パン工房 勇気

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パン工房 勇気

住所 :

Kamiiidacho, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://tomoniayumu.or.jp/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamiiidacho, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
樽井綾子 on Google

パンもお弁当も安くて美味しい? 家の近所にあったら、良かったのに~?
Bread and lunch are cheap and delicious ? I wish I were in the neighborhood of my house ~ ?
中川正之 on Google

メロンパン、大変美味しいです。 お勧め❗
Melon bread is very delicious. Recommended ❗
山野宏次 on Google

月曜日と水曜日に、調理パンと菓子パンが1つ、100円で売っているからお得ですね?、食パンは、200円だったかな? パン工場直売だから期待?
On Mondays and Wednesdays, one cooked bread and one sweet bread are sold for 100 yen, so it's a good deal ?, I wonder if the bread was 200 yen ? Expected because it is sold directly from the bread factory ?
すずきかずひろ on Google

Various breads ? are on sale. In addition, you can enjoy various nutritionally balanced lunches with good cost performance at the Nico Nico Shokudo.
かっち on Google

From 18:00 to 19:00, 5 sweet breads cost 540 yen. Even at this time, there were quite a few products and I bought melon bread. Melon bread is too rough or too much. I think it's better not to have it. Soft fabric inside I'm satisfied if this is 108 yen per piece.
章ちゃんママ on Google

種類も沢山あって、全種類制覇 してみたいです! パン?の値段も安くてビックリ! 味も勿論美味しい〜。 お店の方も感じが良くて、リピータ 決定☆
There are many types, and all types are conquered I want to do it! The price of bread ? is also cheap and I am surprised! Of course the taste is delicious. The shop feels good, and the repeater Decision ☆
GON on Google

沢山のパンがあります。 カレーパン、メロンパン、明太子パンがお気に入りです。 とにかく美味しい。そして値段が安すぎて申し訳なくなります。
There is a lot of bread. I like curry bread, melon bread, and mentaiko bread. Anyway, it's delicious. And I'm sorry that the price is too cheap.
kaze nekono on Google

横浜泉区 環状4号線沿い スーパーロピアの並び にこにこ食堂の赤い看板 目につきます。 お店の横に駐車スペースありますが ロピアで買い物ついでに寄ってみると良いかも。 就労支援のパン屋さん にこにこ食堂は、奥のフロアで 手前がパン工房勇気になっています。 にこにこ食堂はこども食堂もやってるそう。 明るい店内にパンの種類はわりと多め。 ちくわパン 発見しちゃった! 巻き巻きのパンにちくわがちょろ見え。 ちくわの中にツナが入ってるすごいボリューム♪ ピーナツパンも・・見つけると食べたくなる。 おおお  濃厚なピーナツバター♪ 別腹とはいえ・・これもお腹いっぱいよ。 ピザパン これは、 翌昼のランチにしたよ。 お得感あるパンでした。 サービスでクッキーいただいちゃた。 レジに置いてあった食パン2種類のお試し。 2枚で 110円 厚切りの食パンです。 美味しく食べる焼き方の説明が付いてる。 はちみつの入ってる食パンは焼かずにそのままに♪ と書いてあったけど・・焼いてしまいました。 バターぬって食べちゃった。 たしかに、はちみつ入りのは、ほのかな甘さで焼かないほうが良かったかも・・。
Izumi Ward, Yokohama Along Kanjo Yongo 4 Line of super lopia You can see the red signboard of the smiling cafeteria. There is a parking space next to the shop It might be a good idea to stop by while shopping at Lopia. Employment support bakery The smiling restaurant is on the back floor The foreground is the courage of the bread studio. It seems that the smiling cafeteria also has a children's dining room. There are a lot of bread types in the bright store. I found Chikuwa bread! Chikuwa can be seen in the rolled bread. Amazing volume with tuna in the chikuwa ♪ I also want to eat peanut bread when I find it. Oh, rich peanut butter ♪ Even though I'm hungry ... I'm full. Pizza bread This was lunch the next day. It was a good bread. I got a cookie at the service. Try two types of bread that were placed at the cash register. 110 yen for 2 sheets Thick slices of bread. There is an explanation of how to eat deliciously. Leave the bread with honey as it is without baking ♪ It was written that ... I burned it. I ate it with butter. Certainly, it might have been better not to bake with honey because of its faint sweetness.

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