
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エクストリーム柔術アカデミー

住所 :

Kanagawahoncho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0046 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898778
Webサイト : http://x-treme.sakura.ne.jp/index.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kanagawahoncho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0046 Kanagawa,Japan
木下厚 on Google

アットホームな雰囲気ですが、キッチリ基礎から指導して貰えます。 この道場に通い始めてから柔術にどっぷりハマりなんと40kgの減量に成功しました♪ダイエット目的の方にもオススメです!
It has a homely atmosphere, but you can get guidance from the basics. Since I started going to this dojo, I've been addicted to Jiu-jitsu and succeeded in losing 40kg ♪ It's also recommended for those who are on a diet!
青木裕之 on Google

If you want to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Yokohama, I recommend this dojo. You can practice for 356 days and have fun learning from the basics. The dojo is a stylish space based on white that seems to be overseas.
You KIK on Google

何しろマットスペースが広く、同時に何人もスパーリングができます。 会員さんも老若男女様々な方がいらっしゃり、休憩中の会話も笑いが絶えません? 初めての方で興味はあるけど格闘技道場は何だか入りづらい、なんて思っている方にはオススメします。
After all, the mat space is large, and many people can sparring at the same time. There are various members, young and old, and the conversation during the break is always laughing ? I recommend it to those who are new to the game but are interested in it, but find it difficult to enter the martial arts dojo.
Tetsu A on Google

楽しさと真剣さが両立している道場です。上下関係に縛られる事なく、自然とお互いを尊重しあえます。 先生も素晴らしい技術を持ち、指導は丁寧で分かりやすい、更におおらかな人柄でユーモアたっぷりです。 流行病など、世の中には嫌になる事も色々あります。しかし、この道場は前向きになる様々な糧を与えてくれます。
It is a dojo that is both fun and serious. We can respect each other naturally without being bound by the hierarchical relationship. The teacher also has great skills, the guidance is polite and easy to understand, and he has a laid back personality and plenty of humor. There are many things that people don't like, such as epidemics. However, this dojo provides a variety of positive food.
sese sese on Google

It is a dojo with a wide bosom that can be accepted by uncles who have no experience in martial arts. Young people in their 40s!
Masaki Yamauchi on Google

会員数が多く、初心者から熟練者まで練習できる。オープン時間も長く仕事終わりに通うことも可能。 また、月謝が8,800円と破格で利用制限なくコスパが非常に高い。 本格的に柔術を学ぶこともエクササイズ代わりに運動する目的としても会員の好みで利用できる。
With a large number of members, you can practice from beginners to experts. It is possible to go to the end of work for a long time. In addition, the monthly fee is 8,800 yen, which is exceptional and the cost performance is very high without usage restrictions. Members can use it to learn Jiu-jitsu in earnest or to exercise instead of exercising.
gahchan on Google

常設道場なので365日練習できます。 午前クラス、遅い時間のクラス、土日祝日の開館など、仕事が忙しい方や休みが不規則な方、主婦の方でも通いやすい環境です。 基礎から教えてもらえるので、これまで何も運動経験がなくてもできるようになります。 明るく楽しい雰囲気の道場ですが、ブラックベルトの方もいらっしゃるので楽しみながら強くなりたい方、試合志向の方にも納得いく環境です。
Since it is a permanent dojo, you can practice 365 days a year. It is an environment that is easy for people who are busy with work, irregular holidays, and housewives to attend, such as morning classes, late hours classes, and opening on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. You will be taught from the basics, so you will be able to do it without any exercise experience. The dojo has a bright and fun atmosphere, but there are also black belts, so it is an environment that is convincing for those who want to become stronger while having fun, and those who are game-oriented.
Jeremy Deschner on Google

Great place to learn Brazilian Jiujitsu

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