焼肉 安楽亭 亀有店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 安楽亭 亀有店

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://anrakutei.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
おかっちん on Google

接客、店内の清掃は行き届いていて環境はバッチリです。 問題は食事、、 ランチ食べ放題をしましたがクオリティが低すぎてもう2度度行きません。。
The customer service and the cleaning of the store are perfect and the environment is perfect. The problem is eating ... I had all-you-can-eat lunch, but the quality was too low and I wouldn't go there again. ..
安達和久 on Google

昔茨城県土浦市に転勤していたとき週に何回もお世話になったチェーン店です。 当時はまだコンビニも少なく昼飯に苦労する地域で必然昼夜通うこともありました。 故にこの店のタレの味もまた時々懐かしく食べたくなる味です。
It is a chain store that was taken care of many times a week when I was transferred to Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture a long time ago. At that time, there were still few convenience stores, and I had to go day and night in areas where I had a hard time having lunch. Therefore, the taste of the sauce in this shop is also a taste that you sometimes want to eat nostalgic.
ピーコ!! on Google

たまに、ランチ???食べに行く店‼️ 亀有店は、野菜バイキングは、無いけど 色々な、ランチが、有りましたね。 満腹なるから最高かな? 食べ放題も、やってる~いっぱい 食べたい人は、最高(*`ω´)bだと思います(*^^*)是非✨皆様も、食べたい時に 行って見て下さいね?
Occasionally, a restaurant that goes to eat lunch ???‼ ️ The Kameari store doesn't have a vegetable buffet, There were various lunches. I'm full, so it's the best ? I also do all-you-can-eat ~ I think the person who wants to eat is the best (* `ω´) b (* ^^ *) By all means ✨ When you want to eat Please go and see ?
Yutaka Asai on Google

焼肉カルビ弁当620円を2つ。 出前館のウルトラ半額祭で、安楽亭の焼肉カルビ弁当が半額の620円になっていたので、ダイエット中なのも忘れ、思わず2つ注文してしまいました。(笑) 半額だと思えば、十分に納得出来る弁当で、別添えの甘辛いタレを掛けて食べれば箸も進んで、2つペロリと平らげてしまいました。 安楽亭の弁当は初めて食べましたが、なかなか良いと思います。 お腹一杯食べても1240円ですから、出前館の半額祭にも感謝です。
Two grilled meat rib lunch boxes for 620 yen. At the Ultra Half Price Festival in the delivery hall, the grilled meat rib lunch box at Anrakutei was half priced at 620 yen, so I forgot that I was on a diet and ordered two. (Lol) If you think it's half price, it's a bento that you can fully understand, and if you eat it with the sweet and spicy sauce that comes with it, the chopsticks will advance and you'll flatten it with two pieces. I ate Anrakutei's bento for the first time, but I think it's quite good. Even if you eat a full stomach, it costs 1240 yen, so I am grateful for the half-price festival at the delivery hall.
S Marina on Google

亀有駅から徒歩5-10分の場所にある。 ランチの食べ放題を利用しました。 お肉もその他のサイドメニューも値段通りで、普通に美味しかったです。ただ、ポテトだけは食べられるようなものではないなと思いました。 時間帯的に空いていたため、料理も迅速に運ばれてきました。
It is a 5-10 minute walk from Kameari station. I used all-you-can-eat lunch. The meat and other side menus were just right for the price and were delicious. However, I thought that potatoes were not the only thing that could be eaten. The food was brought in quickly because it was free during the time.
ぼんじり串 on Google

メニューは充実していますが、味は値段不相応です。 量を少なくしてこのままの値段で味を優先した方が良いと思いました。
The menu is extensive, but the taste is unsuitable for the price. I thought it would be better to reduce the amount and give priority to the taste at the same price.
TAKA SHIGE on Google

You can eat all-you-can-eat yakiniku, but there are many kinds and you can eat various things.
Josephine Grenier on Google

Anrakutei is the most affordable Yakiniku in Tokyo!

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