カメラのキタムラ 岐阜・長良店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カメラのキタムラ 岐阜・長良店

Kamitsuchii, 〒502-0803 Gifu,Japan
kappa vovosa “kappa vovosa” on Google

I've been with this shop for about 20 years, but it's kind and polite. I think it is the highest level among the stores in the prefecture.
Hiro M on Google

他の量販店と違って現金値引き。 でポイント還元とほぼ同額の価格差と言うことは、こっちで買ったほうがお得なのは間違いありません。 他の量販店はPCとか家電に力を入れている人が多く、カメラの知識が少ない人が多いので、カメラを購入するならこちらがお勧めです。
Unlike other mass retailers, cash discounts. With the same price difference as the point reduction, there is no doubt that it is better to buy it over here. Many other mass retailers are focusing on PCs and home appliances, and there are many people who have little knowledge about cameras.
安藤達也(タツヤ) on Google

I asked them to take a picture of the image taken with their smartphone. It was L size, but 40 yen per sheet! ️Cheap! ️ It was easy to do with the app. I was very satisfied with the quality that I couldn't print by myself.
3418 ac on Google

週末、店内混むと店員さんのキャバオーバーになり、質問したくても出来ません。特に年末年始。 でも店員さんは、忙しい時でも腰が低く、親切丁寧に対応していただけます。 ただ、眼鏡の方に対応されると、淡々と話されてとっつきにくい印象があります。 ◯◯ができない、とかハッキリいわれるのはいいですが、物腰柔らかい説明されないので、後味悪く感じます。多分店員さんの素なんだと思いますが、接客業なので、もう少し優しい感じで話されると萎縮しないで、気持ち良く買い物できるのに・・。
If the shop gets crowded on the weekend, it will be a store clerk's cover-over, so you can't ask questions. Especially the year-end and New Year holidays. However, the store clerk is low-backed and can be kind and polite even when busy. However, when it comes to glasses, there is an impression that it is difficult to get in touch with it. ◯◯ can't be done or it is nice to be told clearly, but since it is not explained softly, it feels bad aftertaste. Perhaps it's the clerk of the store clerk, but since it's a customer service, if you talk a little bit more gently, you can shop comfortably without shrinking.
kirari hikari on Google

久しぶりにカメラのキタムラさんへ。 スマホにたまってて、いつか現像して送ってあげたいと思う写真をプリントアウト。 でも、スマホの中でなぜか写真が順番になってない、というか例えば20枚その場所で撮ったにもかかわらず、2枚しか見つけれない…みたいな。あとの18枚は何処。なんとなくわかったようなわからないようなまま、分かった分だけ写真もらってきました。親切に教えて下さったので⭐️5つです!
To Kitamura of the camera after a long absence. Print out the photos that you want to develop and send to your smartphone someday. However, for some reason the photos are not in order on my smartphone, for example, even though I took 20 photos at that location, I can only find 2 photos. Where are the other 18 photos? I didn't understand what I knew, but I got as many photos as I knew. He kindly taught me so there are 5 ⭐️!
hiroyasu kawai on Google

I went to pick up the album at the scheduled finish date and time, but I haven't done it yet. Please come again. It can only be said that the response is the worst. I took the time to go out and couldn't do it. There is something I want to do here as well, and I have to reorganize the schedule. It's not a professional job, perhaps because I feel like I'm doing business with a familiar person in my spare time. If you can make money with this, it's a terrible business, but I think it's annoying if you don't manage it properly. I don't want to use it if possible because I'm relaxed because there are no other companies in the same industry nearby.

店員さんの余裕がないようで電話を掛けても出られないようです。 ハンズフリーにして電話を放置しながら別作業(帳簿作成)をしました。だいぶ作業がすすみ、コーヒー休憩がしたくなったので電話を切りましたが50分くらい掛けてました。 「店内BGMとしてコール音が流れてたのかな」「店員さん忙しいのに、私はコーヒー休憩で申し訳ないな」と思いを馳せながらコーヒーを飲みました。 このように電話で疑問は解決しないので、店に直接赴くのが必要になります。 また、ネットプリントの現像は発注に気づいてもらえず現像4時間後とかになりますが、店に行って現像を依頼するとその場で取りかかってくれます。店での写真の引き取りとかはスムーズです。電話やネット発注はなかなか気づいてもらえないようなので、直接店舗に行った方が良いでしょう。 現像は大抵急ぎじゃないのでネットプリントにします。
The clerk doesn't seem to have enough time to answer the phone. I did another work (bookkeeping) while leaving the phone hands-free. I hung up the phone because I wanted to take a coffee break after a lot of work, but it took about 50 minutes. I drank coffee while thinking, "I wonder if there was a ringing tone as the background music in the store." "I'm sorry for the coffee break even though the clerk is busy." As you can't answer the question over the phone like this, you'll have to go directly to the store. In addition, the development of net print will be done 4 hours after development without being noticed by the order, but if you go to the store and request development, it will start on the spot. Picking up photos at the store is smooth. It seems that telephone and online orders are hard to notice, so it is better to go directly to the store. Development is usually not in a hurry, so I will use net print.
po po on Google

1年前に免許証の証明写真を撮ってもらいました。 髪が顔にかかっていたようでその時、「証明写真は可愛くとるものでは無い」と言われました… そんなことは私も分かってます。でも変に映りたくない、少しでも良く写りたいからわざわざ撮りにきているのにその客の気持ちを尊重してもらえないのだと残念に思いました。 せっかくお金を出しているのに…悲しくなったので次回は別のお店に頼みます。
I had my driver's license ID photo taken a year ago. My hair seemed to be on my face, and at that time I was told, "ID photos are not cute" ... I know that too. But I don't want it to look strange, I want to get it as good as possible, so I'm sorry that the customer's feelings aren't respected even though I've come all the way to take a picture. Even though I'm paying a lot of money ... I'm sad, so next time I'll ask another shop.

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