
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 川島カインズホームチャンスセンター

住所 :

Kamiigusa, Kawajima, Hiki District, 〒350-0152 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://www.takarakujichance.jp/6715
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : Saitama

Kamiigusa, Kawajima, Hiki District, 〒350-0152 Saitama,Japan
masato on Google

カインズホームの中にある、カフェ ソフト100円です。 コーヒーとマフィンなかなか美味しいです。
A café in Cainz Home It is 100 yen for software. Coffee and muffins are very delicious.
S nur on Google

10億が出た事で有名。 それまでは鶴ヶ島のチャンスセンターが有名でした。 平日は割りと空いてます。
Famous for having 1 billion. Until then, the Tsurugashima Chance Center was famous. It is relatively free on weekdays.
齊藤新吾 on Google

It is easy to use because it is easy to stop because it is beside the parking lot of Cain's Home.
happyかーくん on Google

It is a sales floor that seems to hit (^o^)v
うちだけ on Google

R254サイドにあります。 以前、ここの売り場から当たりが出て、スゲェー並んでた時がありましたが、今は空いてます。
Located on the R254 side. There used to be a time when I got a hit from the sales floor here and lined up, but now it's vacant.
小島政美 on Google

Previously, it was facing east next to Cainz Home, and there were many winners. It's a sister store of Ginza Chance Center. There are still many purchasers. It is a popular chance center.
kars on Google

駐車場がいっぱいあるので車で行きやすいです。ジャンボ等の販売時期にもよると思いますが、私が買いに行った時には絶えず何人か並んでる状態でした。 高額当選しますように?
There are lots of parking lots so it's easy to reach by car. I think it depends on the time of sale of jumbo etc., but when I went to buy it, there were always several people in line. I hope you win a big prize ?
Charly Akpaja on Google

Hi good luck here.

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