
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おたからや上大類店

住所 :

Kamioruimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0031 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://kamioorui.otakaraya.net/info/index.html
街 : Gunma

Kamioruimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0031 Gunma,Japan
石関翔太 on Google

スタッフの方が話しやすくてとても良かったです! 買取金額も充分満足できました!
It was great that the staff was easier to talk to! I was fully satisfied with the purchase price!
小山正道 on Google

I was satisfied with the purchase price, and above all, the clerk's customer service attitude was very good, and he kindly listened to the consultation before the purchase. Here! I decided! I am very satisfied.
若松卓馬 on Google

店長の対応と笑顔が素敵でした。 また何か売りたいものがあったら持っていこうと思います。
The store manager's response and smile were wonderful. If there is something I want to sell, I will bring it with me.
たける。 on Google

You bought it at a price higher than expected! The customer service was also very polite and I was able to make a very pleasant transaction. I want to use it again!
ヴー on Google

先日、伺いました。 店員さんがとても感じが良く丁寧に査定していただき、満足のいく価格で買取していただけました。機会があればまた是非お願いしたいです。
I visited you the other day. The clerk was very pleasant and carefully assessed, and I was able to purchase at a satisfactory price. If you have a chance, I would like to ask you again.
しめじ on Google

The store manager gave me a polite customer service, which made a very good impression. I would like to use it again.
宇宙人 on Google

親切丁寧な対応して頂きました。 満足な買取り頂きありがとうございました。
Thank you for your kind and polite response. Thank you for your satisfactory purchase.
かし on Google

I went around a lot, but sincerely responded from the beginning. First of all, I asked for an assessment of precious metals and watches, and after that, he kindly asked me what about other stores and consulted with me. In the end, Mr. Otakaraya bought it for the most convincing amount, so I'm glad I asked.

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