(株)彩研美装 - Yachiyo

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)彩研美装

住所 :

Kamikoya, Yachiyo, 〒276-0022 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 276-0022
Webサイト : http://saiken-bisou.com/
街 : Chiba

Kamikoya, Yachiyo, 〒276-0022 Chiba,Japan
Takayuki Okamine on Google

今回、初めて屋根の補修、塗装、及び幕板の修理をお願いしました。初日には営業担当者に社長も同行頂き、要望に対して的確な回答、適切なアドバイスを頂きました。悪天候が時折り発生する厳しい環境の中、適宜スケジュール、今後の工事予定のご連絡頂き、安心して工事を任せる事が出来ました。 完成時には屋根の工程米の写真を用意頂きました。今後の定期点検の説明もあり、フォローアップ体制も確りしている事も好感度アップに繋がりました。何より仕上がりの綺麗なこと、とても満足しています。 今後も家の塗り替え等の際には是非お願いしたい信頼出来るプロの塗装業者さんです!
This time, for the first time, I asked you to repair the roof, paint, and repair the curtain board. On the first day, the president accompanied us to the sales staff, who gave us accurate answers and appropriate advice. In a harsh environment where bad weather occasionally occurs, we were able to entrust the construction with peace of mind by contacting us about the schedule and future construction schedule. At the time of completion, we had you prepare a photograph of the process rice of the roof. There was also an explanation of regular inspections in the future, and the fact that the follow-up system was solid also led to an increase in favorability. Above all, I am very satisfied with the beautiful finish. I would like to ask you to continue to be a reliable professional painter when repainting your house!
美濃辺美奈 on Google

外壁と屋根塗装をお願いしました。 色の相談にも親身に乗っていただき、 理想通りに仕上がりとても満足です。 不用品の回収がとても助かりました! 何年後かにまたやる時は彩研美装さんにお願いしたいです。
I asked for the exterior wall and roof painting. Please take care of yourself for color consultation. I am very satisfied with the finished product as ideal. The collection of unneeded items was very helpful! I would like to ask Mr. Saiken Misou when I will do it again in a few years.
ルイラブ on Google

今回屋根の補修、屋根と壁の塗装をして頂きました。お台風被害の屋根修繕の見積もりを出して貰ったり、夜勤日を考慮して作業日をずらしてもらったり、色褪せたポストの塗装もご相談させて頂きサービスでやって頂きました( =^ω^) 色々相談しましたが良心的で柔軟に対応してくださるので、ありがたかったです。 間違えて、お金の振り込みを重複してしまった時も、相談したら即日こちらの口座に戻してくださいました。対応が早く感謝しています! 塗装は天気に恵まれ2週間程度で終わり、足場の組み立てとは洗浄以外は静かで音も気になりませんでした。毎日同じ人が担当して塗装してくれるのも安心できました。 お陰さまで屋根、壁、ベランダまで綺麗に生まれ変わりました。無機塗料で光沢があるのでピカピカになったという満足感かなりあります。後はどれだけもつかですね! また半年後も点検に来てくれるそうで、その後も毎年見に来てくれるのでアフターフォローもしっかりされているなと思います。
This time, I had you repair the roof and paint the roof and walls. We asked for an estimate of roof repair due to typhoon damage, shifted the work day in consideration of night shift days, and consulted on the painting of faded posts, and we did it as a service (= ^ ω ^) ) I consulted with him in various ways, but I am grateful that he is conscientious and flexible. Even if I made a mistake and made duplicate money transfers, I returned it to this account on the same day after consulting. Thank you for your quick response! The painting was blessed with good weather and finished in about two weeks, and the scaffolding was quiet except for cleaning, and I didn't mind the sound. I was relieved that the same person would be in charge of painting every day. Thanks to you, the roof, walls, and veranda have been beautifully reborn. There is a lot of satisfaction that it became shiny because it is glossy with inorganic paint. How long will it last! In addition, it seems that he will come to check after half a year, and he will come to see it every year after that, so I think that after-sales follow-up is also solid.
E CON on Google

今回、外壁と屋根の塗装をお願いしました。 帰宅が夜遅くになるため作業状況の確認が出来ないのを気にしてましたが、毎日の作業日報の他にWEBサイトの『お知らせコラム』欄にて進捗を確認出来ました。 現場にて対応されていた職人さんは、塗装の際の換気など生活環境への配慮をしてくださいましたし、塗装もキレイに仕上げていただきとても満足しています。
This time, I asked you to paint the outer wall and roof. I was worried that I couldn't check the work status because I got home late at night, but I was able to check the progress in the "Notice Column" column of the website in addition to the daily work report. The craftsmen who were on-site took care of the living environment such as ventilation when painting, and I am very satisfied with the beautiful finish of the painting.
永田直久 on Google

ホームメーカーの10年保証が切れてしまい、シーリングのひび割れや、瘦せ焦げているのが素人目でもわかりました。 また、野外の塗装も一日ひび割れやコケなど塗料が劣化しているのが分かりました。 ホームメーカーから保証を延長するためにシーリングの工事は必須で足場を立てる必要があり、値段を見たらびっくり!! また、せっかく足場を立てるなら5年~10年後に再度足場を立てて塗装するなら一緒にやった方が足場の値段が2回かからずお得ということで、 シーリングのみと塗装の両方の見積もりをもらいましたが値段を見てビックリ!! そこで自分で調べて出会えたのが株式会社 彩研美装さん!! まずは現状調査して頂き、シーリングのみと塗装含めたお見積もりを頂いたところ、ホームメーカーと同じシーリング材なのに 価格が100万以上も違う。。。保証もホームメーカーと同じ。。 他の会社さんとも相見積もりをとりましたが、株式会社 彩研美装は家からも近く、こちらがネットで調べた諸々の質問に迅速に回答頂き、 営業さんも凄い丁寧でしたので、株式会社 彩研美装さんにお願いをしました。 施工も完了し、理想どおりのだし、素人目から見ても新築時と変わらないくらいの技術力で最高です。 皆さんもメーカー保証が切れるとメーカー保証を延長するか悩むかもしれませんが、ぜひ株式会社 彩研美装さんをご検討ください。
Even an amateur could see that the home maker's 10-year warranty had expired, and that the sealing was cracked and burnt. In addition, it was found that the paint had deteriorated, such as cracks and moss, in the outdoor painting. In order to extend the warranty from the home maker, sealing work is indispensable and it is necessary to establish a foothold, and I am surprised to see the price! !! Also, if you want to build a scaffold, if you build a scaffold again in 5 to 10 years and paint it, it is better to do it together because the price of the scaffold does not cost twice. I got a quote for both sealing only and painting, but I was surprised to see the price! !! There, I found out and met Aiken Misou Co., Ltd.! !! First of all, I asked you to investigate the current situation, and when I got an estimate including only sealing and painting, it was the same sealing material as the home maker. Prices differ by more than a million. .. .. The warranty is the same as the home maker. .. I made a quotation with other companies, but Saiken Bisou Co., Ltd. is close to my house, so I was able to promptly answer various questions I searched online. The sales person was also very polite, so I asked Mr. Aiken Misou Co., Ltd. The construction is completed, it is as ideal, and even from an amateur's point of view, it is the best with the same technical ability as when it was newly built. If the manufacturer's warranty expires, you may be worried about extending the manufacturer's warranty, but please consider Saiken Misou Co., Ltd.

外壁塗装と防蟻を実施 ハウスメーカーからの点検がきっかけとなり家全体のメンテナンスを考え始め、4社から相見積をした。その中で、挨拶&親切&仕事に対する姿勢&値段で施工会社を決めた。代表や担当者に職人の方々、マサに我が家の意向に合致しており依頼して良かったです。我が家の施工に携わって下さった皆様、有難うございました。感謝‼
Carry out exterior wall painting and ant prevention The inspection from the house maker triggered me to start thinking about the maintenance of the whole house, and I made a phase estimate from four companies. Among them, the construction company was decided based on greetings, kindness, attitude toward work, and price. It was good to ask the representatives and staff, the craftsmen, and Masa to meet the intentions of my home. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the construction of our house. Thanks!
八千代の住人 on Google

This time, I asked you to repair and paint the roof. Estimates, prior meetings, scaffolding work, daily work, daily work reports, after-sales follow-up, all processes were very polite and serious, so not only the roof but also the feelings I think I was able to refresh myself. I would like to ask Ms. Ayaken Miso as my family doctor in the future, so I would appreciate it if you would like to fold the exterior wall painting next time.
山中亮 on Google

10年経過した自宅の外壁、屋根の塗装をしていただきました。一括見積もりで数社の担当者とお話しましたが、その中でも説明がわかりやすく丁寧でしたし、素材に合わせた詳細な提案もいただき技術力のある会社だと感じました。仕上がりも大変満足しているので次回もお願いしたいと考えています。 ありがとうございました。
I had you paint the outer wall and roof of my house after 10 years. I talked with the person in charge of several companies in a lump sum estimate, but among them, the explanation was easy to understand and polite, and I felt that it was a company with technical capabilities because I received detailed proposals according to the material. I am very satisfied with the finish, so I would like to ask again next time. Thank you very much.

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