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Contact 鴨山城跡

住所 :

Kamogatacho Kamogata, Asakuchi, 〒719-0243 Okayama,Japan

街 : Okayama

Kamogatacho Kamogata, Asakuchi, 〒719-0243 Okayama,Japan
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There are big stones and it is quiet and the view is nice.
Gerbera on Google

築城期室町初期・築城者・城主 細川満国。標高167.7m 8代城主の元通は慶長5年(1600)関ヶ原の戦いで敗軍側となり長門国へ移り鴨山城は廃城となる。登城コースは一般コースと健脚コースがあります 健脚コースの方はすぐ駐車場の広場があり便利屋で良いが登って行くのはしんどい大きな石碑までたどり着くまで足を滑らないように気をつけなければならない雨や強風の時は登らないように普通の人は一般コースが無難です。浅口歴史探訪会のパンフレット資料より抜粋
Muromachi early stage, castle builder, castle owner Hosokawa Mankuni. Altitude 167.7m Motodori, the 8th castle owner, was defeated in the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and moved to Nagato, where Kamoyama Castle was abandoned. The climbing course has a general course and a good leg course If you have a good foot course, there is a parking lot open immediately and it is good at a handyman, but it is difficult to climb until you reach a large monument.Be careful not to slide your feet.Do not climb in the rain or strong wind. Ordinary people are safe in general courses. Excerpted from brochure material of Asakuchi History Exploration Association
吉英 on Google

鴨神社から向かう。10分少々とのことだったが最後は完全に山道でした。 雨天時や運動不足には危ないね。 途中まで駐車スペースあったからソコからなら大分楽です。 城跡に着いた夕方、近隣の高校のブラバンの演奏が心地よく響いてました。
Head from Kamo Shrine. It was a little over 10 minutes, but at the end it was a completely mountain road. It's dangerous in the rain or lack of exercise. There was a parking space halfway, so it's a lot easier from Soko. In the evening when I arrived at the ruins of the castle, the performance of the brass band of a nearby high school echoed comfortably.
島猫 on Google

標高167.7メートルの鴨山に室町時代1407年に築城され1600年に廃城になった中世山城跡です 20分程で山頂に到着出来ます 中腹の祭壇跡辺りから磨崖仏が彫られた巨岩が多数あり、南側尾根からは鴨方町、里庄町、金光町が一望出来ます 自然の巨岩を石垣として利用し、切岸、堀切、帯曲輪等の遺構が現存しています 鴨山城跡の石碑から更に北側に城域があり全長で400メートルある山城跡で遺構には表示板があり分かりやすくなっています
It is the ruins of a medieval mountain castle that was built in 1407 during the Muromachi period and was abandoned in 1600 on Kamoyama at an altitude of 167.7 meters. You can reach the summit in about 20 minutes There are many huge rocks carved from the altar ruins on the hillside, and you can see Kamogata-cho, Satosho-cho, and Konko-cho from the south ridge. Using the huge natural rock as a stone wall, the remains of the shore, Horikiri, Kuruwa, etc. still exist. There is a castle area on the north side of the stone monument of the Kamoyama castle ruins, and the total length is 400 meters.

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