Kaihou Souko Tottori - Tottori

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaihou Souko Tottori

住所 :

223 Yasunaga, Tottori, 680-0913, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 680-0913
Webサイト : http://www.kaihousouko.com/

223 Yasunaga, Tottori, 680-0913, Japan
はやまま on Google

張り出し物がある。でも、 買取金額がバカにしたような激安で、残念。
There is an overhang. but, It's a pity that the purchase price was so cheap that it was ridiculous.
ダートジャンキーカズ on Google

ツーリング先でひとまず訪問したけど、残念ながらお宝に巡り会えませんでした。 またこちら方面に来る機会があれば、必ず立ち寄りたい場所です
I visited for the time being at the touring destination, but unfortunately I could not meet the treasure. If you have a chance to come to this area, this is a place you definitely want to stop by.
GEO RGIA on Google

奈良によくある開放倉庫ですね。 鳥取にしてはホビー関連が若干充実していましたが、奈良の店舗よりは…な感じでした。 値段も高めだし。 まあ、見るには面白かったからこの評価です。 田舎だからかガラの悪い人はあまりいない印象でした。
It is an open warehouse common in Nara. For Tottori, the hobby-related items were a little fulfilling, but it felt more like it was in Nara. The price is too high. Well, it was this evaluation because it was interesting to see. It was an impression that there were not so many people with bad luck because of the countryside.
たまね on Google

Crane games are too terrible this year. Even though I have invested more than 5,000 yen to get one prize, the clerk does not want to assist with only vague remarks even if I hear the tips. Yui Local money 7,000 yen I had all of it, and the moment I left, I was returned to the initial position with haste. Those who want to enjoy crane games are strongly encouraged to go to SEGA or Amipara.
畑中究美 on Google

I always go to buy manga. It is easy to find because it is arranged neatly. Many used clothes are in good condition, and it's fun to find bargains. The sound of the game console is quite loud, so people who can't get used to it may not be good at it.
こばのすけ on Google

ぬいぐるみ(20個くらい)やら 消毒系やら売りに出したら 全部で10円だった 納得せんかった奴は取り戻した 売りに出すのはやめといた方がいいです。あとから見に行ったら ぬいぐるみ 280円やら1500円で売ってました。
If you sell stuffed animals (about 20 pieces) or disinfectants It was 10 yen in total. If you didn't agree with it, you should get it back and stop selling it. If you go to see it later Plush toys were sold for 280 yen or 1500 yen.
田渕誠一 on Google

When you come from Toyooka, you will be overwhelmed by the large number of stores and the large number of items.
Bill on Google

I came here for the first time.

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