タイヤガーデン 岩槻店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイヤガーデン 岩槻店

住所 :

Kakura, Iwatsuki Ward, 〒339-0056 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://www.y-yokohama.com/tire-garden-service/shop/
街 : Saitama

Kakura, Iwatsuki Ward, 〒339-0056 Saitama,Japan
牛田容史 on Google

1967 HIRO on Google

It is good to take care not to hurt the wheel replacement work.
とみちゃん on Google

I feel at home. I bought a studless tire, but I can save it because I can change the tire cheaply.
sh hr on Google

Even if I jumped in for a flat tire repair, the response was very good and I was glad that the work was smooth.
長谷川修 on Google

スタッドレスからラジアルに交換するのに車検を通したばかりのタイヤを交換したほうが良いと素人だからとしつこく勧められ交換してしまったが後から腹がたってきた これからは他の店を探す。
Since I was an amateur, I was persistently advised to replace the tires that had just passed the vehicle inspection to replace the studless tires with radial tires, but I got angry later. I will look for another store from now on.
俐亜 on Google

パンクかもしれないので点検をお願いしたいと電話で連絡してみたのですが、車種(輸入車)を伝えたら、今作業の者が不在なので、ディーラーに行ってくださいと門前払いされました。 面倒な車の自覚はありますが、あんまりだと思います。
I contacted him by phone to ask for a flat tire because it may be a flat tire, but when I told him the model (imported car), he was told to go to the dealer because there is no worker right now. I'm aware of the troublesome car, but I think it's not so much.
yukimasa yasuda on Google

I jumped in near the closing of the store in the evening and entered for a flat tire repair, but the work was comfortable.
石垣文隆(火耐え〜る) on Google

ヨコハマタイヤなら近隣では最安値だと思います。格安アジアタイヤもありますがあまり値段は変わりません。 店員さんのオススメで2021/10/01発売の新型タイヤes32を買いました。最初の新型交換第一号でした。 タイヤ交換装置も新しく導入したばかりのやつです。 スタンダードモデルですが、乗り心地も改善されました。
I think Yokohama tires are the cheapest in the neighborhood. There are cheap Asian tires, but the price does not change much. I bought a new tire es32 released on 2021/10/01 at the recommendation of a clerk. It was the first new replacement. The tire changer is also a new one. Although it is a standard model, the ride quality has also been improved.

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