Kaii Higashiyama Memorial - Ichikawa

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaii Higashiyama Memorial

住所 :

市川市東山魁夷記念館 1 Chome-16-2 Nakayama, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0813, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 272-0813
Webサイト : http://www.city.ichikawa.lg.jp/higashiyama/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM

市川市東山魁夷記念館 1 Chome-16-2 Nakayama, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0813, Japan
Etsuko M on Google

If you have more pictures, 5 stars. I wonder if I can see it in no time. Of course, the chronology on the first floor can be detailed. I wish I had a beautiful garden in the parking lot.
花島明人 on Google

住宅街に突然現れる可愛らしい建物がとても素敵です。屋根の上の風見馬がシンボルです。 展示会場は1階と2階。1階にはショップとレルトランも併設しています。 ちょっと小さめの施設ですが、駐車場も広く、ゆっくりと楽しめます。
The pretty building that suddenly appears in the residential area is very nice. The Kazami horse on the roof is a symbol. The exhibition halls are on the 1st and 2nd floors. There is also a shop and Lertran on the first floor. Although it is a little small facility, the parking lot is large and you can enjoy it slowly.
謙介 on Google

大きな洋館ですが、思いのほか作品は少なめで、すぐ見終わりました。 現在企画展が開催されていて、寄せ絵書きが数点展示されていて、それぞれの人柄も感じられました。 今回、中山法華経寺境内の案内板を見てついでに行ってみました。 京成中山駅から徒歩3~5分で中山法華経寺山門につく さらに中山法華経寺境内を通り抜けてから、住宅街の小路登り坂をあがり、徒歩7~10分程度でした。随所に案内板が出ていましたので迷いませんでした。 記念館前のバス停は本数が少ないので、注意が必要
It's a large Western-style building, but the number of works is unexpectedly small, so I finished watching it soon. A special exhibition is currently being held, and several pieces of group paintings are on display, and I could feel the personality of each. This time, I went to see the information board in the precincts of Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple. 3-5 minutes walk from Keisei Nakayama Station to reach Nakayama Hokekyoji Sanmon After passing through the precincts of Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple, I went up the alley uphill in the residential area and walked for about 7 to 10 minutes. I didn't hesitate because there were information boards everywhere. Please note that the number of bus stops in front of the memorial hall is small.
まちこ on Google

ずっと気になっていた東山魁夷記念館。 東山魁夷展といえばあの偉大な大作の数々が頭に浮かびますが、そういうのではなく「人間・東山魁夷」をコンセプトに資料展示と作品展示がされています。 大作「道」は代表作の一つです。 その絵があるわけではないですが、 「道」の書があります。 記念館のお隣にはご自宅があります。 もちろん、中には入れませんが、そーっと立ち寄るくらいは許してくださいと言うところでしょうか。 カフェのレモネード、おいしかったです。 ショップではオリジナルグッズや絵はがきがあり、週刊新潮の表紙絵がはがきになっていて、他ではお目にかかることがないかわいい発見もあります。 JR下総中山駅からバスがありますが平日は1時間に2本だけです。 道案内の標識もあり、歩いて15分ほどなのでお天気がよければ歩かれるのもよいと思います。
The Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Hall that I've always been interested in. Speaking of Kaii Higashiyama exhibition, many of those great masterpieces come to mind, but instead of that, materials and works are exhibited based on the concept of "Human Kaii Higashiyama". The masterpiece "Michi" is one of the masterpieces. I don't have that picture, There is a book of "road". There is a home next to the memorial hall. Of course, I can't go inside, but I wonder if you should forgive me for stopping by. The lemonade in the cafe was delicious. At the shop, there are original goods and postcards, and the cover picture of Shukan Shincho is a postcard, and there are also cute discoveries that you will not see anywhere else. There are buses from JR Shimosa-Nakayama Station, but on weekdays there are only two buses per hour. There are signs for directions, and it's about a 15-minute walk, so if the weather is nice, you can walk.

カフェ併設の洋館を模した記念館 静かな空間なので、東山氏の作品に興味のある方はその歴史や人物像に触れられる貴重な場所だと思います ただ、自分は何も知らずに記念館という文字に反応して立ち寄っただけだったので、単に洋館の見た目を楽しむ状態でした それはそれで楽しめますが、人物知らないと中々長時間は難しいと思います
A memorial hall that imitates a Western-style building with a cafe It's a quiet space, so if you're interested in Mr. Higashiyama's work, I think it's a valuable place to experience its history and figures. However, I just stopped by in response to the word "memorial hall" without knowing anything, so I was just enjoying the appearance of the Western-style building. You can enjoy it with that, but if you don't know the person, it will be difficult for a long time.
makopara on Google

以前より気になっていた東山魁夷美術館。 東山ブルーを楽しみに訪問したものの、 残念ながらそれらしい作品はなし。 ただし特徴的な建物、そして、 閑散とした美術館の佇まいは好き。 2022年1月
The Higashiyama Kaiso Museum, which I was more interested in than before. Although I was looking forward to visiting Higashiyama Blue, Unfortunately, there is no such work. However, it is a characteristic building, and I like the quiet appearance of the museum. January 2022
バイク寺社 on Google

綺麗な風景画が好きで、お気に入りの作家のひとりです。 おしゃれな外観の建物で、カフェも併設しています。 一通り見学したら、ゆっくりと食事やお茶なんて、優雅な休日もいいものです。
I like beautiful landscape paintings and am one of my favorite artists. The building has a fashionable appearance and also has a cafe. After a tour, you can enjoy a relaxing meal or tea, and an elegant holiday.
Yosh โยชิ Nak on Google

A memorial hall in Nakayama, where the Japanese-style painter Kaii Higashiyama lived.

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