くら吉角館本店 甘味茶房くら吉 - Semboku

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くら吉角館本店 甘味茶房くら吉

住所 :

Kakunodatemachi Kobitomachi, Semboku, 〒014-0324 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 014-0324
Webサイト : http://www.kurakichi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM
街 : Akita

Kakunodatemachi Kobitomachi, Semboku, 〒014-0324 Akita,Japan
遠野紀伊 on Google

栗の名店。 素晴らしい和菓子です。
A famous chestnut shop. It's a wonderful Japanese sweet.
久保田正志 on Google

It is located on the street in front of Kawara, outside the Samurai residence street. A sweet shop and a Japanese confectionery store are connected in a building with a good atmosphere that matches the samurai residence. I tried tasting in the store and purchased Hozuki Odaifuku.
R. Natu on Google

ホオズキ大福✨想像以上に美味しく、ここ数年でダントツトップの和菓子。 やさしい甘さの白あんの中に、ほんの少しほろ苦さを感じるホオズキが2つ入っている。 口の中でプチっとはじける食感もよく、白あんと絶妙にマッチする。 賞味期限は2日。買ってすぐに食べたら持つと形が崩れてしまうほど柔らかく、とても美味しい!!!
Physalis daifuku ✨ It's more delicious than I imagined, and has been a top Japanese sweet for the past few years. There are 2 physalis that are slightly bittersweet in the white sweet bean paste. It has a nice texture that pops in your mouth and matches exquisitely with white bean paste. Shelf life is 2 days. It's so soft that it loses its shape when you buy it and eat it immediately, and it's very delicious!!!
sizuko KUBO on Google

大きな栗の大福!高級な値段なので、一つ購入!味見させていただきました。 甘過ぎず、とても美味しかったです。
Big chestnut Daifuku! It's a high-priced price, so buy one! I tasted it. It wasn't too sweet and was very delicious.
nb 123 on Google

角館武家屋敷エリアの一角にある和菓子店。大きな西明寺栗を丸ごと使った菓子が一押しのようだが、少々お高い。普通の大福でも砕いた栗が入っているので味は変わらないだろうと購入。早速味わってみた。 好みの分かれるところだが、私にとっては求肥が柔らかく甘過ぎて微妙な感じ。人気店と聞いていたのでちょっと残念だった。
A Japanese sweets shop in a corner of the Kakukan samurai residence area. It seems that sweets made with whole large Saimei-ji chestnuts are recommended, but they are a little expensive. I bought it because it contains crushed chestnuts even in ordinary Daifuku, so the taste will not change. I tried it immediately. I have different tastes, but for me, the fertilizer is too soft and sweet, and it feels subtle. I heard that it was a popular restaurant, so I was a little disappointed.
eko 222 on Google

銀座 松屋デパート 春の松美会でいだきました。 秋田県のお店の物ははじめです。 栗が大好きなので 早速、マロングラッセウィッチをいただきました。 外側は柔らかいです(このタイプのお菓子は柔らかくしっとりしています) 甘さが少し強いです。 少しずついただくも中のマロンクリームの味が ほとんど分かりません。 ホロホロと崩れるので 二口ぐらいでいただくのが良さそうです。 うーん やはり甘いです。 好みの問題でしょうが 自分で購入することないかな… 星2.5位です。
Ginza Matsuya Department Store I went to Matsumikai in spring. This is the first time for a store in Akita prefecture. I love chestnuts Immediately, I received a Marron Glacé witch. The outside is soft (this type of candy is soft and moist) The sweetness is a little strong. Even if you eat it little by little, the taste of the malon cream inside I hardly understand. Because it collapses with a guinea fowl It seems good to have about two mouths. Hmm After all it is sweet. It ’s a matter of taste, I wonder if I will buy it myself ... It is the 2.5th star.
Inot Ryne (Call Me By User Name) on Google

Abby Ho on Google

Ordered for takeaway as they were about to close at 5pm. Not bad daifuku (¥350 / ¥800) but would prefer the cream sandwiches (or as they call it "cream cakes") ¥1,000 for 5 pieces. Refrigerating the cream sandwiches before eating makes it tastier!

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