
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大原整形・形成外科

住所 :

Kamiaokinishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Webサイト : http://www.ohara-seikei-keisei.com/
街 : Saitama

Kamiaokinishi, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0845 Saitama,Japan
進藤徳彦 on Google

2ヶ月位治らなかった 肘の痛みが 直ぐ治った 診察からレントゲン検査も スピーディー段取りが いい 湿布薬 薬も 支払い時に病院内で貰えるから すごく早い
The elbow pain that healed for about 2 months Speedy setup is good for examinations and X-ray examinations It is very fast because you can get poultice and medicine in the hospital when you pay
田代正夫 on Google

The doctor here has a very good feeling and feels good, but I'm sorry but I have not seen a patient who is undergoing a massage stretch for rehabilitation or is it simply a hospital policy or no technicians? Because I was just a rehab, I was transferred to the hospital very unfortunately.
Konabe Gardena on Google

骨折したかと思えるほどの激痛で初診を受けました。Googleマップで整形を検索して、探し当てたのですが、やはり噂の評価どおりの病院で、的確な診断と先生の手際が素晴らしい。 院内の連携も完璧なので待ち時間が最短で完結します。医療事務スタッフもレントゲン技師のかたも無駄な動きが一切ない。 受付も移動困難な方への車の手配や患者さんへの気遣いが優しい大変良い病院です。痛くて来たのに、嬉しくなりました。
I had my first visit with severe pain that seemed to be a broken bone. I searched for plastic surgery on Google Maps and found it, but it is still a hospital according to the rumored evaluation, and the accurate diagnosis and the skill of the teacher are wonderful. Since the cooperation in the hospital is perfect, the waiting time is completed in the shortest time. Neither the medical office staff nor the X-ray technicians make any useless movements. The reception is also a very good hospital where it is easy to arrange a car for people who have difficulty moving and to be considerate of patients. It hurts, but I'm happy.
ねこかねこ on Google

先生はもちろん、スタッフの皆様 本当に本当に感じの良い方ばかりです。先生の説明も丁寧ですし安心して受診できます。また今はコロナ対策として受付での消毒だけでなく待合室の換気を強めにして窓を開け放って下さってます。これもまた安心。患者側のエチケットとしてマスクは必ずして行きましょう。
Not only the teachers, but all the staff members are really nice. The teacher's explanation is also polite and you can have a medical examination with confidence. In addition, as a countermeasure against corona, not only disinfection at the reception but also strengthening ventilation in the waiting room and opening the window. This is also safe. Be sure to wear a mask as etiquette for the patient.
永井丈士 on Google

残念 10時に用事があるからと抜糸だけしてくれと割り込みクレーマーに対して受付の順番でお呼びしますとの対応、当然だけど立派な対応だと思ったら5分後に呼ばれていました、20人ごぼう抜き、ホント残念
disappointing Correspondence that I will call the interrupt claimer in the order of reception because I have something to do at 10 o'clock, of course, I was called 5 minutes later, 20 people burdock I'm really sorry
104シレン on Google

My mother is with me, but the teacher's explanation is polite. It's been a while since I've been there for the first time.
ATSUSHI on Google

膝の痛みで通院しました。 水が溜まっていて、そのための痛みと診断されました。 水は抜けるけど、相当痛いとのこと。 もしも、治らないようならば水を抜きましょと言って頂きました。 今は痛みもかなり軽くなっています。 整形外科はとにかく時間がかかって、数時間も病院にいるイメージでしたが、大原さんはとにかく早い! 診察からお薬を出してもらえるまで、あっという間でした。 患者目線でお話をしてくれますし、早いし、また何かあったらお伺いするつもりです。
I went to the hospital because of knee pain. I was diagnosed with pain due to the accumulation of water. The water drains, but it hurts a lot. If it doesn't heal, he told me to drain the water. Now the pain is much less. Orthopedics took a long time, and I had the image of being in the hospital for several hours, but Mr. Ohara is quick! It was quick from the medical examination to getting the medicine. He will talk from the patient's point of view, it will be early, and I will ask if something happens again.
くろやぎM on Google

I had you take multiple moles. When I asked a question during the examination, I was asked to explain it in an easy-to-understand manner, and the surgery was done by another teacher, but I was relieved to hear from him if he felt sick. The wound heals quickly and the scars are very nice. I think it's amazing that everything is smooth without the burden of accounting, etc., while there are many places to wait at the hospital.

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