はとても親切丁寧でした
Sometimes you can see a car that has changed because the place is just a place It's probably a government office job, but the person in charge was very kind and polite.
笹尾祐次 on Google

It is a government office that runs to the end, wasting Japanese time. A facility where you write your address many times just to get the substance called number. Ballpoint pen ink consumer. Actually, the stars are minus 3, about 3.
Eagle-One on Google

25年以上通っていますが、かつてのお役所=横柄のイメージは薄れたとは思いますが、まぁまだ根深いものはある。 昨今、車検の際、毎回新しい車検証が交付されるまでそれなりに待たされる。昔はあまり待たされるイメージはなかったのですが・・・気のせい?(笑) それと、車検書類提出の際、自賠責と納税証明書を添付しなくちゃならなくなったのは過去のやり方に逆戻り? 納税確認はオンラインで繋がったとか言ってませんでしたっけ?それで納税証明書を再発行する機械を撤去したのでは?県税の方で話を聞くと何か言ってることが噛み合っていない気がするし・・・(深く聞いたところで時間の無駄なので聞きませんがw)まぁ出しとけば車検証出るからいっか状態(笑) 自賠責は受検前の予約確認で確認して検査ラインの最終ボックスでも確認してハンコまで押してるんですよね?なのにまた出すの?状態。何度も確認する意図がわからん。 2022.2.22追記. いつの間にか、車検証の更新の際の書類提出で、自賠責と納税証明書添付は解除された? それと、自動車税の納税証明書に関して、車検時に添付が必要ないなら、なぜ、いつまでも納付書の端っこに「車検用」というものが付属しているのか不思議。納付書作るのだって刷るのだって税金ですよね?要らないものは無くしたら良いのでは?そうすれば、無用な混乱もなくなるし。ひょっとして、何か既得権益絡んでらっしゃいますか??(笑)
I've been going there for over 25 years, and I think the image of the former government office = arrogant has faded, but there are still deep-rooted things. Nowadays, at the time of vehicle inspection, we have to wait for a new vehicle inspection every time. In the old days, I didn't have the image of waiting so much ... Is it because of my mind? (Lol) Also, when submitting the vehicle inspection documents, I had to attach the liability and tax payment certificate, which is a reversion to the past method? Didn't you say that the tax confirmation was connected online? So maybe you removed the machine that reissues your tax certificate? When I hear the story from the prefectural tax, I feel that something I'm saying doesn't mesh with each other ... (Lol) You confirm your liability by checking the reservation before taking the test, check it in the final box of the inspection line, and push it to the stamp, right? But will you release it again? Status. I don't understand the intention to check it many times. Added 2022.2.22. Before I knew it, was the liability and tax payment certificate attached canceled by submitting the documents when renewing the vehicle verification? Also, if you don't need to attach the automobile tax payment certificate at the time of vehicle inspection, I wonder why "for vehicle inspection" is always attached to the end of the payment slip. It's a tax to make a payment slip and to print it, right? Should I get rid of what I don't need? That way, there will be no unnecessary confusion. Do you have any vested interests involved? ?? (Lol)
田村和夫 on Google

車の名義変更手続きをしに行ったのですが、書類を書いたあと、外のC棟で500円の印紙を買いに行ったら貼ってくれました。そのあと、受付に出したら結構早く新しい車検証がもらえました。 申請書の見本が貼ってある、書く机が狭かったです。 ちなみに警察署で、車庫証明書をもらうのに日にちが掛かりました。
I went to change the name of the car, but after writing the documents, when I went to buy a 500 yen stamp in the C building outside, he put it on. After that, when I sent it to the reception, I got a new car verification quite quickly. The writing desk where the sample application form was pasted was small. By the way, it took me a long time to get a garage certificate at the police station.
にゃーにゃ on Google

ユーザー車検で行ってきました。 2年ぶりなのでハザードを点けて付き添いをお願いしました。 担当してくださった方が全て指示してくださって迷うことなく終了しました。 車に問題が無ければ自賠責と重量税、検査代のみで済むのでオススメです。 入場前にテスター屋さんに行くとなお安心です。
I went by user car inspection. It's been two years since then, so I turned on the hazard and asked for an attendant. The person in charge gave me all the instructions and it ended without hesitation. If there is no problem with the car, it is recommended because you only have to pay the liability, weight tax, and inspection fee. It is still safe to go to the tester shop before entering.
Cabala Feng on Google

Just so so
Dr. Prodip Kumar Roy on Google

Faster service
James.Brown Gu on Google

As shown in the photo, this is a refugee camp. A place where man with suits shall not head to.

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