和食日和 おさけと 神保町

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食日和 おさけと 神保町

住所 :

Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://restaurant.ikyu.com/110809/
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0054 Tokyo,Japan
toshi T on Google

お酒の種類も豊富でスタッフの対応、お酒の知識も高く楽しい会食ができました。 コロナで大変だと思いますが頑張ってください! また利用します。
We had a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, the staff were very friendly, and we had a good knowledge of alcoholic beverages. I think it's hard in Corona, but please do your best! I will use it again.
チハゴン on Google

お魚メインのお店 日本酒のラインナップも豊富でしたが、飲み放題の銘柄は少し物足りなさがありましたので星4つ。 それ以外は店内も綺麗ですし、接客も丁寧 お料理も美味しく大満足でした♪ また、訪問したいです
Main fish shop The lineup of sake was abundant, but the all-you-can-drink brand was a little unsatisfactory, so it was 4 stars. Other than that, the inside of the store was beautiful, and the customer service and polite food were delicious and I was very satisfied. I also want to visit
t “とも” h on Google

良い日本酒が置いてあるお店! また日本酒に合いそうな料理も多く、 満足するお店でした! コスト ☆☆☆☆ 味   ☆☆☆☆ 雰囲気 ☆☆☆☆ 接客  ☆☆☆ ※☆5が最高評価
A shop with good sake! Also, there are many dishes that seem to go well with sake. It was a satisfying shop! Cost ☆☆☆☆ Taste ☆☆☆☆ Atmosphere ☆☆☆☆ Customer service ☆☆☆ * ☆ 5 is the highest rating
mari kana on Google

日本酒好きな方にかなりオススメのお店です☆ ソムリエが厳選した常時50種類以上の日本酒と、旬の食材を使った日本酒に合うお料理が楽しめます♪ 楽しいお話とともに日本酒を薦めて下さるので、ついつい飲み過ぎちゃいました♡ 入手困難な貴重なお酒も頂き大満足!! 日本酒は好きですが、全然詳しくないので、色々教えて頂きながらセレクトするのもとても楽しい! お得な飲み放題のコースもあるようなので、是非また伺いたいな☆
This shop is highly recommended for those who like sake ☆ You can enjoy more than 50 kinds of sake carefully selected by the sommelier and dishes that match the sake using seasonal ingredients ♪ He recommended sake with a fun story, so I just drank too much ♡ I am very satisfied with the precious sake that is difficult to obtain! !! I like sake, but I'm not familiar with it at all, so it's really fun to select while teaching me various things! There seems to be a great all-you-can-drink course, so I definitely want to visit again ☆
ikuko sasaki on Google

良い状態の日本酒がケースに並んでいました。定番の入手困難有名酒も多くありましたが、出来たらジャケットを見ながら直感で選んだり、スタッフとの会話で選んだり、新しい日本酒との出会いを楽しんでみるのが良いのではないでしょうか。まだまだ知らないお酒が日本全国にあるのだな!と改めて驚かされます。お食事は 少人数だからこそコースで少量多種を頂けたのが良かったです。
Sake in good condition was lined up in the case. There were many famous sakes that were difficult to obtain, but if possible, it would be better to intuitively select them while looking at the jacket, select them in conversation with the staff, and enjoy encountering new sake. There are still unknown sakes all over Japan! I am surprised again. It was good to have a small variety of meals on the course because the number of people was small.
Mihoko Arai (Racco903) on Google

【看板メニューの鯛めしは謳い文句通りのクオリティ、ちょっと遠くても遠征したくなる大満足なお魚ランチ‼︎】 神保町、竹橋、小川町のちょうど中間くらいにある割烹居酒屋です。日本酒の種類が豊富なことでも人気がありますが、ランチタイムも魚料理を求めて人が集まります。 とくに鯛めしの定食は大ぶりの鯛の刺身を自分で丼に仕立てていく一番人気のメニューとなっています。 お店はあまり大きくないので、早めに行かれるかピークタイムを外していくと確実にすぐ入れます。
[The signboard menu has the quality as it is sung, and a very satisfying fish lunch that makes you want to go on an expedition even if it is a little far away! ︎】 It is a Japanese-style izakaya located in the middle of Jimbocho, Takebashi, and Ogawacho. It is also popular for its wide variety of sake, but people also gather for lunch at lunchtime in search of fish dishes. In particular, the sea bream set meal is the most popular menu where you can make a large bowl of sea bream sashimi yourself. The shop isn't very big, so if you go early or go off peak hours, you'll definitely be able to get in right away.
Ana Beatriz Bordini on Google

Great place for lunch. No English menu, but the service is great and the staff went out of their way to help us. Delicious food and awesome sake.
Hiro Nakayama on Google

Unexpectedly charming Japanese cuisine discovered for lunch ?

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