県民共済住宅 新都心本店

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Contact 県民共済住宅 新都心本店

住所 :

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-8701 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.saitama-kyosai.or.jp/jutaku/
街 : Saitama

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-8701 Saitama,Japan
後藤秀孝 on Google

新築するなら。 必ず一度は訪ね、比較検討下さい。 ちゃんと内容も精査して比べれば、 どれほどお得か分かるでしょう。
If you build a new one. Please be sure to visit once and compare. If the contents are also scrutinized and compared, You will see how good it is.
クライスくん on Google

After-sales service cannot be expected at all. Even if there is a problem, it will not come immediately and unless it happens, it will not come. A cheap and reasonably equipped house was built, but I'm very worried about the future.
さかな on Google

As others say, it's cheap or bad. The supervisor is also not fragile, and the subcontractor hides even if it is bad or hurt. Although it is a new building, it is full of scratches and delivered with care. The repair doesn't match the color, just paint and write the grain. It is better not to repair because it stands out. If you don't, it's full of scratches. There is no choice but to avoid hurting as much as possible from the beginning. I'm licking. There were a lot of troubles from the big to the small. If you think like this, the citizens of the prefecture will no longer build or recommend it.
m k on Google

家を建てましたが、雨漏り、壁紙の剥がれ。アフターに電話しましたが、連絡しますと言って、3ヶ月放置。催促しても、未だに連絡なし。このまま保証期間が過ぎるまで対応しないつもりなのでしょうか。お金返して欲しいです。。 追記。何度も何度も催促して、やっと対応してくれました。壁紙の下ボードは、一面赤カビが発生していました。結局、ボードの張替えをしてくれましたが、対応遅すぎて、ビックリです。
I built a house, but it leaked rain and the wallpaper came off. I called the after-sales service, but said I would contact them and left it for 3 months. Even if I urged, I still haven't heard from you. Do you intend not to respond until the warranty period expires? I want you to return the money. .. Postscript. He urged me over and over again and finally responded. The bottom board of the wallpaper had red mold all over. In the end, he replaced the board, but I was surprised that the response was too late.
プラザ先輩 on Google

自分は大いに怒っています。購入後の県民共済住宅の対応をレポートしますので、購入又は検討している方の参考になれば幸いです。 県民共済住宅は30坪単位で坪単価を提示していますが、30坪以下や平屋となると坪単価が急激に上がりますので注意が必要です。契約を申し込んでから実際に施工に至るまで最短で1年はかかるので、急ぐ方には不向きです。 注文建築住宅の購入は千円や2千円の買い物と違い2千万円台以上の高価な買い物になり、それ故に購入後のアフターサービスが重要となります。県民共済住宅のアフターサービスは住宅設備機器の補償期間以内だと、ごく普通に対応してくれますが、保証期間を過ぎると。手のひらを返したように冷淡な対応になります。 高品質な住宅を宣伝文句にしていながら、その実態は次のような私の事例があるので参考にして下さい。 住宅引き渡し後に判った事は、先ず下水道工事が非常に雑で雨水升が水道管の上に設置してあり、升の底の部分を欠いて水道管を通しているのには驚きました。(写真左側下に水道管が見える)。これは設置後なので泣き寝入りです。 購入1年半頃、リクシルの洗面台で排水の度ニゴボゴボと変な音がしているので、早速県民共済住宅のアフターサービス部に連絡して、施工した下水道業者に見てもらった。排水管に異常がないし、といいながらも排水管を分解して見もせず、この音は普通に自分の家の洗面台でもしているという事で、音は異常なしという事で帰った。 自分としては排水管などに異常がないのであればメーカーによる製品不良と思い。メーカーへ連絡して。業者から排水管の異常ではないと言われたので製品の不良ではないかと強く抗議して、サービスマンに点検をしてもらったところ、なんと排水管の詰まりによる異常な音だと判明。結局排水管の清掃で解決したが、出張修理代を支払う羽目にあい。大いに恥をかいてしまった。しかも県民共済住宅にそのその修理代金を請求したが支払う気がないと言ってきた。いい加減な施工業者を派遣して購入者に負担をかける県民共済住宅は許せない。 県民共済住宅でで建築を検討している方は慎重にした方が良いと思います。 引き戸は大建工業製品でこの戸車は毛髪、ホコリなどが戸車の軸に絡まると最悪となります。業者の話によると掃除は出来無いそうで戸車交換をしなければいけないそうです。今我が家の引き戸はゴトゴト音をしながら開閉しています。この戸車は上下左右上下の調整機能が付いているもので価格が3000円位なので交換は経済的に無理です。引き戸自体の重量も有り引き戸を外すのも大変です。 次に4年半年位たった現在。何気なくベランダから下を見たら排気口のベントキャップの上部の塗装が変なので、汚れかと思い雑巾で拭いてみたが落ちず。これは製品の塗装不良だと思い又アフターサービス部に連絡、大工が目視確認に来たが経年劣化という連絡をしたみたいで、カバー自体はビス5点で取り付けて有り交換が可能。でも部品の交換は出来無いという事。おかしいだろう? 更科製作所の製品説明によると、SUS304ステンレスの材質でしかもカチオン電着塗装プラス紛体塗装でという事で塗装には自信があるような説明であったが、実際にはカバー自体はステンレスなのか?不明です。強力な磁石にも反応しない。塗装が4年で経年劣化するとしたら、アルミサッシやベランダの手すり、シャッターなどなど色々なところで、鉄・ステンレス・アルミ塗装製品を使用している所は全て劣化するという事になる。 このような粗悪なメーカーから製品を自社で購入施工してい、高品質住宅を自負している業者が購入している住宅機器メーカー側に強く言えず、購入者には経年劣化だから仕方がないから泣き寝入りしろというこの対応が許せないので、 直接メーカーに苦情を伝える様に依頼し、先ほど県民共済住宅経由でメーカーの見解書が届きました。簡易的に言うと常日頃の清掃メンテナスが必要で塗装膜の劣化は紫外線、熱(気温)、水分(降雨)、大気中の排気ガス、鉄粉、塩素系成分といった自然環境成分の付着が塗装膜に影響する。このような原因が蓄積し塗装膜の劣化につながったと言う事でした。 それならメンテナンスフリーにするべきです。住宅引き渡しの際にもその様な説明は受けていませんし、購入後の住宅のお手入れと言う冊子にも載っていません。一般の方が家の外部の高所に取り付けてあるフードを清掃する事が出来ますか?足場がなければ出来無いでしょう。まして高齢者に対してその様な無理難題を押し付けるとは言語道断です。 塗装膜の劣化原因が判っていながら、技術改良もせず塗装の品質がいかにも良い様な商品説明をしているメーカーの製品を採用してる神経が判らない。残念ながら今回も泣き寝入りです。
I am very angry. As we report correspondence of prefectural mutual aid house after purchase, it is fortunate if it is reference of one buying or considering. Prefectural mutual aid housing presents the unit price in units of 30 tsubos, but if the unit price is 30 tsubo or less and the unit price rises sharply, caution is required. As it takes at least one year from the time you apply for the contract to the actual construction, it is not suitable for rushing people. Unlike custom-made or 2,000-yen shopping, purchasing custom-built homes is expensive, costing more than 20 million yen, so after-sales service after purchase is important. The after-sales service of Prefectural Residents' Housing will correspond normally if it is within the compensation period of housing equipment, but after the warranty period. It will be cool as if you turned your palm. Please refer to the fact that there is my case like the following while making high quality housing a publicity complaint. What I found after handing over the house was that the sewerage work was very messy, and a rainwater weir was installed on the water pipe, and I was surprised that it was missing the bottom of the weir and going through the water pipe. (The water pipe is visible at the bottom left of the photo). This is after installation so we are asleep. As I was making a squeaky noise of drainage in the washstand of Rixil around one and a half years of purchase, I immediately contacted the after-sales service department of Prefectural Residents' Housing and asked a sewer worker who built it to see it. Although there is no abnormality in the drainage pipe, it is said that the drainage pipe is not disassembled and seen though it is said that this sound is normally used in the washstand of his own house, so the sound returned without abnormality. If there is no abnormality in the drainage pipe etc. as oneself, I think that it is a product defect by the manufacturer. Contact the manufacturer. I was told by the contractor that the drainage pipe was not abnormal, so I strongly protested that the product was not defective and asked a serviceman to check it. After all we solved by cleaning of drainage pipe, but it is overwhelming to pay the trip repair fee. I felt a lot of shame. Besides, I asked for the repair fee to the Prefectural Residents' Housing, but I said that I would not pay. We can not forgive Prefectural Residents' Residents, who dispatch unreasonable contractors and place a burden on purchasers. I think that it is better to be careful if you are considering building in Prefectural Residents' Housing. The sliding door is Daiken industrial product, and this door wheel becomes the worst when hair, dust etc. get caught in the axis of the door wheel. According to the supplier's story, it can not be cleaned, so it is necessary to replace the door car. The sliding door of my house is opening and closing while making a gotogute sound now. This door wheel has adjustment function of up, down, left, right, up and down, so the price is about 3,000 yen, so it is impossible to replace it economically. The weight of the sliding door itself is also difficult to remove the sliding door. Next four and a half years now. If I look down from the veranda casually, the painting on the top of the vent cap on the exhaust port is strange, so I thought it was dirty and I wiped it with a rag, but it did not fall. I think that this is a painting failure of the product and also contact the after-sales service department, the carpenter came to visual check, but it seems that I contacted the aged deterioration, the cover itself is attached with 5 screws and can be replaced. But I can not replace parts. Is it funny? According to the product description of the Shari-Kabuki Co., Ltd., it is a material of SUS304 stainless steel and it is a statement that there is confidence in the painting by cationic electrodeposition coating plus powder coating, but is the cover itself actually stainless steel? Unknown It does not respond to strong magnets. If the paint has aged over 4 years, all parts using iron, stainless steel, and aluminum paint products will deteriorate, such as aluminum sash, veranda handrails, shutters, etc. It is not possible to say strongly to the housing equipment manufacturer who is buying and installing products from such poor manufacturers in the company and those who are proud of high quality houses are buying, and because they are aged deterioration, there is no way I can not forgive this response of falling asleep, I asked the manufacturer to complain directly to the manufacturer, and the opinion book of the manufacturer arrived earlier via the Prefectural Mutual Aid Housing. Simply put, regular cleaning and maintenance is necessary, and deterioration of the paint film is caused by adhesion of natural environmental components such as ultraviolet light, heat (air temperature), moisture (rainfall), exhaust gases in the atmosphere, iron powder, and chlorine components. Affects the membrane. It was to say that such a cause accumulated and led to the deterioration of the paint film. Then it should be maintenance free. We did not receive such an explanation when we handed over a house, and did not appear in the booklet which says "care of the house after purchase". Can the public clean the hood attached to the height outside the house? It would not be possible without a foothold. It is outrageous to put such unreasonable challenges on the elderly people. Although the cause of the deterioration of the coating film is known, it is not possible to know the nerve that adopts the product of the manufacturer who has made a product description such that the quality of the coating is very good without any technical improvement. Unfortunately, I'm crying again this time.
a aosanm on Google

県民共済で、三年前に家を建てました。何ヵ月か前から、フローリングの1枚が歪んで凹んでしまっています。その事に関して問い合わせたところ、見もせずに保証期間が過ぎているから、修理であれば料金かかりますが承りますと言われました。何が原因かも分からないのに、見もせず、保証期間が外だから修理依頼になると言われて納得いきません。 なんにせよ、たった三年でガタがくるような建て方をしてるようなところをオススメできません。 (ちなみに物を落としたり何か強い衝撃を与えたりはしていない場所です。)
We built a house three years ago with the prefectural mutual aid. Several months ago, one of the flooring has been distorted and recessed. When I inquired about that, I was told that the warranty period has passed without looking at it, so repairs will cost me a fee. I don't know what caused it, but I didn't look at it, and I wasn't convinced that it was a repair request because the warranty period was out. In any case, I can't recommend a place that has been built in such a way that only three years later. (By the way, it's a place where you don't drop things or give a strong impact.)
ブルークラウド on Google

引き渡し後3年経過した不具合・気になる点について トイレ敷居に陥没箇所があり、傷隠し用の塗料が劣化し剥がれてきた。 傷というより、穴。それを見えないように塗料で隠す。直す程の傷でも隠せればOKという考え 取付ける前に分かってるんなら、新しいものをつければ良いのに。 壁紙と壁紙の隙間のコーキングが剥がれてきた。 写真1は、引き渡し後の壁紙 カバーをつけないで最後まで施工するため、何かぶつけて削れた後。←指摘しても張り替えません。白い塗料を上から塗るだけ。 写真2は、トイレ敷居の穴。 3年後に塗料が劣化し、見えるようになってきた。 あらためて思う。第三者機関の無意味な検査。 引き渡し後思ったこと 良かった点 他のハウスメーカーより2割〜ほど安い お風呂の洗い場が広い がっかりした点 建築中に、所有物壊される。 敷地内にタバコの吸殻がポイ捨てしてある。 電気配線は、一般的な図面が郵送されてきて、変更あれば連絡下さい。のみで、説明は一切ない。自分で調べて考えなければならない。送られてきた図面でも、十分ですが変更したい人には不親切。 打ち合わせの段階で費用の発生しない軽微変更を何度もお願いすると、やると言いますが、結局やりません。今回3つ、お願いしましたが、すべてやってくれません。お願いしたにも関わらず、やれば費用発生しないのに、やらずに発生した費用についても請求されました。 やる気がないなら、最初からできないって言ってほしい。 完成後、第三者機関による検査で傷などチェックするから大丈夫との事だったがチェック漏れの3センチほど欠けたもの、その他があった。施主検査で指摘。 キッチンカウンターの白塗装が一部異常に濃いところがあり指摘して、ムラのない仕上がりになったが、濃くしたのは、亀裂が入っていてそれを隠すものだった。今更交換できない場所だった。 壁紙は、人の出入りの多いところが結構傷ついていた。傷つくの分かっているがカバーなどは一切しない。そこは、白い塗料を濃く塗り隠そうとした形跡があった。張替えはしない。 外壁は、みれば分かるくらいの大きさのものが欠けていて白い粉がでてる。 それでも取り付けてしまう。 補修できなくて、交換もできないものは、ばれないように色を塗って隠すということか。 こんな感じで、見えない柱大丈夫か。 すごいがっかりした点 設計で、何度が修正をお願いすると設計士の機嫌が悪くなる。それが仕事なのに。 施主検査で一時間くらいチェックしてると、現場監督がイライラし始める。あまりの仕上がりの雑さ、態度に、こちらもイラつく。傷が多すぎてすべて指摘できず。 引き渡し後、敷地内の土の中から、袋に入った建築廃材がでてくる。 新品のはずなのに、白い窓枠に別の塗料がついていたり、塗装が剥げていた。多分、B級品か、展示品。網戸のアルミサッシがえぐれていた。素人がみても分かる。 第三者機関は何もみてない。もう毎回の作業なので、機能はしてないと思う。大掛かりな補修は指摘しない。 設計から完成まで、すごい適当で、流れ作業な感じがした。他のハウスメーカーみたいに営業担当がいないから、何を言っても無駄だった。工事はすべて下請けがやる。設計から内装、壁紙張りすべて雑でした。やはり、必死になって営業して注文とるハウスメーカーに比べ、営業一切なしで、注文がくる県民だと、仕事のやる気に差がでてると思う。 サービス業でこれはない。分かっていたらまず、建てない。安かろう悪かろうでした。 注文を検討される方は、こまめにみておかないと、素人だと思って、手を抜かれますので、注意してください。丸投げは危険です。 県民共済の言葉は信用しないほうが良いと思います。まず、疑ってかからないととんでもないことになります。 第三者機関によるチェックは特に注意が必要です。そもそもその機関が謎です。内部の機関なのか? 外壁の破損(欠けている)や、サッシのえぐれた傷などは指摘しない。素人がみておかしいと思うのに。 こちらが気付かなかったら、そのまま引き渡し。 登記した時分かったこと 設計の段階から建築面積が実際のよりも多く計算されてました。そんな間違いあるの?また、設計ミスで棚が着きませんでした。 設計は、外部の高齢者設計士でしたが、図面修正を依頼しても直ってなかったり、設計段階の内容の引継ぎは工事側に一切しない宣言されたり。完全に他人事です。 同じフロアにいるんだから、引継ぎくらいできるでしょ。 頼むのであれば、内部の若い設計士の方がよいです。 プロなのに。役所に出した書類も再提出です。 あと、玄関のタイルは浮いてます。 叩いてみて、高音がでれば、接着されてません。 うちでこの状態なので、他の方は気づいてないだけであると思います。 2年点検で保障が切れます。一応、別の業者が見にきますが、最低限の建てつけしかみないため、気になる事はこちらから指摘しないとスルーされます。不具合があると、施主対施工業者で話し合いをします。現場監督は、業者に連絡するだけで、話し合いには参加しないし、現場もみに来ません。 建てた方で、同じような状況の方は(いいね)お願いします。
About defects and concerns about 3 years after delivery There was a depression in the toilet sill, and the paint for hiding scratches had deteriorated and peeled off. A hole rather than a scratch. Hide it with paint so that it cannot be seen. The idea that it is OK if you can hide even the scratches that can be repaired If you know it before you install it, you can add a new one. The caulking in the gap between the wallpaper has come off. Photo 1 is the wallpaper after delivery, because it will be constructed to the end without attaching the cover, after it has been scraped by hitting something. ← Even if you point it out, it will not be replaced. Just apply white paint from above. Photo 2 is a hole in the toilet sill. Three years later, the paint deteriorated and became visible. I think again. Meaningless inspection by a third party. What I thought after delivery It was good point 20% cheaper than other house makers The washing area of ​​the bath is large Disappointing point Property destroyed during construction. Cigarette butts are littered on the premises. For electrical wiring, general drawings will be mailed to you, and if there are any changes, please contact us. Only, there is no explanation. You have to look it up and think for yourself. The drawings sent to me are sufficient, but unfriendly to anyone who wants to change them. If you ask for minor changes that do not incur costs at the meeting stage, you will do it, but in the end you will not do it. I asked for three things this time, but they won't do all of them. Even though I asked for it, I was charged for the cost that was incurred without doing it, even though I did not incur the cost. If you're not motivated, say you can't do it from the beginning. After completion, it was said that it was okay to check for scratches etc. by inspection by a third party, but there were some that were missing about 3 cm and others. Pointed out by the client inspection. I pointed out that the white paint on the kitchen counter was partly abnormally dark, and the finish was even. It was a place that couldn't be exchanged anymore. The wallpaper was quite damaged in places where many people came and went. I know it will hurt, but I don't cover it at all. There was evidence of an attempt to cover up the white paint. I will not re-cover it. The outer wall is lacking in a size that you can see, and white powder appears. I still install it. If you can't repair it and you can't replace it, you can hide it by painting it so that it won't be exposed. Is it okay to see the invisible pillars like this? Great disappointment In the design, if you ask for correction many times, the designer will be in a bad mood. That's my job. After checking for about an hour in the client inspection, the on-site supervisor begins to get frustrated. This is also frustrating because of the messy finish and attitude. There were too many scratches to point out everything. After delivery, construction waste in a bag will come out of the soil on the premises. It was supposed to be new, but the white window frame had another paint on it, or the paint had peeled off. Maybe a B-grade product or an exhibit. The aluminum sash of the screen door was gouged. Even an amateur can understand it. The third party hasn't seen anything. It's a work every time, so I don't think it's working. I will not point out major repairs. From design to completion, it was very suitable and felt like an assembly line. It was useless to say anything because there was no sales representative like other house makers. All construction is done by subcontractors. From the design to the interior and the wallpaper, everything was messy. After all, compared to a house maker who desperately sells and takes orders, I think that there is a difference in work motivation for citizens of the prefecture who receive orders without any sales. This is not the case in the service industry. If you know it, don't build it. It was cheap or bad. If you are considering ordering, please be aware that if you do not look carefully, you will think that you are an amateur and you will be cut off. Round throwing is dangerous. I think it is better not to trust the words of prefectural mutual aid. First of all, if you don't doubt it, it will be ridiculous. Checking by a third party requires special attention. The institution is a mystery in the first place. Is it an internal institution? Do not point out damage (chips) on the outer wall or scratches on the sash. I think it's strange for an amateur. If you do not notice this, hand it over as it is. What I learned when I registered From the design stage, the building area was calculated more than it actually is. Is there such a mistake? Also, the shelves did not arrive due to a design mistake. The design was an outside elderly designer, but it was not fixed even if I requested the drawing correction, and it was declared that the contents of the design stage would not be taken over by the construction side at all. It's completely another person's affair. You're on the same floor, so you can take over. If you ask, the young designer inside is better. Even though I'm a professional. Documents submitted to the government office are also resubmitted. Also, the tiles at the entrance are floating. If you hit it and you hear a high note, it is not glued. I'm in this state at home, so I think other people just don't notice. The warranty expires after a two-year inspection. For the time being, another vendor will come to see it, but since it only looks at the minimum construction, it will be passed through unless you point out what you are interested in. If there is a problem, the owner and the contractor will discuss it. The on-site supervisor only contacts the contractor, does not participate in the discussion, and does not come to the site. If you built it and have a similar situation, please (like) it.
日本人 on Google

営業マンは、仕事ができない。 質問しても、『確認します』言うばかりで、見積書も何度も間違えて作り直し。 頑張らなくても給料が得られる環境が、人間を腐らせているようだ。
The salesman cannot work. Even if I asked a question, I just said "I will confirm", and I made a mistake in the quotation many times and remade it. It seems that the environment where salaries can be obtained without trying hard is corrupting human beings.

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