
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フォトスタジオプリンセス錦糸町

住所 :

Kamezawa, Sumida City, 〒130-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : http://photo-studio-princess.com/shop/kinshicho.html
街 : Tokyo

Kamezawa, Sumida City, 〒130-0014 Tokyo,Japan
うちだ晴美(BBA57) on Google

プリズム館にて振り袖のレンタルをすると、こちらを指定されます。 スタッフの皆さんがお若いので、娘も落ち着いて、成人式の前撮りが出来ました。
If you rent furisode at the Prism Hall, this will be specified. Since the staff are young, my daughter was calm and I was able to take a pre-shoot of the coming-of-age ceremony.
高橋江里佳 on Google

夢のような時間でした‼︎ いつもとは違う自分になれたので凄く嬉しかったですし、家族写真も撮っていただけたので幸せでした。 幸福です。ありがとうございました☺️?
It was a dreamy time! ︎ I was very happy because I was different from usual, and I was happy because I was able to take family photos. I'm happy. Thank you ☺️?
西澤由理 on Google

We listened to various requests and were able to take satisfactory pictures. Also, I am very grateful for the polite response of the restless small children.
美香佐竹 on Google

七五三の男の子の撮影をしました。予約時も、当時の撮影もとてもスムーズでよかったです。 データのみの撮影がしたかったので、希望通りできてよかったです。
I took a picture of the Shichigosan boy. It was good that the shooting at the time of booking was very smooth. I wanted to shoot only the data, so I'm glad I was able to do what I wanted.
菅宗隆 on Google

A full-fledged studio. The staff members were also very courteous and we had a pleasant time. It took a little over 3 hours to shoot after the coming-of-age ceremony, but it was in no time. If you have the budget, choose the top 190,000+ albums. ️
Kinukawa Erika on Google

アットホームな雰囲気の中撮影して頂き、良い思い出が出来ました! ポーズ提案などがあまりなかったので自由に撮れましたが、逆にどんな風に撮ったら良いかなど素早くアドバイス頂けたらなお嬉しかったです。 でも素の姿を撮っていただけて満足です!
I had a good memory when I took a picture in a homely atmosphere! I didn't have many pose suggestions, so I was free to shoot, but on the contrary, I was happy if I could give quick advice on how to shoot. But I'm happy that you can take a picture of yourself!
きゃすみ on Google

髪の毛セットもメイクも写真も色々なリクエストに応えて頂きとても良かったです。 写真の際に着付け前に話していた好きなアーティストの楽曲をBGMとして流してくれてとてもその配慮も嬉しかったです(*^^*)
I am very glad that the hair set, makeup, and photos responded to various requests. I was very happy to hear the music of my favorite artist that I was talking about before dressing in the photo as BGM (* ^^ *)
nano on Google

Makeup, hairstyle, and dressing were all very beautiful. The correspondence was very polite and I enjoyed shooting. I was very happy to have you take a beautiful picture! thank you!

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